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Thank you to all the new subscribers for your lovely messages and reviews! And a big thanks to my existing subscribers for sticking with me and continuing to support the show!
About this episode -
Dr My Le Trinh’s story is a profound journey of resilience, beginning with her traumatic childhood under the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia (The Killing Fields). She shared the harrowing experiences of losing her mother to the regime, fleeing to Vietnam, and growing up without her parents. Her eventual refugee journey to Australia came with its own set of challenges, including cultural adaptation, racism, and working for her extended family by sewing every spare minute she had while also pursuing an education (effectively a sweat shop). My Le was denied a childhood. Against all odds, she forged a path to becoming a successful doctor, embodying the determination to break cycles of trauma for herself and her family.

In our conversation, My Le reflected on the COVID-19 plandemic, revealing how it deepened her understanding of the medical system's limitations and failings. She discussed disparities in treatment, the ethical dilemmas of remote care, and the broader influence of media propaganda on public perception and understanding. These experiences made her question the official government narrative and established medical practices. My Le advocates for early interventions and emphasises the importance of compassionate doctor-patient relationships.
Her story took another turn with the controversies surrounding her prescription of ivermectin during the plandemic, leading to professional and legal challenges. My Le candidly shared the emotional toll of these experiences, the systemic corruption in medical governance, and her ongoing fight to restore her license. Through it all, she spoke about courage, faith, and standing up for truth in a system that often punishes dissent. Her story is a testament to resilience and the power of speaking out, even when it comes at a great personal cost.
My Le is incredibly innocent. She is an accidental activist. It was never her plan in life to be a dissident or a rebel. But she chose her path because she could not accept the official narrative, which went against every moral fibre in her body. I get the impression that My Le doesn’t understand why doctors, the regulators and the “system” are doing what they are doing. Why are “they” so illogical? Unkind? Unreasonable? Cruel? Misguided? Blind? Unethical? Why can’t they see!?
My Le is motivated not by ambition but by an inability to reconcile the official narrative with her deep-rooted principles. I describe her as an "accidental activist" because it emphasises her innocence and moral clarity, which starkly contrasts with the actions of her persecutors.
My Le’s inability to understand the illogical, unkind, and unethical actions of the system and individuals speaks to her pure-hearted nature. It suggests to me that she operates from a place of uncorrupted values, unable to fathom the motivations driven by greed, indoctrination, or malevolence. You cannot think like a criminal if you are a criminal; you cannot think like a psychopath unless you are one.
But talking to My Le off air, she is aware that we are literally in a spiritual battle, and she has accepted the mantle of a warrior and that her enemies are satanic and evil. I urge you all to stand by her because she needs all the support she can get.
Please share this episode far and wide. I know I ask this of you all the time, but this conversation was special and My Le’s fight affects us all, she is fighting for all of us.
Much love, as always.
Ahmad x
Health - Freedom - Happiness
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And oh yeah thank you for the coffee folks x
I hope you enjoy this episode.
Much love Ahmad
I Ahmad Malik: am a private civilian, protected by the Geneva Convention.
My substack, social media posts and podcasts are my personal experiences, observations and opinions. This information is for educational purposes only. Although I am a doctor, I am not your doctor, and I am not providing medical or legal advice to you or to the wider public. I am not licensed or registered with the GMC or any other licensing board.
The responsibility for the interpretation, due diligence and use of the information from my substack and my podcast lies with you, the viewer and/or listener. Please do your research, and use your discernment.
It is not my intention to harass, intimidate, offend, defame, conspire, blackmail, coerce or cause anxiety, alarm or distress to any man or woman, and the information presented here is done so with peaceful and honourable intentions.
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