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#203 - A Unique Plastic Surgeon

Spotify, Apple podcast and Rumble links at the bottom of the post.



This is how I feel amongst the medical profession. Please sign up to my paid substack so that I can speak up for your freedom and fight the tyranny.

Doc Malik Honest Health is a reader-listener supported publication. To support my work, and help fight back against the evil bastards, upgrade to Paid and join the clan of freedom loving dissidents! (please)

Spotify, Apple podcast and Rumble links at the bottom of the post.

Thank you to the new subscribers, your lovely messages and the reviews!

Dear Doc Malik, 

Don't reply! I don't want to add to your overwhelmed state! I just really want to tell you that you have quickly climbed to the top of my long list of favourite podcasters. I do love you and your work, and I am absolutely delighted to discover the treasure trove of back podcasts I haven't heard yet. Thank you for this wonderful gift to the world. 

From a new paid subscriber, Joan

Hi Ahmad,

Love your work man 🙏 

Just started to listen to you after your Delingpole Pod a few months ago - your enthusiasm, humanity, empathy and fracking passion for casting light over the last four years is truly inspiring.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for drawing a line in the sand buddy. 

When so many medical professionals have hidden their truth, opting to cognitively turn a blind eye and keep paying the mortgage, keep the pension pot rolling and the private school fees going, along with so many other employees within the deep state, school headmasters,  (Mike Fairclough could be a good chat), police, lawyers, Judges. I unfortunately know so many morally bankrupt people that still choose to keep their phat fingers in their ears. Fracking frustrating!

Keep the faith brother, thank you for all of your hard work, stay strong and thank you for being a brilliant inspiration to all of humanity.

All the best,

David & Donna 

Thank you to my new and existing paid subscribers x

About this episode -

Dr Kirk Moore MD is the kind of plastic surgeon I have never met before.

Kirk is a 59-year old Utah physician now facing 15 years in prison for simply doing what his patients asked and even more importantly abiding by The Hippocratic Oath that requires that doctors “First Do No Harm”. The exact wording of the oath is "I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm".

With every passing day, it becomes clearer and clearer that the COVID-19 vaccines were experimental and too often increased unnecessary medical risks in return for dubious protections.

The government’s failure to conduct thorough testing on COVID-19 vaccines, and the near complete censorship of opposing views, limited the ability of anyone to exercise informed consent fully. This violates basic ethics by denying individuals the opportunity to make decisions about their health based on complete information regarding potential risks and benefits.

Kirk's actions were upholding the ethical doctrines of “informed consent” and “do no harm” to anyone who felt that they did not have all the information, wanted more information, or simply did not trust the information being provided by the ‘experts’ and they chose to not be forced to receive one.

At no point did Kirk charge for any of these consultations or services.

The US Government now seeks to imprison this single father for doing nothing more than what his patients asked for.

The government, in its case, fakes concern over the destruction of actual vaccines. It’s almost laughable considering millions of vials are being destroyed worldwide by governments.

Please support Kirk's legal fund, link below.

One could argue that Kirk’s approach exemplifies the principles of beneficence and non-maleficence, fundamental pillars of medical ethics. Beneficence emphasizes the healthcare provider's obligation to act in the best interest of the patient. Kirk’s provision of vaccine cards, at no cost, underscores his desire to facilitate patient autonomy and enable them to engage in society while “First doing no harm”.

The prosecution on April 24, 2024, has now filed a Motion in Limine to Preclude a Necessity Defense. In short, a necessity defence allows for the defence of a ‘criminal act’ when it meets 4 criteria:

1. The defendant must reasonably have believed that there was an actual and specific threat that required immediate action

2. The defendant must have had no realistic alternative to completing the criminal act

3. The harm caused by the criminal act must not be greater than the harm avoided

4. The defendant did not himself contribute to or cause the threat

Kirk, and his co-defendants, certainly believe they meet all of these criteria. They should be allowed to present any ‘defensive’ strategy they feel is necessary to prove their innocence—precluding it offhand has an element of unconstitutionality to it.

The government states in their motion that Kirk’s actions are based primarily on political foundations. This couldn’t be further from the truth. It was solely based on the ethical, moral and professional values to do no harm.

The government makes bold, unfounded statements that mimic the indictment and want the judge to believe that their facts are a foregone conclusion, to the point that they believe there is no need for a trial, let’s just string them up in the town square, like they did in the Salem Witch trials, the ultimate in vigilante justice: ‘what we say is the law, do not try to even oppose us’ or ‘we are stronger, more powerful and we will crush you’.

The government wants to not only not allow Kirk and his co-defendants the possibility to use a ’necessity defence’, but also to preclude using witnesses that would testify as to their own ‘need’ to seek them out to help them in their time of need, but also to preclude presentation of any witnesses that have been harmed or injured from the Covid ‘vaccines’!

The government argues that a ruling in their favour would ‘streamline the jury trial, filter out the defendants’ improper necessity defence, and avoid “wasting” the jury’s time, misleading the jury, or confusing them with an irrelevant, unavailable defence’!

The arrogance and cheek of the government know no bounds. Wasting the jury’s time with irrelevant information?! Because after all the jury isn’t smart enough to figure out what is relevant, what is appropriate and what can be used to determine guilt or innocence (sarcasm).

The government just as it did during the plandemic continues to filter the information, including in this trial. The government at best believes the general public is so stupid it is incapable of deciding what is best therefore needs to make all the decisions, at worst it is censorship to conceal the truth and perpetuate their lies.

These arguments sound so familiar, don’t they?

‘We are smarter than you, listen to us, do what we tell you to do, and nothing will happen to you’.

“Take this shot and you won’t get Covid”

“Take the shot and you won’t give it to your grandma”

‘We know what’s best for you’.

‘We DO believe in the FIRST AMENDMENT, but you cannot say anything we don’t agree with!!

I am hoping that with every passing day, more information will come to light that the Plandemic was a scam and criminal enterprise, and that their will be no political appetite to persecute ethical doctors like Kirk, as it will only shed more light on the evil that took place and continues to take place.

I hope you enjoy the episode and much love as always.

Ahmad x

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Doc Malik Honest Health is a reader-listener supported publication. To support my work, and help fight back against the evil bastards, upgrade to Paid and join the clan of freedom loving dissidents! (please)

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Doc Malik Honest Health is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

To all the new subscribers welcome to the Clan!

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And oh yeah thank you for the coffee folks x

I hope you enjoy this episode.


Much love Ahmad


I Ahmad Malik: am a private civilian, protected by the Geneva Convention.

My substack, social media posts and podcasts are my personal experiences, observations and opinions. This information is for educational purposes only. Although I am a doctor, I am not your doctor, and I am not providing medical or legal advice to you or to the wider public. I am not licensed or registered with the GMC or any other licensing board.

The responsibility for the interpretation, due diligence and use of the information from my substack and my podcast lies with you, the viewer and/or listener. Please do your research, and use your discernment.

It is not my intention to harass, intimidate, offend, defame, conspire, blackmail, coerce or cause anxiety, alarm or distress to any man or woman, and the information presented here is done so with peaceful and honourable intentions.

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