#254 - James Blott: From Sewage to Salvation: The Dirty Truth About Agriculture and the Church (Bonus Content At The End)

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Thank you to all the new subscribers for your lovely messages and reviews! And a big thanks to my existing subscribers for sticking with me and continuing to support the show!

About this episode -

James Blott is a supporter of the show who, after an email exchange, I felt would make a great guest. I was right.

In this fascinating and sometimes shocking conversation, James Blott and I dive deep into the murky waters of sewage sludge. We explore how heavy metals and synthetic chemicals are seeping into our environment, poisoning our food, and impacting our health. We tackle waste management practices, the dangers of industrial agriculture, and why making informed food choices matters more than ever.

But it’s not all doom and gloom, we also reflect on personal growth, resilience, and the importance of family and mental health in navigating life’s challenges. Clean water and effective distillation systems come up as vital solutions, and we unpack the disturbing misuse of sewage sludge in so-called "organic" farming.

The conversation takes a philosophical turn when we discuss religion, particularly the Church of England, and the role of hierarchy in modern faith. We question idolatry, authority, and the corporate nature of the Church of England.

James and I also touch on Jesus as a dissident figure and how true Christian values often get lost in the trappings of institutional power.

Ultimately, this chat is about staying informed, questioning the status quo, and upholding integrity in a world filled with challenges. There’s hope, too, because while humanity has its flaws, we also have the tools to do so much better.

Below is the Bible aid that James gave me.

Recommended Bible passages

How to get started - for Doc Ahmad Malik

Old Testament

Genesis 1:1 to 3:24 - Creation & The Fall

Genesis 4:1 to 4:16 - Cain and Abel

Genesis 6:9 to 9:17 - Noah and the Flood

Genesis 11:1 to 11:9 - The Tower of Babel

Genesis 12:1 to 12:9 and 17:1 to 17:8 - The Call of Abraham

Genesis 16:1 to 16:16 - Hagar and Ishmael

Genesis 18:1 to 18:15 - Three visitors to Abraham

Genesis 22::1 to 22:18 – Abraham & Isaac

Genesis 32:22 to 32:32 - Jacob

Genesis 37:1 to 45:28 - Joseph

Exodus 2:1 to 2:25 - Moses

Exodus 3:1 to 3:15 - The Burning Bush

Exodus 13:17 to 14:31 - Crossing of The Red Sea

Exodus 16:1 to 16:36 - Manna and Quail

Exodus 17:1 to 17:7 – Water from the rock

Exodus 20:1 to 20:26 – The Ten Commandments

Numbers 22:21 to 22:38 - Balaam’s Donkey

Leviticus 25:1 to 25:55 - Jubilee

Deuteronomy 6:1 to 6:7 and 11:13 to 11:21 - Obedience & love

Deuteronomy 15:1 to 15:23 – Debts & Servants

Deuteronomy 30:11 to 30:20 – Chose Life or Death

Deuteronomy 34:1 to 34:12 - Death of Moses

Joshua 6:1 to 6:27 – Battle of Jericho

Judges 16:1 to 16:31 - Samson & Delilah

Ruth 1:1 to Ruth 4:22 - Ruth & Naomi

I Samuel 3:1 to 3:21 – God calls Samuel

1 Samuel 8:1 to 8:22 - Israel asks for a King

1 Samuel 17::1 to 17:58 - David & Goliath

2 Samuel 11:1 to 11:27 - David & Bathsheba

1 Kings 3:16 to 3:28 – Solomon’s Wisdom

1 Kings 6::1 to 6:38 - Solomon & the Temple

1 Kings 18:16 to 18:46 - Elijah & Baal

1 Kings 19:1 to 19:21 - The still small voice

2 Kings 24:1 to 25:30 - Exile to Babylon

Ezra 1:1 to 1:11 - Return from Exile

Job 1:1 to 2:13 & 38:1 to 42:17 - Hard times for Job

Psalms, these: 2, 14, 19, 22, 23, 24, 42, 46, 51, 53, 64, 84, 90, 96, 121, 122, 133, 137, 139, 150.

Ecclesiastes 1:1 to 3:22 - Futility of Endeavour

Isaiah 6:1 to 6:8 - Isaiah’s vision of God

Isaiah 7:10 to 7:17 - Messianic prophesies

Isaiah 40:1 to 40:11 - Message of comfort

Isaiah 52:13 to 53:12 - The suffering servant

Isaiah 61:1 to 61:11 – The Lord’s Favour

Jeremiah: 18:1 to 18:23 - The Potter’s house

Jeremiah 31:1 to 31:34 - God’s New Covenant

Jeremiah 39:1 to 39:18 - The Fall of Jerusalem

Ezekiel 37:1 to 37:14 – The Valley of Dry Bones

Daniel 3:1 to 3:30 - The Fiery Furnace

Daniel 6:1 to 6:28 - The Lion’s Den

Joel 2:28 to 2:32 - Vision of the future

Amos 7:10 to 7:17 - Condemnation of the King

Jonah 1:1 to Jonah 4:11 - Jonah & the Whale

Micah 6:1 to 6:8 – Lord’s case against Israel

New Testament:

Start with Luke’s Gospel

Then Acts of the Apostles

Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians

The First Letter of John

Then all the rest, but leave Hebrews to last and possibly don’t bother with Revelation.


Reading the Bible requires a lack of stress and time pressures. Give it space. Read the passages several times. At the end, ask yourself: 1) What struck you about the passage? 2) What questions you’re left with. Then live with the questions for a few days, in the hope things become clearer.

James also sent me this which I thought you might all appreciate.

The Ten Precepts of Foundationalism

As defined by Dexter Taylor aka Carbon Mike

  1. See Deeply

  2. Listen Closely

  3. Reason Honestly

  4. Speak Clearly

  5. Act Bravely

  6. Deny the Self

  7. Defend the Individual

  8. Respect Tradition

  9. Face the Present

  10. Cultivate the Future

Each precept is explored further in a series of Podcasts where Carbon Mike was interviewed by Danny Doran on his ‘Infinite Jigsaw’ podcast:

Each podcast is about 30 minutes in length. The last was published in May 2022.

James Blott

Much love, as always.

Ahmad x

Links - https://reflectivepreacher.org/

Doc Malik Honest Health is a reader-listener supported publication. To support my work, and help fight back against the evil bastards, upgrade to Paid and join the clan of freedom loving dissidents!

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As the number of paid subscribers grows slowly and gradually, I’ve had to find other ways to augment my income. I am only recommending products that I and my family already use.


We distil all our water for drinking, washing fruit and vegetables, and cooking. If you knew what was in tap water, so would you!

Use my code, www.waterpure.co.uk/docmalik and I get £20 for every distiler sold. CLICK HERE to visit website and view products. Just click the link and any purchase will be tagged to my affiliate code.

Make sure to put electrolytes back in your water. We use Hunter & Gather (see code below).

Hunter & Gather

Seed oils are inflammatory, toxic and nasty; eliminate them from your diet immediately.

If you want to pursue a keto or carnivore diet and avoid seed oils then I can’t recommend their products enough. Check out there website to see what they offer.


Use DOCHG to get 10% OFF your purchase (so buy a ton load)

I get 10% on all sales, so please buy a lot (hee hee).

Olive Oil Classic Mayonnaise 250g


You also have 10% off all my merch using the code - DOCMALIKSUPPORTER


Doc Malik Honest Health is a reader-listener supported publication. To support my work, and help fight back against the evil bastards, upgrade to Paid and join the clan of freedom loving dissidents! (please)

To all the new subscribers welcome to the Clan!

Please make sure to check your emails download the Substack app so that you can join the chat function.

And oh yeah thank you for the coffee folks x

I hope you enjoy this episode.


Much love Ahmad


I Ahmad Malik: am a private civilian, protected by the Geneva Convention.

My substack, social media posts and podcasts are my personal experiences, observations and opinions. This information is for educational purposes only. Although I am a doctor, I am not your doctor, and I am not providing medical or legal advice to you or to the wider public. I am not licensed or registered with the GMC or any other licensing board.

The responsibility for the interpretation, due diligence and use of the information from my substack and my podcast lies with you, the viewer and/or listener. Please do your research, and use your discernment.

It is not my intention to harass, intimidate, offend, defame, conspire, blackmail, coerce or cause anxiety, alarm or distress to any man or woman, and the information presented here is done so with peaceful and honourable intentions.

And please if you can, leave a nice review on Spotify or Apple podcast x

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