
#255 - Supporter Stories

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Thank you to all the new subscribers for your lovely messages and reviews! And a big thanks to my existing subscribers for sticking with me and continuing to support the show!

About this episode -

I’ve received incredible emails, spoken with brilliant minds, and connected with inspiring individuals who’ve taught me so much. These stories go beyond COVID, revealing deeper truths about resilience and courage.

It’s time for these voices to be heard through my Supporter Stories podcast. If you're a supporter and want to share your story, please drop me a signal message, DM, or send an email.

First up, Sarah and I got stuck into the big questions, challenging societal norms, questioning authority, and reflecting on cultural identity. We talked about the power of trusting your instincts, especially when it comes to health and the medical system. Sarah shared some eye-opening personal experiences highlighting how medicine isn’t always the exact science we might think it is. It’s so important to question everything, even the experts.

We also explored how indoctrination in education and media can shape our thinking, often stifling real critical thinking. Social media, for all its flaws, has actually helped connect people who share similar values and ideas, it’s like a modern-day town square.

Cultural identity was another big theme, mainly how Muslims are portrayed in the media and the misunderstandings that this creates. We touched on the historical context of Middle Eastern conflicts and how propaganda influences public perception, making it all the more crucial to dig deeper into the stories we hear.

Ultimately, this chat was about thinking independently and navigating the complexities of the modern world with a healthy dose of scepticism. It’s all about asking the right questions and trusting yourself to find the answers.

My second guest Lee has a heartfelt chat about her journey with alcohol, how it quietly took hold of her life, the challenges she faced in quitting, and the incredible changes she’s experienced since. Lee spoke about how stress was a big driver behind her drinking, and she made a striking point: "I just didn’t like that I felt it controlled me." That moment of clarity set her on the path to sobriety.

We explored how alcohol weaves itself into the fabric of social life and the pressures that come with it. Lee reflected on the shifts in her relationships, especially with family, since quitting. She talked about the mental clarity and empowerment she’s felt, and how vital it is to take ownership of your health, saying, "It’s insidious; you don’t even realise it’s happening."

What resonated deeply was her focus on education, understanding the true impact of alcohol, not just physically but emotionally and socially. Lee highlighted how society often downplays the seriousness of alcohol addiction, and she stressed the need for supportive communities to help those navigating sobriety.

This conversation was more than just about alcohol; it was about reclaiming control, reshaping your life, and finding freedom. It’s a powerful reminder that stepping away from societal norms can open the door to profound personal growth.

Much love

Ahmad x

Doc Malik Honest Health is a reader-listener supported publication. To support my work, and help fight back against the evil bastards, upgrade to Paid and join the clan of freedom loving dissidents!

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Doc Malik Honest Health is a reader-listener supported publication. To support my work, and help fight back against the evil bastards, upgrade to Paid and join the clan of freedom loving dissidents! (please)

To all the new subscribers welcome to the Clan!

Please make sure to check your emails download the Substack app so that you can join the chat function.

And oh yeah thank you for the coffee folks x

I hope you enjoy this episode.


Much love Ahmad


I Ahmad Malik: am a private civilian, protected by the Geneva Convention.

My substack, social media posts and podcasts are my personal experiences, observations and opinions. This information is for educational purposes only. Although I am a doctor, I am not your doctor, and I am not providing medical or legal advice to you or to the wider public. I am not licensed or registered with the GMC or any other licensing board.

The responsibility for the interpretation, due diligence and use of the information from my substack and my podcast lies with you, the viewer and/or listener. Please do your research, and use your discernment.

It is not my intention to harass, intimidate, offend, defame, conspire, blackmail, coerce or cause anxiety, alarm or distress to any man or woman, and the information presented here is done so with peaceful and honourable intentions.

And please if you can, leave a nice review on Spotify or Apple podcast x

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