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#234 - Dr Liz Evans: Defending Medical Freedom

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About this episode -

In this chat, I sit down with Dr Liz Evans to talk about why we need a medical freedom movement here in the UK, especially after everything we've seen during the COVID-19 pandemic. We talk about the ethical concerns around vaccine safety and informed consent. Liz opens up about her background as a former NHS doctor, her shift into complementary medicine, and how her Christian faith plays a huge role in her commitment to medical ethics.

We also get into how the UK Medical Freedom Alliance came to be, and the worrying changes we're seeing in public health legislation (Scotland, Canada and now Northern Ireland) that could lead to government overreach. The conversation really highlights why public resistance is so important right now and why we all need to take a stand. Ultimately, it's about fighting for a society that respects individual freedoms and upholds medical ethics.

Liz Evans wrote an article about the proposed Public Health Bill that I recommend you read (see here).

As you know earlier this week I spoke to Melissa Ciummei about the proposed Public Health Bill in Northern Ireland. You can listen to that talk and read the details here.

I’ve read the proposed Public Health Bill (Northern Ireland), and if it gets passed, it will be a complete and utter disaster for medical ethics, informed consent, bodily autonomy, and freedom, EVERYWHERE. This Bill is being copy and pasted and slowly being introduced to all countries. We need to send a message that the people say NO.

At its core, this proposal seems to introduce protectionism into public health by stealth. It asks us to give up informed consent and bodily autonomy, with an extension into surveillance—where we must forfeit privacy and biometric data in exchange for supposed protection from crime. This is tyranny disguised as protection.

The origins of this Bill arise from Scottish legislation. Whole segments of the Coronavirus Scotland 2022 Bill were copied and pasted into this legislation. See 86G -


Today the Northern Ireland Department Of Health issued this statement -

The podcast with Melissa and substack so far has been read or listened to by 13000 people. Even if only 1% emailed to express their concern and wish for the Bill to be scrapped, that’s a lot of emails in the space of 3 days!

Please if you haven’t already send an email, it doesn’t matter where you live in the world, tell the ministry that this Bill is NOT fit for purpose and should be scrapped.

So what did the Ministry of Health have to say yesterday? Well lets have a look…..(my response in bullet points).

In response to this -

  • How does this Bill tackle biological, chemical and radiological sources? No evidence is provided.

  • How will it bring into line with the rest of the UK. Is there similar legislation in England and Wales that we need to be aware of?

  • How exactly will this proposed new bill “give us better protection?”

  • What is the exact definition of “all hazards approach?”

  • Your own document is titled “Policy underpinning the Public Health Bill (Northern Ireland)”

  • You state clearly in the document that this is a draft Bill, so let's not get too picky about definitions.

  • You haven’t clarified in your public consultation that the public can include or exclude anything in the Bill.

  • Your consultation process breaches UK Government consultation procedures. It is unnecessarily long, complicated and confusing.

  • The last time I checked, “rare” is NOT the same as “never”.

  • There is NEVER a reason to violate individual human rights such as the right to privacy, property, bodily autonomy, informed consent, etc.

  • There is NEVER a reason to violate individual human rights.

  • See below.

  • Having a warrant from the magistrates court doesn’t make it lawful. It is still a violation of individual human rights.

  • And please explain why you need to remove electronic information from premises.

  • Please explain these draconian, dystopian, and totalitarian actions….

  • I don’t need any safeguards. My rights are inalienable.

  • They are not for you or any court to grant or take away from me.

  • How dare you suggest such a thing.

  • I don’t care if a Magistrate's court rubber stamps an approval to carry out the above; I DO NOT CONSENT to any of the above.

  • Thanks for telling me; let’s get rid of that legislation, too, then.

  • I don’t care what the Health Minister has stated and what he favours. It shouldn’t even be an “option”.

  • No power has the right to violate bodily autonomy and informed consent.

  • The fact that this is even an option is a damning indictment of this “Draft Bill”.

  • You state “It will be for the Minister to decide what would be included in the Public Health Bill that goes to the Executive and Assembly”. You, dear Health Minister have no right to grant or remove my Rights.

This newly proposed Bill’s focus on "health protection" is, in reality, a step toward medical enslavement. Let’s be clear—this proposal needs to be scrapped entirely with no further progress. How dare this even be proposed?

In summary, the proposed Bill seeks to:

  • Adopt an "all-hazards" approach to public health, aligning with other UK jurisdictions.

  • Expand powers related to quarantine, isolation, medical examinations and interventions.

  • Criminalise any behaviour that resists and seeks to defend fundamental human rights.

  • Widen the scope of health legislation to create permanent powers.

  • The Bill's scope is limitless, and the list of rights we would surrender is nowhere to be found. Parliament's justification for compulsory vaccination parallels the compatibility of lockdown measures and mandatory medical treatment under mental health law with human rights. However, these arguments must recognise the fundamental flaws in forcing health measures on a population.

In case my dear reader you are at this point wondering why YOU should be concerned about a Bill being proposed in Northern Ireland, know that yesterday it was Scotland, today it is Northern Ireland and Canada, and tomorrow it will be England and Wales and wherever YOU live.

These Bills and pieces of legislation are not spontaneous and isolated cases. They are highly uniform and globalist, which should set everyone's alarm bells off.

Essentially, the powers that rule us are using the threat of imaginary Public Health Emergencies to pass legislation that gives them the power to remove our fundamental freedoms: the right to privacy, property, and life.

In conclusion, this Bill is a dangerous expansion of government power, eroding personal freedoms under the banner of public health. We must reject this attempt at forced protection and demand legislation that truly promotes health, accountability, and individual rights.

To stop this Bill dead in its tracks, you can do the following 3 things (no matter where you live in the world) -

1 - Go to the consultation survey, and in Question 1, write something along the lines of the following in the box (you can do this anonymously).

“My personal response to this is to not participate in the agree/disagree questions; I will not be ticking any boxes. Rather, MY response will be as a comment to the first question and also to send an email to back it up. It will read as follows:

I do not consent to this bill and reject your authority to assume my agreement to a fundamental shift in the relationship between the government and the people of Northern Ireland. You ask questions unrelated to the bill's profound impact on my human rights. It is unclear what rights I will give up in exchange for "protection." This bill promotes harmful actions without informed consent and introduces vague surveillance measures with no defined limits.

This consultation lacks credibility—it was hard to find, received no media coverage, and was only sent to a select few. It fails to meet consultation principles, with a lengthy and intimidating document restricting informed responses. The potential impact on devolved healthcare and borders and key details like notifiable diseases or diagnostic methods are not clearly explained. There's no transparency on who might hold authority or if mandates will be grounded in science.

The bill proposes significant overreach, violating human rights and informed consent. It also undermines due process by altering magistrates' court procedures, breaching Article 6 rights and shifting the burden of proof. Such constitutional changes require a referendum. Take this as my response to all further consultation questions.”

2 - Email the same response to -

3 - Share this substack and podcast with as many family members and friends as possible and ask at least three people to fill in the survey, and each of these three people to find another three people to do the same.

4 - If you live in Northern Ireland, write to your local politician and ask them to help you complete the survey and make it abundantly clear what your views are on the matter.

While COVID was yesterday, the fight for our freedom is far from over.

What must act NOW, everywhere and anywhere we see attempts to pass this type of legislation, if not for us, then for our children.


Much love

Ahmad x


Website -

X -

UKMFA open letter -

The Proposed Public Health Bill and survey

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To all the new subscribers welcome to the Clan!

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And oh yeah thank you for the coffee folks x

I hope you enjoy this episode.


Much love Ahmad


I Ahmad Malik: am a private civilian, protected by the Geneva Convention.

My substack, social media posts and podcasts are my personal experiences, observations and opinions. This information is for educational purposes only. Although I am a doctor, I am not your doctor, and I am not providing medical or legal advice to you or to the wider public. I am not licensed or registered with the GMC or any other licensing board.

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It is not my intention to harass, intimidate, offend, defame, conspire, blackmail, coerce or cause anxiety, alarm or distress to any man or woman, and the information presented here is done so with peaceful and honourable intentions.

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