Great interview. The refusal to share the long term data should be a big red flag to more people.

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Thanks bro

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May 21Liked by Ehden Biber, Doc Malik

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I took the AZ shot - in spite of its known problem with clots - in preference to the others for the following reasons: the technology appeared to be better tested than that in the mRNA shots, that it was developed by a university (who supposedly wanted to distribute it for free) rather than a commercial company, and the testing process appeared to be more trustworthy. Well well well.

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May 21Liked by Ehden Biber, Doc Malik

Thanks both for your excellent work. Ahmad - you let the “vaccine” manufacturers off the hook (@58min) when you say the vaccines only reduce symptoms. That’s not what the trials claimed and it’s not what they got FDA/MHRA approval for. They were approved to PREVENT Covid. All the efficacy trials were based on a BINARY ENDPOINT - participants either did, or did not, get a PCR +ve Covid symptom(s). The drug companies can’t have it both ways and say a difference in the number of trial participants with and without Covid in these trials means the vaccine PREVENTS Covid then turn around and also claim the vaccine works if you DO get Covid. By the definition used in the trials, getting Covid, no matter how mild the symptoms, means the vaccine has FAILED. This is the huge fraud.

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Doh you are right x argh

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99% of the medical profession and the public still don’t get this!! What a fabulous money spinning con it’s been for Pharma, when the public take a jab that turns out not to work (by the definition used in dodgy trials in order to obtain it’s licence), and think that it does work because Pharma switched the narrative and fooled them into believing they’d be worse off without it. 🤦‍♀️

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May 21Liked by Ehden Biber, Doc Malik

This is stuuning all hidden in dificult to process ‘adminolese’

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100% this!

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May 21Liked by Ehden Biber

Bit like the WHO pandemic treaty and IHR ! Bore folk into signing up to tyranny - we have been trained on this with long complex T&C’s over years that we give up and just agree!

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May 21Liked by Ehden Biber, Doc Malik

Thank you Doc Malic for this excellent interview…

It seems AZ would rather lose any future financial gains with this product than have the world examine the horrendous results that they and the British government already knew.To direct the experiment on to two South American countries is highly questionable… because most western news media do not report the news from those parts of the world.. a media blackout is perfect for this sort of thing.. here is something more troubling to read…

The yellow card reporting system MHRA is the government body that should record all adverse reactions and deaths related to any drug or vaccine.Since its inception it has never given that task to any other department … why should it?

However in May 2021 it decided under Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock to stop recording vaccine related injury and deaths. This task was assigned to the ONS.

My own father and mother decided to get vaccinated …I tried to reason with them as I already knew what was happening to people through daily research … he checked the ONS site whilst living in France and decided that 6 recorded deaths proved beyond doubt the AZ vaccine was safe and effective…and told me I was talking twaddle.

They both died with 18 months of receiving two shots each .. first my father died with turbo cancer bowel obstruction..the surgeon removed long stringy white clots out of his abdomen(2022) jab to death 7 months ..My mother followed shortly after first she got Pulmonary embolism… 9 months after her first shot…which she survived and put on Eliquis (Pfizer drug) and then turbo cancer all her teeth fell out and her bones kept breaking… she died in March 2023.

Any one think the government did a good job protecting the nations health… by hiding real data… go look in your local cemetery and read the age of each grave stone since 2021.. younger and younger are the fallen hoodwinked by people they needed to believe.

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May 21·edited May 21Liked by Ehden Biber, Doc Malik

Thanks for this - I haven't listened to all of it, but when I saw the "chart" from the long-term study about 36 minutes in, I decided I need to "cross-post" this and I have.

I don't have a high number of readers, but several who do read there have medical experience professionally, and truly - the data in that chart was disconcerting and it ought be made readily available to the public. I hope this makes a difference for them.



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May 21Liked by Ehden Biber

Ehden Biber is a remarkable soul…

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May 21·edited May 21Liked by Ehden Biber, Doc Malik

Thanks for bringing this to the world, well the ones that want to listen and not bury their heads in the sand. That's the great thing about these lier, they forget what they said and so they can be exposed ;0)

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May 21Liked by Ehden Biber

Another mind blowing chat - it's so good that people like Ehden have skills to dissect these documents and analyse them for us. The callousness of these people is disgusting - I hope they get the punishment they deserve. And why did the US pay for AZ when it wasn't available there??? Thanks again

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May 21Liked by Ehden Biber, Doc Malik

Wow what an amazing chap, I didn’t understand a lot of the figures and stuff but am full of admiration for Ehden and the work he’s done to compile all this. So much information , I’m not have much luck in sharing stuff but it’s thrown a lot of light on various ailments and illnesses that are now the norm and that folk still believe would have been much worse without their booster. Sadly we’ve had a basketball player die whilst playing a match in the last few days, hopefully not due to the same. Thank you Ahmad and Ehden for standing for the truth

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May 21Liked by Ehden Biber, Doc Malik

So shocking hearing what is behind this. Those we trusted have been absolutely reckless with our health and our lives.

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May 21Liked by Ehden Biber, Doc Malik


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my head exploded

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May 21Liked by Ehden Biber

The number of participants in the AZ trials is incomplete. Recently a lady was interviewed who was part of the US AZ trial and she suffered terrible side effects from the first jab, within 12 hours. AZ said they followed up the side effects but they did not (she said) and she cannot find herself anywhere in the recorded details of side effects. It's like she doesn't exist. I would hazard a guess that the trial numbers given in the documents are selective - for example if you only had one dose, you're not counted as a trial participant. It's my belief that the numbers of injuries are much worse than shown. Now to Moderna - for me, this is the worrying thing. AZ as been removed, there are plenty of hit pieces against the Pfizer jabs, with good reason. Nobody seems to be talking about Moderna specifically and they seem to be the only pharma criminals who are building huge jab factories..... I'm concerned that when the dust settles, Moderna will be seen as the least worst of all of them, and the public will go along with it because of that. As a 30 something single mother said to me the other day - "if it wasn't OK for my child to eat/drink this (insert processed product name) the government wouldn't LET US HAVE IT". Anyway, good hard hitting information chaps - thanks for all your work. Sorry for the rant.

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It’s a great UB40 lyric but it’s also ironic that their vocalist Matt Hoy was forced out of the band for reusing to take the jab.

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The fact that you cannot trust your government shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Government is corrupt by nature. Everything it is involved in becomes corrupt as well. So of course you cannot trust the medical establishment, the scientific establishment, the pharmaceutical industry, the media, etc.

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To think that these people at AZ got knighted and made millions, makes my blood boil. My brother ended up collapsing in the bathroom one night a few months after his jab and then came a massive blood clot in his calf and it took a long time to go down. Absolute criminals

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