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About this conversation
Andrew Wakefield was one of my earliest guests. I have to thank my friend Sally Beck for the kind introduction.
For most of my career, Dr Andrew Wakefield was a figure who had lurked in the periphery of my awareness. I was studying for my medical finals during the MMR fiasco that Andrew found himself in early 1998. Back then, I had more important things on my mind, like graduating and finding a job as a junior doctor. All I knew about Andrew was that he was a disgraced doctor who was ridiculed by colleagues and shunned by the profession. It had something to do with vaccines, which was strange because aren’t vaccines safe?
I look back in amazement. How did I manage to go through 5 years of medical school training with not one lecture on vaccines, their mode of action, ingredients, research demonstrating safety, etc., but still come out of the system with the absolute unquestioning belief that vaccines were safe and a miracle drug? Talk about mind control and indoctrination. Kudos to the Faculty of Medicine.
It was only during the COVID years that I looked into the MMR fiasco and the critical part that Andrew played in it. I felt deeply embarrassed that it had taken me so long to research the truth and believe that Andrew was a dangerous and disgraced doctor for the longest time. I was determined to get Andrew on my podcast, not just to allow him to share his story and clear his name but also to apologise publicly to him for falling for the lies.
Twenty-five years after Andrew Wakefield found himself amid the MMR debacle, I was shocked to see the Daily Mail run another hit piece on Andrew after he came on my podcast.
The fact that my fledgling podcast (it hadn’t even been up for two months at that point) hit a mainstream paper suggests to me that the authorities are constantly on the lookout for any critical voices when it comes to vaccines and will try their best to squash any critique before it gains traction.
The article in question stated -
“Mr Malik's fellow medics reacted angrily to Wakefield being given a platform to share his disproven views.
Fellow orthopaedic surgeon Dr Roshana Mehdian noted that Dr Malik was registered with the General Medical Council, the body that regulates medics in the UK.”
The last line was a thinly veiled threat to me. Carry on down this path, Dr. Malik, and you might find yourself investigated by the GMC and struck off—just like Dr. Sam White recently. You can read about Sam’s case below -
I’m glad I left the GMC earlier this year. Unable to practice, I knew there was no point holding on to my license when all it was, at the end of the day, was a noose around my neck and a way for the authorities to not only punish me but then trash my reputation in the press as they have done any doctor that has questioned Covid and Vaccines.
I’m not sure what it is about the Daily Mail, but it seems like they are obsessed with ridiculing and trashing any doctor with an ethical backbone who won’t go along with the Scamdemic or “vaccines are safe and effective” brainwashing.

Will the authorities find some other way to “get me”? I’m sure they will try their best, and I say, “Bring it on.” I will speak out for freedom daily, promoting true health and exposing all the lies we have been indoctrinated to believe.
Back to Andrew, he is a patient and gracious man. A proper English gentleman. And from what I’ve heard, was a brilliant and compassionate doctor. Shame on the medical profession, the GMC, the establishment and mainstream media for how they treated him. They convoluted the truth, were dishonest, and were frankly a disgrace.
Andrew is now a successful film producer, and next month, he will do a live stream discussing his latest movie, Protocol 7, amongst other things.
Sometimes, I feel like I am following his footsteps, hounded out of the profession and now a content producer and proud anti-vaccine campaigner.
Andrew was very complimentary about the podcast that I did with him, what more can I ask? I am glad I did him justice. We have had numerous off-air conversations since the podcast last year, and I am delighted that he will return next month on the show.
To participate in the live stream and ask questions to Andrew, please make sure you are a paid subscriber. Sign up today if you haven’t already.
The live stream will be on October 9th at 230pm UK time—link at the bottom of this page.
I hope you enjoy this conversation. Thankyou to all my supporters for allowing me to do this incredibly important job.
Much love
Ahmad x
This is how I feel amongst the medical profession. Please sign up to my paid substack so that I can speak up for your freedom and fight the tyranny.
Working For The People - Zero Corporate Sponsors - 100% Supported By The People - Join The Clan Of Freedom Lovers And Critical Thinkers
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To all the new subscribers welcome to the Clan and thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Please make sure to check your emails for latest episodes and my writings, and don’t forget to download the Substack app so that you can join the chat function.
And oh yeah thank you for the coffee folks x
I hope you enjoy this episode.
Update: for now, I will not be using Spotify Ads to try and supplement my income. I will rely on listeners becoming supporters through my subscriptions to keep going.
Much love Ahmad
I Ahmad Malik: am a private civilian, protected by the Geneva Convention.
My substack, social media posts and podcasts are my personal experiences, observations and opinions. This information is for educational purposes only. Although I am a doctor, I am not your doctor, and I am not providing medical or legal advice to you or to the wider public. I am not licensed or registered with the GMC or any other licensing board.
The responsibility for the interpretation, due diligence and use of the information from my substack and my podcast lies with you, the viewer and/or listener. Please do your research, and use your discernment.
It is not my intention to harass, intimidate, offend, defame, conspire, blackmail, coerce or cause anxiety, alarm or distress to any man or woman, and the information presented here is done so with peaceful and honourable intentions.
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