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A powerful voice for freedom, truth, and fearless dialogue - born in the UK, heard worldwide
Thank you to all the new subscribers for your lovely messages and reviews! And a big thanks to my existing subscribers for sticking with me and continuing to support the show!
Thank you, Maja and Adam
About this Episode -
has previously appeared on my podcast. A dedicated healthcare practitioner, he is passionate about true science and exposing misinformation from governments, the medical industry, and public health authorities.It was a pleasure to have him back for my February livestream, which is typically reserved for my paid subscribers. However, due to the critical nature of this topic and the urgent need to spread this information as widely as possible—to prevent unnecessary harm and injury—this episode will not be behind a paywall. I trust that my paid subscribers will understand and support this decision.
To all my free listeners, please share this episode far and wide. My guest relies on official medical sources to debunk the misinformation being promoted by the mainstream media, the medical establishment, and certain so-called philanthropists.
Best to watch this episode rather than just listen.
Please make sure to give him a follow.
Much love
Doc x
Links -
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ignore_science/
Substack - https://ignorescience.substack.com
Health - Freedom - Happiness
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I am only recommending products that I and my family already use.
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Doc Malik Honest Health is a reader-listener supported publication. To support my work, and help fight back against the evil bastards, upgrade to Paid and join the clan of freedom loving dissidents! (please)
To all the new subscribers welcome to the Clan!
Please make sure to check your emails download the Substack app so that you can join the chat function.
And oh yeah thank you for the coffee folks x
I hope you enjoy this episode.
Much love Ahmad
I Ahmad Malik: am a private civilian, protected by the Geneva Convention.
My substack, social media posts and podcasts are my personal experiences, observations and opinions. This information is for educational purposes only. Although I am a doctor, I am not your doctor, and I am not providing medical or legal advice to you or to the wider public. I am not licensed or registered with the GMC or any other licensing board.
The responsibility for the interpretation, due diligence and use of the information from my substack and my podcast lies with you, the viewer and/or listener. Please do your research, and use your discernment.
It is not my intention to harass, intimidate, offend, defame, conspire, blackmail, coerce or cause anxiety, alarm or distress to any man or woman, and the information presented here is done so with peaceful and honourable intentions.
And please if you can, leave a nice review on Spotify or Apple podcast x
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