Hi Ahmad, great podcast and guest. We are still watching it now.

John and I have been devouring everything Covid and mRNA for the past 5 yrs.

Johns a chemical engineer and I’m a holistic equine podiatrist and teacher.

Between us we have quite a good scientific understanding and find this information valuable and understand it.

Unfortunately the people who we know that are being damaged by all this. Some of whom are still getting boosted ! Will not be able to take a fraction of the information onboard.

They will be completely overwhelmed by it.

What we need is a version that is broken down into a delivery that doesn’t overwhelm or make people feel patronised.

A user friendly simplified version.

We personally watch the damage from this heinous criminal poison on our friends and family.

We are losing count of the deaths and illnesses, just today a friend has taken a recommended vaccine and is now seriously ill. She had already recently developed myelodysplastic syndrome. This lady just follows what the doctors tell her. And how much do they actually know ?

I desperately want the people I know to understand and realise just what they are putting in their bodies.

How do we reach these people. If we don’t we’re sunk.

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I'll think over this 🙏🏻

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I don’t have any easy answers, but I thought I might try pointing out what Ignored Science said at the end re people vaccinating out of fear versus those “going natural” doing so on the basis of knowledge

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What a great guest, such a depth of knowledge. Such a great interview to show and send to friends who don't believe it. Thanks for making this widely available to all xx. I was only have the conversation with my wife while giving her a massage with CBD oil, about the SV40 that she was unaware of. I had to try and put her mind at rest with all the thing we do to mitigate all the mechanisms of harm. We also have Ivermectin and Fenben encase needed. She now understands all the research I've done on cancer including things like DMSO, Rosemary Oil with colloidal silver and many other helpers.

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I’m going to say there is not one person who listens to this that has not had a death from cancer in their family or know of someone, that has died recently from a fast processing cancer.

I spoke to my insurance broker recently as to why my personal income protection insurance was going up steeply year after year, his answer, I’m getting older, ok fair enough, and cancer claims have increased by 80%…

Trust your conscience, it’s never wrong.

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Great guest; amazing that you have the time to find him on Instagram and evaluate that he is suitable for the podcast!

You could consider have a "whip round" (i.e. buying you coffees) to replace the money you lose by not putting an interview like this behind a paywall.

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Many thanks both for this which deserves a wide audience

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I am a mother to two autistic adult children one high functioning and one low functioning plus a son with ADHD. None of my seven adult children got the covid vaccines I stopped any vaccines for my two youngest at the age of four, all I can say is when you know better you do better.

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Ah Ahmed, your long form deep dive's are just as mind rattling to us as to yourself. This was indeed a valuable compilation of research supporting much of the criticism of both past and current vaccines Seems all our worst fears connecting that 'countermeasure' to the cancer apocalypse are provable, yet I doubt this data would carry any weight with those still blinded by "the science." As you yourself commented, it may take one of the talking heads from the TV or a celebrity to come forward before any of us are half believed,...and I fear when this is allowed to happen, it will be an orchestrated slow reveal leading to another limited hangout. Regardless I'll continue to be another annoying Cassandra till then, but wont be expecting any thanks or, god forbid, an apology any time soon. Great work again.

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This is an absolutely essential episode, fantastic listen as always!

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