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The Good Westerner

If I Was An Evil Mastermind, How Would I Go About Enslaving Humanity?



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For those of you who missed my last Substack titled God, Family and Country, I started the post with the words in the video clip above.

One of my listeners recommended that I post it as a Substack in its own right. For those of you who already read the previous post, I’m sorry, but hopefully, you will still find something amusing or informative in this piece that makes it worth your while reading on.

To build our prisons and march into them we must all be “Good Germans.”

Today, it is my sincere belief that the Global West and by that, I mean the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the EU and finally, the United Kingdom, are where Nazi Germany was in the 1930s just before the Second World War. Just as Nazism had taken root in all strata of German life, from the aristocracy, industrialists, middle class and working class, so too has the mind virus now affected most of Western Society.

An archival photograph from Nazi Germany.
German citizens line the streets to see Hitler in 1938.

I’m sure in Nazi Germany, many were going along with the pretence of being sympathetic to Nazi ideology as it profited them to side with the ruling power. But equally, many were fully paid up members and bought into the ideology. Did you know that at one point, more than half of all German doctors became members of the Nazi Party, surpassing the party enrollments of ALL other professions?

Why did so many “Good Germans” not do something to halt the rise of Nazism? The answer lies in the question: many were just that, Good Germans. For those that haven’t come across the term before, "Good Germans" is a term referring to German citizens during and after World War II who claimed not to have supported the Nazi regime but remained silent and did not resist in a meaningful way.

The populations of The West are now, I would say, in the majority or close to it, modern-day equivalents of “Good Germans”. Most people (just like those German doctors who queued up to be Nazi Party members) value conformity, obedience to authority, job security, and financial incentives and have been brainwashed into the rationalisation of unscientific and bogus ideology as sacred scientific dogma. Carbon dioxide is killing the planet and not the gas of life, cow farts are heating the earth, and women can have penises are just a few examples.

Just like the Good Germans in the 1930s, today, the vast majority of teachers, doctors, nurses, journalists, police officers, politicians, judges, lawyers, management class, and middle class buy into the diversity, equity and inclusion agenda, transgender ideology, climate change narrative, the vaccine are safe and effective mantra to name but a few examples. The major group of people who resist these ideologies, or should I say cults, are mainly the working class. Just as they were the group who saw through the lies of the Covid scam and plandemic, so can they see the problems we face. Perhaps it is because the Government has never been too kind to them. Maybe it is because they are being hit the hardest financially and are the first victims of the plans of the Evil Cabal.

But that is not to say that the working class is wholly immune; oh no, many have succumbed to the modern-day bread and circus distraction. They intoxicate themselves with alcohol, consume record amounts of drugs to numb the pains of the reality of life, follow their sports clubs every high and low, and consume social media like opium to the masses.

The problem is that The West is full of Good Westerners, who are more comfortable in their slowly increasing discomfort than challenging the Authorities for slowly boiling them alive.

And what is this slowly boiling death I speak of?

  • Cost of living rises ever higher

  • Rents are at record highs

  • House prices are out of reach of most people, especially the young

  • Household debt is at all-time highs

  • Food prices go up weekly

  • Fuel prices seem to rocket up relentlessly,

  • Jobs that do not pay any more than last year or the year before that

  • The tax burden just keeps going up, with new taxes for climate change and whatever new fancy the government comes up with

  • Millions of illegal migrants descend on our shores/border, paid for in the billions by our taxpayer money

  • Our roads and infrastructure keep crumbling

  • Our Healthcare system is not fit for purpose

  • Our air, land and water are being poisoned every day

  • Our children are being indoctrinated, confused and dumbed down through schooling

  • The program of mass regular vaccination of children and adults

  • The erosion of God, Family and Country from the fabric of our culture and lives

  • The blatant hypocrisy, double standards and injustice of the ruling class versus the rest of us

But no, most Westerners carry on as usual, incredulously either not seeing or believing that anything is wrong or blaming the “other side” of the politcial spectrum or the “muslims/migrants.” They hope that their favourite politician will somehow reverse all that is wrong once they get into power, not appreciating that ALL sides serve the ruling cabal and NOT us.

No, folks, just like the Good Germans of yesterday, we Good Westerners will carry on believing the propaganda, for so many are now brainwashed and lost, and not until things get a lot worse and hit people where it hurts, I mean, really hurt, will we be able to overcome the Evil that has befallen us.

Let’s look at one example that reflects the broader societal problems.

Recently the GMC struck off Dr Sam White of his medical license and registration.

For those who don’t know, Dr Sam White was a UK GP (family doctor) who was one of the first UK doctors to publicly denounce the COVID measures and question the COVID so-called “vaccines.” Sam was suspended by the GMC for posting videos on social media stating that “masks do nothing” and casting doubt over vaccine safety.

Dr Sam White appealed the GMC ruling and took his case to the High Court where he won back in December 2021.

So it came as a shock when I learnt yesterday that Sam’s case was not over and that the GMC was still hounding him. In a ruling last week, the GMC struck Dr Sam White off the medical register and removed his licence to practise as a medical doctor. I will not be surprised if he meets the same fate as other COVID doctors and has his face plastered over the Daily Mail. After all, removing the license, destroying a hard won career and ability to earn a living is only part of the punishment; the other is public humiliation and a warning to any other dissident doctor.

Other notable examples of UK dissident doctors being hounded by the GMC and publicly shamed by the press are Dr Jayne Doneghan, Dr Anne McCloseky

, Dr Sarah Myhill, Dr David Cartland, and the recently struck-off Dr Mohammed Adil.

Source Daily Mail Online - Top Left clockwise, Dr Jayne Doneghan, Dr Anne McCloseky, Dr Muhammad Adil, Dr Sarah Myhill

Yes, the GMC is wholly corrupt, as you will learn, as are ALL medical licensing boards (podcast with Dr Bruce Dooley to be released mid-October). But still, there must have been some doctor or layperson who looked at Dr Sam White's case and said, “This isn’t right or fair to prosecute and punish Dr White.”

One of two things most likely happened in Sams’s case, as is also happening across the Western world. Once you understand the nature of the problem in Sam’s circumstances, you will appreciate the pickle we are in today.

First of all, it is highly likely that a significant number of the doctors, lawyers and laypeople involved in Dr Sam Whites's case genuinely believe him to be a threat to the public, an evil (at worst) or wrong (at best) doctor who is a danger to patients and the profession. And that in removing him from the medical registrar, they were doing a public service and should be proud of themselves for being such fine characters who could identify a dangerous doctor and do something about it.

These people are thoroughly indoctrinated by the system and cannot see the absolute clown world inverted upside-down reality of their existence. There is no reasoning with their madness. The very madness that they portray as sanity. Would you ever go into a mental asylum and try to reason with the inmates? Who would be the greater fool? Please listen to my podcast with Dr Michael Nehls regarding the Indoctrinated Brain, and better yet, buy his book and read it!

Secondly, it is also highly likely that some members involved in the case knew perfectly well that what the GMC was doing was wrong. But to raise a question, never mind an objection, would bring the glare and spotlight of the Inquisition onto themselves. Who wants such dangerous attention? Who wants their job threatened, promotion bypassed, or bonus forsaken? No, these are dangerous times, and today's accuser may be accused tomorrow. It is better to be quiet and go along with the tyranny of the minority, not realising that the tyranny will never stop.

Going back to Nazi Germany, historian Mary Fulbrook examines German society before and during the Nazi regime in her book titled Bystander Society: Conformity and Complicity in Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. In this book, Mary explores the social conditions that eventually facilitated mass murder. She explores the creation of a "bystander society," one in which the majority of Germans were either unable to act or developed growing indifference to the fate of those deemed "non-Aryan"―mainly Jews― and therefore outside the Volksgemeinschaft, or national community.

Throughout the 1930s, from Hitler's ascendancy as the German Chancellor through the passage of the Nuremberg Laws to the devastation of Crystal Night, this "bystander society" became more entrenched. Ordinary Germans became passive about the fate of "non-Aryans" and, by turning away, contributed to their isolation from mainstream society. For many citizens of the Reich, conformity led progressively to growing complicity in everyday racism and more active involvement in genocide during World War Two.

Fulbrook surmises that many people became more involved or complicit in wartime actions; a few chose to resist or step back, but the idea of being an 'innocent bystander' was mostly a myth created after the war. Contrary to being “innocent bystanders”, people changed their relationships with “others”, became indifferent, were ignorant (or chose to ignore), and felt powerless.

In 1939, Sebastian Haffner, whose real name was Raimund Pretzel, wrote a memoir called Geschichte eines Deutschen. Die Erinnerungen 1914–1933 (Stories of a German. Recollections 1914-1933).

It wasn't published until after he died in 2000, using the pen name he had become famous for as a journalist in post-war West Germany. An English translation titled Defying Hitler came out in 2003.

Haffner was training to be a lawyer when Hitler came to power. As the Nazis dismantled the democratic legal system he had studied, he switched to journalism. His partner, Erika Schmidt-Landry, was labelled "Jewish" under the Nuremberg race laws. When she became pregnant with Haffner's child, they fled Germany for England.

In the UK, Haffner began writing a memoir about his life so far, including his thoughts on the rise of Nazism. In one vivid scene, he describes his reaction when Nazi stormtroopers (the brown shirts) forced the Jewish employees at his law firm to leave on April 1, 1933, during the Jewish boycott. Some colleagues paced nervously, others snickered, and one Jewish colleague packed up and left.

Haffner writes:

"My own heart beat heavily. What should I do? How keep my poise? Just ignore them, do not let them disturb me. I put my head down over my work. […] Meanwhile a brown shirt approached me and took up position in front of my work table. ‘Are you Aryan?’ Before I had a chance to think, I had said, ‘Yes.’ […] The blood shot to my face. A moment too late I felt the shame, the defeat. […] I had failed my first test. I could have slapped myself."

In another instance, at a mandatory indoctrination camp for law students, Haffner was forced to perform the Hitler salute and sing pro-Nazi songs. He recalls:

“For the first time I had the feeling, so strong it left a taste in my mouth: ‘This doesn’t count. This isn’t me. It doesn’t count.’ And with this feeling I too raised my arm and held it stretched out ahead of me for about three minutes.”

Haffner's story highlights how many people who didn't actively support the Nazi regime managed to survive within it through self-deception and denial. In a 1989 interview, Haffner explained that while not all Germans were Nazis, Nazism still had a significant impact on everyday life: “It was possible to live in a way alongside it.”

In Nazi Germany, ordinary Germans were gradually drawn into “processes of complicity.” Standing by as state-sponsored violence occurred became the expected norm, with genuine personal risks for those who acted otherwise.

In The West today, especially in the UK, state-sponsored violence is real, but often it is a private-public collaboration. While the abuse of power is not as blatantly physical as the Nazis, the effects can be no less harsh. And just as during the Nazi era speaking out carried huge personal risk, today never has it been more true.

The problem that Dr Sam White and I daresay I am proud to share is that we dared to speak out, and as a result, the total weight of the public-private partnership (TechnoCorporateCommunism) came down on us and tried to crush us.

Sadly, most of my colleagues believe what has happened to us is the right thing or are too scared to say anything because they may be asked questions and face repercussions.

This problem is not just afflicting the medical world, but I would argue the whole professional class.

Recent policies by Keir Starmer, which have led to arrests of young and old alike for no real reason other than wrong-speak, will reinforce the signal to millions of Brits to continue looking the other way, stay quiet, remain ignorant, become indifferent, and choose to ignore.

Protesting against mass migration, the genocide in Palestine, lockdowns and mandates or protesting against the ill-treatment of ethical doctors who are abiding by medical ethics is a dangerous business. The State wants you to be compliant, but in doing so, you are complicit.

Conformity and compliance IS complicity.

And if we in Britain and the West continue to do so, it will not end well.

Ahmad x

PS. If you are new to my substack and don’t know my back story, please listen to these podcasts and discover how I transformed from a top orthopaedic surgeon into a tin foil-wearing conspiracy theorist, anti-vaxxer, transphobic, anti-semitic, climate change denying, Putin loving, freedom grifting, American meddling, Globalist serving quacka doodle doo.

James Delingpole Interview Apple podcast

James Delingpole Interview Spotify

Debbi Evans Interview

Patrick Henningsen Interview


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And oh yeah thank you for the coffee folks x

I hope you enjoy this episode.


Much love Ahmad


I Ahmad Malik: am a private civilian, protected by the Geneva Convention.

My substack, social media posts and podcasts are my personal experiences, observations and opinions. This information is for educational purposes only. Although I am a doctor, I am not your doctor, and I am not providing medical or legal advice to you or to the wider public. I am not licensed or registered with the GMC or any other licensing board.

The responsibility for the interpretation, due diligence and use of the information from my substack and my podcast lies with you, the viewer and/or listener. Please do your research, and use your discernment.

It is not my intention to harass, intimidate, offend, defame, conspire, blackmail, coerce or cause anxiety, alarm or distress to any man or woman, and the information presented here is done so with peaceful and honourable intentions.

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