I haven’t got to the proper interview yet, but I have to say something about the chemtrails conversation. Please do not go the way of James Delingpole and start to believe every conspiracy story you hear without ever investigating the other side properly. In a court of law we hear from both sides before making a decision. I have lost all respect for James as he is no longer what I thought he was initially, an investigative journalist, and I think he undermines ‘our side’ by insisting on all his theories without actually looking into anything properly, so why should people believe him when he says the vaccines are dangerous, he has no credibility. Ivor Cummins has credibility.

My husband used to be an RAF pilot and has flown for a major airline for the last 24 years. I do believe that in certain areas of the world they are experimenting with weather modification, cloud seeding etc and I’m sure there are areas of the world where experiments are sprayed from the sky, as has been known to happen in the past. I know Bill Gates would like to block out the sun. However, the straight lines you see across the U.K. are not chemtrails. It’s been a few decades since my A level physics but what we are seeing is the result of atmospheric conditions, with different temperatures, humidity and pressure accounting for whether or not a contrail lingers around and forms a straight line cloud. The fact the rest of the sky then fills up with clouds just shows how close to precipitation it was. The lines criss crossing are because airliners fly on set ‘airways’ through the sky from one set point to another so they’re not all just randomly whizzing about. My husband says he can see contrails starting and stopping abruptly on other planes in the sky and this correlates with a change in temperature which he can see by the change in Mach number. All jet airliners fly on JetA1 fuel which is the same all over the world as any flight will have to refuel anywhere and you can’t have different fuels mixing with different performances obviously. The reason why we see so many lines in the sky now compared with when we were younger is because airline travel has massively expanded. When my husband joined his company they had 17 aeroplanes, now they have 330! There’s just a whole lot more going on in the sky nowadays. There is no button on the flight deck to ‘release the toxic substance now’ - there are a gazillion buttons and they have to know what each one does and there are written protocols for absolutely every procedure. Everything is monitored. Please investigate this thoroughly, maybe find a friendly physicist or meteorologist to explain it, but don’t let it undermine all your other excellent work.

I am happy to hear from people who think these things, so long as I can hear from the other side too, and then I can make up my own mind. If we want freedom of speech then let’s hear from everyone.

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This article explains everything brilliantly and has some interesting links to videos worth watching too.

I discovered ‘John Dee’ on Facebook in the early days of covid, where he was analysing the statistics ( his previous day job having been a government statistics analyst type of person) and coming to similar conclusions to all of us. I like to think I got him connected up with the HART group by telling them about each other! He has 3 substacks I think, one covid, one climate and this one for odds and sods. He has a lovely sense of humour too.

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I’ve just watched this and his explanation seems to cover the topic well. Maybe you could interview him?

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Hey Doc, you must interview Australian Barrister Julian Gillespie! Very interesting case he has about the so called vaccine being a GMO and not a vaccine at all. I listed to him yesterday on You Tube with Dr Jon Campbell.

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As a West Yorkshire resident, I’ll definitely be voting for JT for Mayor.

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Independants gain local election seats in Oxford wards where LTNs have been installed.

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