#270 - Bruce Dooley: The Global Medical Licensing Cabal and Their Persecution of Ethical Doctors

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About this guest -

Dr Bruce Dooley is a Philadelphia-born physician based in Nelson, New Zealand. He holds a Master’s degree in Immunology and a medical degree from Thomas Jefferson University School of Medicine in Philadelphia. He also holds medical licenses in Hawaii, Florida, and New Zealand.

Bruce has been practising Functional (CAM, Integrative) Medicine since 1990. Bruce went on to open a total of four Integrative centres in Florida featuring EDTA Chelation therapy. During that period, he also founded two international companies: Marine Medical, which outfitted and trained Yacht crews, and MercOut International for the testing and treating of mercury poisoning. He travelled globally, training physicians on the importance of considering, testing, and treating mercury toxicity using the 30-day oral MercOut program he created.

In the mid-90s, Bruce ran into opposition from the Florida Board of Medicine over his advocacy of EDTA Chelation Therapy for arterial disease. As a result of this battle and his being on the Board of the American College for the Advancement of Medicine (ACAM), a 1,200-strong CAM physician organisation, he learned about the 110-year-old Federation of State Medical Boards. Attending two of FSMB’s annual meetings “undercover” in 1998 and 1999, he then gave testimony in Washington DC before the 2001 Clinton White House Commission on CAM. He revealed FSMB’s massive control over the US Medical Boards and their efforts to wipe out CAM and other natural therapies.

About this episode -

In this episode, I had an eye-opening conversation with Bruce, where we tackled some pretty heavy topics, such as corruption in the medical system, the role of medical boards (State and National), the questionable influence of the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and how doctors have lost their way.

Ever wonder how and why doctors worldwide were targetted by their National or State medical licensing boards in such a synchronised and similar fashion over the last 5 years? From the late Dr Jackie Stone in Zimbabwe to Dr William Makis in Canada, Dr Sam White, Dr Sarah Myhill, Dr Jayne Doneghan, Dr Anne McCloskey, Dr Muhammed Adil, Dr David Cartland and myself in the UK, Dr Shankara Chetty in South Africa, Dr My Le Trinh, Dr Billy “Big Balls” Bay, Dr Mark Hobart in South Africa and Dr Matt Shelton, Dr Alison Goodwin, Dr Peter Canaday, Dr Bernard Conlon in New Zealand to name a few. I appreciate there are many, many more across the world that I haven’t mentioned.

When doctors are dragged through suspensions and investigations, it is an incredibly stressful process. The punishment is, in fact, the process, as I wrote last year. Not only can you not see or treat patients while investigated, but you can’t earn a living and have to spend tens of thousands of dollars on legal fees. It isn’t a secret that many doctors commit suicide after being hauled through process of suspension and investigation by their medical licensing board. This year, Jackie Stone tragically took her life, you can read about my post here.

It also looks increasingly likely, as Dr Billy Bay mentioned in his podcast with me, that most lawyers working for the doctor are, in reality, colluding with the opposition medical regulator lawyers. It is almost unheard of for a doctor to win against the medical regulator as the so-called independent Tribunal is anything but independent. They are Kangaroo Courts designed to sap the energy and life force of dissident doctors, have them bogged down in lawfare, legal costs, and wreck their personal and professional lives.

Bruce has been investigating the role of the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), a private corporation established in 1912. The FSMB wields significant power over physicians through its control of state licensing and testing processes, and its global influence extends via the International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities (IAMRA). This organisation has played a pivotal role in shaping medical practices worldwide. During the COVID-19 plandemic, it was instrumental in targeting doctors advocating for informed consent, early treatment options, and adherence to the Hippocratic Oath.

Medical boards such as the GMC, AHPRA, etc., which are supposed to uphold public health and ensure doctors meet high standards, have been co-opted. They work closely with IAMRA (and its parent body FSMB.) These organisations and the medical licensing boards (regulatory bodies) are essentially all about control. Controlling what doctors learn, how they practice, what they think, and what they say and punish any doctors that dare to critically think and question the “official message".

While claiming to protect patients, the Federation of State Medical Boards operates in ways that lack transparency, particularly around funding, and wields a staggering level of control over doctors. Big Pharma’s influence clearly runs deep, with individualised patient-centered care becoming a casualty of this power struggle. The result? Doctors are limited, patient choice is eroded, and the system prioritises profit over healing.

We also talked about how medicine has drifted so far from its roots. Natural and integrated practices, like herbal medicine, acupuncture, and homoeopathy, were sidelined and branded as “quackery” thanks to the Flexner Report and other historical moves that centralised medical control. Bruce made a compelling case for creating a parallel medical system that focuses on real healing, not just profit, and for people to take back responsibility for their health by seeking out practitioners who genuinely care.

Ultimately, this conversation exposed how corrupt and broken the medical system is and why it likely can’t be fixed from within. The solution? We need to build something new that prioritises freedom, choice, and holistic care and is decentralised.

Dr Billy “Big Balls” Bay’s recent win against AHPRA, I fear, is a one-off. One of the main reasons he won was the collusion demonstrated between the head of the Australian Medical Board and the regulator. But recently, Dr Neville Wilson in Ireland was found guilty of professional misconduct by the Irish Medical Council for allowing a poster containing false and misleading information about Covid vaccines in his surgery.

The medical licensing and regulatory bodies claim to protect patients by ensuring doctors uphold high standards and quality assure education. The GMC has a vast section on Good Medical Practice and medical ethics in particular. But the plandemic showed that all of this is simply lip service. The GMC and ALL other medical licensing boards revealed by NOT standing up against the mandates and how they violated bodily autonomy and did not speak out against the experimental gene shots are duplicitous and just full of hollow talk.

These institutions are captured and do NOT serve the patient, the public or the interests of doctors. The reality is that they have been weaponised to ensure that a doctor's primary concern is “First, Do No Harm to My Medical License”.

I’m profoundly grateful to those of you who have supported me and this show. Your encouragement allows me to continue what I believe to be the most meaningful work of my life. Thank you for standing with me.

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Much love, as always.

Ahmad x

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Doc Malik Honest Health is a reader-listener supported publication. To support my work, and help fight back against the evil bastards, upgrade to Paid and join the clan of freedom loving dissidents! (please)

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And oh yeah thank you for the coffee folks x

I hope you enjoy this episode.


Much love Ahmad


I, Ahmad Malik, am a private civilian protected by the Geneva Convention.

My substack, social media posts and podcasts are my personal experiences, observations and opinions, as are those of my guests. This information is for educational purposes only. Although I am a doctor, I am not your doctor, and I am not providing medical or legal advice to you or the broader public. I am not licensed or registered with the GMC or any other licensing board.

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