Private Rumble link at the bottom of the post
Thank you for the lovely recent reviews folks, much appreciated!
Thank you Mark from Washington State for your lovely message. Love you brother.
About Ehden Biber -
Ehden Biber is an information security, cybersecurity, and privacy expert, who in July 2021 exposed on Twitter (via the hashtag #PfizerLeak) the confidential Pfizer/BioNTech Manufacturing and Supply Agreements that governments have agreed to.
In August 2021, Ehden shed light on the risks tied to the use of codon optimisation technologies in gene therapy products. Ehden continued his exposure through various platforms, including Twitter/X, Substack, and Telegram channels.
In 2023 he exposed the Pfizer/BioNTech’s BNT162B2 preclinical studies were fabricated.
You can see Part 1 of my conversation with Ehden regarding the above here -
In this conversation -
We go through why the Astra Zeneca Vaccine was actually withdrawn, and what it is the neither the government, media, regulatory bodies or Astra Zeneca want you to know about.
The findings are damning!
For all the receipts for this converation see below -
Clinical Study Report Synopsis - AZD1222-D8110C00001 (ALL THE REVISIONS OF THE STUDY - from amendment 1 to amendment 7):
EMA Risk Management Plans:
The EMA's Risk Management Plan V1:
The EMA's Risk Management Plan V3:
The EMA's Risk Management Plan V4:
The EMA's Risk Management Plan V8 (last one prior to withdrawal):
EMA's report on the AZD1222 product safety for the period of time between 29th December 2021 to 28th June 2022 (a review that started in Sep 2022 and ended in Jan 2023):
Statement for D8110C00001: The results of data analyses performed on DCO3 (database lock 02 Sept 2021) data set became available during the reporting period for this PBRER.
EMA's report on the AZD1222 product safety for the period of time between June 22 to December 2022 (review started in March 2023 and ended in July 2023):
Statement about the study: "No new information has become available during the reporting period."
AZ PR release from March 2021 (interim analysis):
In the PR, they wrote the following: "In May 2020, AstraZeneca received support of more than $1bn from BARDA for the development, production and delivery of the vaccine under an agreement with the US Department of Defense’s Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense. The Phase III D8110C00001 trial is part of this funding agreement."
FDA site covering research:
The data of the D8110C00001 study (DCO3):
From it:
Summary of Clinical SafetyAZD1222 – 6-Month Follow-Up Data from Study D8110C00001:
Documentation of Statistical Methods and Supporting Statistical Analysis:
I hope you enjoy the conversation.
Much love
Links -
Telegram channel:
Health - Liberty - Happiness
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Hunter & Gather
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And oh yeah thank you for the coffee folks x
I hope you enjoy this episode.
Much love Ahmad
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