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About this episode -
Jonathan Tilt is standing as an Independent candidate in the West Yorkshire Mayoral election on 2nd May 2024.
If elected Jonathan has stated he will promote and protect the interests of West Yorkshire and all its people, families, communities and businesses. He will resist the takeover of our democracy, society and public services by unelected and unaccountable corporate globalist interests.
Jonathan also states he will protect and promote freedom of movement, speech, thought and association. Above all, he will continue to campaign to protect medical freedom.
Yes, I know for a lot of us the political system is frustrating. I flagellate between thinking there is no point voting, to the position we should all vote.
I believe if there is truly an independent candidate who is worthy of support, we should vote for them.
In most countries across the West, local elections typically have a turnout of around 30 to 40%. If the non voters who are typically apolitical and disillusioned with the system simply voted outside of the two party (uniparty) system and elected an independant we could have a serious chance of beating the enemy.
Voter apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom.
What do you think?
I hope you enjoy this episode and if you live in West Yorkshire will vote for Jonathan Tilt.
Much love Ahmad
Health - Liberty - Happiness
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And oh yeah thank you for the coffee folks x
I hope you enjoy this episode.
Much love Ahmad
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