I remember we talked about this Q&A during our first phone call, but I am even more impressed now that I've seen it! As someone just beginning to put the pieces together, you were light years ahead of most of the populace and even high-profile members of the dissident community. You were already well-aware that Mistakes Were NOT Made (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem), much as the mainstream straddlers (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-mainstream-straddler) want to desperately paddle away from that reality. Well-done for challenging the "Mistakes were made" lie that enables the perpetual propagation of rinse-and-repeat atrocities, Ahmad 🙌

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I share your frustration. Ironically I'm finding it more difficult to talk with people about the injections even as more damning data is revealed. It's as if people just want to forget the whole thing and move on. I agree, justice needs to be served first, not revenge, justice. Happy New Year Ahmad, sadly I don't see it being any easier than the last four, probably even worse ☹️

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Thank you for this post, Doc.

More on Dr. Jay’s coverup:


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I cannot continue to listen to this absolute BS!!!! You are right Doc, it’s been fracking planned for over a hundred years😡😡😡😡😡ffs, I felt like banging my head on the wall listening to this dross!!! It’s been the most evil agenda in the history of mankind, the slaughter of our men, women and children goes on and on and on UNABATED. What the hell is up with these goons?? All I can think is they are controlled opposition to keep our mouths shut.I am absolutely SICK AND TIRED OF ALL THE BULLSHIT.

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Agreed, both of them are apologists for a mass murdering industry and the venal governments that colluded with them. It sounds like they have been tasked with accepting a few slapped wrists on behalf of the corporations and then moving people on, as if there's "Nothing to see here folks."

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I can't understand how Jay doesn't believe in a conspiracy of all governments in lockstep with each other. Anyone that saw the EVENT 201 hosted by John Hopkins University and funded by BMGF and World Economic Forum (WEF), took place in Oct 2019, knew the plandemic response was centrally organized and by many who took part in the wargaming exercise. Special emphasis of the EVENT 201 was "Communications", control of the official narrative in the media and shutting down dissenting voices.

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Diagnosis before prognosis...

As the video reveals, both Bhattacharya and Malhotra are sophisticated APOLOGISTS for Big Pharmer's "depopulation by toxic bioweapon", crime against humanity.

We live in a world run by a global network of wealthy, powerful, cruel and criminal trans-national corporations. It's sometimes called the military-industrial complex.

For a long time, this corporate empire has been in the process of acquiring the world's assets by fair means or foul. They operate like latter-day pirates and everyone who works for them is enabling their criminal activity, even if they are not fully aware of the entire scope of their Agenda for the 21st Century...

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Or even if they are..

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Yes, some people are wilfully going along with Agenda 2030 (one of the milestones of the corporate Agenda for the 21st Century), even though it involves the imposition of worldwide Central Bank Digital Currencies. CBDC's represent economic slavery for the majority of the population. Any "order follower" who thinks that is a safe world for them to live in, is delusional.

China has implemented the closest thing to a CBDC so far, as the "Social Credit Score" determined by the Communist government is a powerful technique to control the behaviour of every economically active citizen on the system.

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Happy New Year, Ahmed !! I wish you and your family all the very best for 2025. You address a very important point. I too am very disappointed in Jay Bhattacharya, Aseem Malhotra and many others. BUT, how will anyone achieve positions influential enough to create any change for the better if they were to go all out against medical orthodoxy? Eg. If Kennedy were to state publicly that he was going to ban all vaccines til proper trials were carried out or state that all Covid criminals were going to be prosecuted, does anyone genuinely think Kennedy would be confirmed by the Senate. There are still billions of people worldwide who believe and, God help us, actually trust the medical mafia. They too have immense power. Much as I hate to say it...I think the best we can do is support those people who, at least, see some of the problems. Step by step.....to a much better future. Rome was not built in a day😅.

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Until they do it again you mean?

Then what? Not good enough for all the children that have perished and suffered at the hands of these monsters. No, definitely not good enough.

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Omg my emotions🤔 there will be no healing until there is justice .

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Bhattacharya, along with Malhotra - posing in the wings, are yesterday's men. Pitiable, treasonous. Ironically, they gave live testimony to their allegiances.

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I know this is an overused term but I really believe both Malhotra and Battacharya are controlled opposition, they keep the conversation strictly within the confines of “mistakes were made” “Covid was a serious disease for the elderly” and other such carefully crafted lies.

I call BS

No virus was ever isolated, it was a pre planned pandemic of fraudulent PCR.

It was all a crime against humanity, imagine knowing that elderly people were separated from loved ones with fake test results, then put on protocols to kill them.

At this point, anyone who is ignoring the larger picture of the last 5 years, scamdemic, wars, gender nonsense, climate scam, more injections, censorship, disruption of food supply is complicit in the destruction of the freedom of humanity.

Happy New Year to you and your family Ahmad, you’re a fracken legend brother and the beard suits you. Here’s to another year of speaking the truth. God bless you.

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Absolutely! There is no ‘grey’ area now.

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Happy New Year to you and your family. Thank you for doing what you do. ❤️

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What is like to see in 2025, Jay and Aseem to sit down with Nick Hudson and Sasha Latypova, and watch the 2 doctors try and defend their hegelian dialectic BS.

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Sasha, when caught in a lie about why the police were sent to her house, retaliated with vicious and juvenile insults (cunt, twat, turd, etc). She posted that lie on the day that Susan Wojcicki's son's death was announced, and Sasha implied it served her right for sending the police because the 1M followers of her daughter's YT channel posted anti-woke content.

In fact, it was because her daughter issued a very credible death threat against Susan. Her daughter also posted things like "Kill all Muslims. It would be a public service." And much, much more. I don't know what Sasha is, I only know she isn't who she says she is. Here are the details, and please read Sasha's responses in the comments: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/sashas-daughter-soph.

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I've got to the 25 minute mark and thought I'd come to the comments. It was starting to annoy me that they're framing the "COVID" scam from a normie perspective. Not sure I can listen much more. Its looking like limited hangout then

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And a clear tell that they're controlled is calling the experimental mRNA technology "vaccines". It's bullshit, we all know they're at best gene therapy

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I can't even listen to these guys. Completely missed the point. Skirting around the real issues. You said it much more succinctly in your 2 minute comment at the beginning. Good on you ❤

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Thank you.

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What was the intervention you were trying to make at 1:26:15?

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I was chomping at the bit to respond to this all the way through. Your statement from the audience was perfect. I wonder if their technique of taking two or more questions at a time was developed when they saw you were the first question. It buried it and let Jay and Aseem completely off the hook to respond.

Aseem's nod to it was smarmy and condescending: "Thank you, Ahmad, for your passion. It touches the heart. I feel your anger and I felt that for a long time. We have that within us, treating people with different views with compassion. It's not easy."

So he reacts as if you're emotional--something with which I'm very familiar as a woman, I get it all the time. He's the rational one. He USED to feel anger like you, but he's grown beyond that now. And then he conflates looking at this as a planned agenda with not having compassion for people with different views. That strategy, which gets used throughout by both Aseem and Jay, is much too calculated to be spontaneous. It's their pre-planned response. It makes you the immature one, just not grown up like them.

And then not letting you speak to a woman's comment, as a fellow doctor. WTF? They treat you like you're a crazed conspiracy heckler, trying to steal the attention from these esteemed speakers. How exactly are your qualifications less than this anti-fat people activist and academic indoctrinator? (I'll save my rant against Aseem's 'obesity activism' for another post on The Sociology of Fat.)

The commenters made much better points than the speakers, other than the 18-yr-old fan boy who thought jabbing up his elders was just fine. The guy who studied stats, whose dad died and his 80 yr old neighbor, was terrific. Those who talked about eugenics had solid information. The last commenter was great. Many made excellent points that the speakers never had to address, as they picked and chose who to answer.

Jay confirmed your point when he said that everyone was speaking with the same voice. How was that possible if this wasn't coordinated, Jay? And I agree with him that empathy has been weaponized. His 'solution' is that we can't do what they did, and need to forgive those with whom we disagree. We need humility. We have to heal.

Jay and Aseem are 100% in on the psyop. Zero question in my mind, even before the NIH appointment, and even before seeing this talk and their 'othering' of you.

First you have the psyop in the center. Then you have the second circle of psyop, those who were chosen for their roles and are consciously in on the con. They organize the opposition. It includes Malone, RFK, Eisenstein, Jay and Aseem. The third circle of psyop includes those who see through the con and others who are in on the con. The latter manages the perception of the second circle of leaders. They form alliances with those who are seeing through the con, help them get platforms, sponsor them in conferences.

When someone in the second circle gets exposed, as I and others did with Malone, those in on the con flip and they denounce each other publicly. More LARPwars, and I see Mathew Crawford in this role. It keeps that third circle infiltrated and reliant on friendships and sponsorship--weaponizing our empathy against us.

I see Jessica Rose as an innocent in that third circle, and I remember her gushing over Aseem. I also remember her not being willing to answer logical questions about Malone. At some point, if you won't question those who support you, do you become complicit? I think Tessa Lena is an innocent caught in this web, but Vera Shiraz, Meryl Nass and Sasha Latypova are fully part of the con, from my research: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/meryl-and-malone.

Thanks for keeping our memories of this time alive, when things are becoming clearer in hindsight and our suspicions are confirmed along with those presidential appointments.

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Is vera shiraz different from vera sharav?

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Oh let me add a reply from my most well-read reader, Julius Skoolafish. He reminded me about this article: https://karlhaemers.substack.com/p/holocaust-survivor-equates-covid. It does the deep dive on the Never Again series and Vera's questionable history, which is inconsistent with the narrative she's promoting.

He also points out a comment from henjin:

"Matthew Crawford wrote a Substack post about how people should stop saying "Nuremberg 2.0" because the Nuremberg trials weren't hard enough on the Germans. I told him to read Carlos Porter's book about Nuremberg and to watch David Irving's presentation about Nuremberg, and I told him how the official death toll of Majdanek is now 78,000 even though it was claimed to be 1.5 million during the IMT.

"Two years ago I got sick of everyone saying that Fauci is Mengele 2.0, so I wrote around 100,000 words of notes about Mengele, but I never bothered to compile them into a finished article."

• LET’S TALK ABOUT NUREMBERG – Chris Curls - The Highest Underground Show

Three parts




PDF: Not Guilty at Nuremberg - CARLOS W. PORTER https://der-stuermer.org/english/revisionism/porter,_carlos_-_not_guilty_at_nuremberg.pdf

So this returns to Mathew, pointing fingers--at you for 'promoting psychedelics,' at me as 'mentally ill' for questioning BitCoin, and at the Germans who weren't punished enough ... even though their census dropped by 5.7M after the end of the war and the int'l census of Jews, by their own statements, rose during the war.

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Oops, my mistake, I did mean Vera Sharav. And perhaps you weren't asking for an explanation for why she's in on the con, but I'll use the opportunity anyway.

My research focus is on the malevolent systems and stories that have caused good people to do bad things. I see people as inherently good and, when they behave badly, see system and stories as to blame. Until those systems and stories are challenged, we have no evidence it's human nature, good vs. evil, or psychopathy causing people to cause harm. Since system and stories can be changed, but not human nature, we should look first to them rather than being resigned that people are simply bad or evil, as individuals or groups.

Most people who saw through the central psyop of Covid were primed because they'd already seen it was possible to perpetrate a lie on a global scale. For many, this was 9/11 or the JFK assassination. Although there, they'd been caught in the second circle of psyops, that each was an 'inside job' by the CIA or Deep State. It's only recently that the evidence for Mossad in both can be seen by some.

How far back does the con go? My book on the economic system goes all the way back to the origins of the three mechanisms of control: governance, religion and money. In the West, these are democracy, Judeo-Christianity and banking. Each system is backed by stories we call history.

In the stories of the world wars, the Germans are gullible and overly obedient at best, evil at worst. They do things we would never do. The Nazis are the example of what 'mass formation' will lead to, given by Mattais Desmet, CJ Hopkins, and many others. Most importantly, Vera with her multipart series, Never Again.

However, Hitler's Germany proved that the banking system was a lie, after he kicked out the Rothschilds and renounced the baker-imposed debt. His Feder system of money showed that debt wasn't needed, which is why 'Judea' declared war on Germany in 1933.

He also exposed the ideology of the Torah and Talmud in which deception was, not only encouraged, but required if it benefited the cult. The Kol Nidre prayer grants forgiveness in advance for any lies told within that year. As Elie Wiesel told his rabbi, who asked if the stories of Night were true, "Sometimes you have to tell a lie in order to tell a larger truth."

For anyone who's looked seriously at the evidence, there's no doubt that the official stories of the world wars are lies. Is Vera an innocent who's been used to perpetuate a lie? From various 'tells' I think she's in on it. There are particularly techniques of going on the offensive, being self-righteous, taking offense and playing the victim.

From my deeper research into the Habiru in Egypt in the 16th c. BCE, the techniques of usury, false flags, ruling from behind, terrorism and deception go back millennia. The authors of the Yahweh psyop have changed names many times, and changed the populations they use to trick and subdue the rest. The Jews, which in Hebrew would have been Yews or use or ewes, are only the latest.

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This might sound like a silly question, but what is the ‘con’ you refer to? At the bottom line if someone still thinks vaccines in general are ok, then immediately they are to be taken with a pinch of salt. But people’s careers are a driving force behind their actions. Their ultimate intentions, and what they hope to achieve may still be good.

For most of us, spending too much time working out who is genuine and who is not, is not time well spent. Question everything is good advice, and we just have to make up our own jigsaws and see which pieces fit best.

We know justice has not been done as yet, was it even done after the Second World War? Nevertheless we will hold onto ‘Never forget’, it’s not over until most people know that Covid was a scam and an act of malevolence against ordinary people. That is what we need to achieve.

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Not a silly question! Ahmad's central point in his question is that the whole pandemic was planned for a nefarious purpose. And one of his proof points is that everyone in gov't and media was speaking from the same script, as those video montages show. As you say, "Covid was a scam and an act of malevolence against ordinary people."

That's what I see as the baseline realization that joins my circles, and likely Ahmad's. What we know for certain is that it was not a series of mistakes but a lie coordinated at the top levels of global power in the world. Margaret's poem with its line-by-line links to citations proves this amply.

Jay and Aseem are not at this baseline. And when Ahmad, with the same credentials as them, presents solid facts and logic, their reaction is to 'other' him, deflect by taking multiple questions at once, treat him like a mic-hogging conspiracy theorist, and answer with soothing platitudes: 'I hear your anger, thank you for your passion,' the way you'd treat a child having a tantrum.

When someone is put in a leadership position but the people they're 'leading' (other than the 18 yr old) understand the reality better than they do, I smell a rat. Perhaps Jay and Aseem are merely naive and too arrogant to listen to those on their own side who present conflicting evidence. If I were to accept them as speaking for me, I'd be taking their authority over my own.

The other possibilities are that they're either complicit or captured. From the scripted way in which this 'forum' happened and their ready rhetorical tricks, my guess is they're complicit. I think this was all staged to co-opt the MFM. And Jay's appointment over the NIH confirms that.

From the baseline realization that it's possible to perpetrate a global lie, my readers have extended that to ask, "Did this just start in 2020? Or in 2000 with 9/11? Or in 1963 with JFK's assassination? Or in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act?"

My book, How to Dismantle an Empire, goes back 3500 yrs to the origins of democracy and money. But it wasn't until I was responding to Margaret's interview of CJ Hopkins that I asked an innocent question about how Hitler turned around the Weimar hyperinflation that had devastated Germans. That question led me step by step, piece by piece, to a complete unraveling of everything I'd been taught about the world wars. I collected those episodes here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/my-hitler-journey.

The phrase 'Never forget,' from what I know now, is another psyop, another inversion. We're being forced to forget, remembering--from its etymology of putting together the pieces--is against the law in many countries. With Trump's election that will likely include the US, as he's promised.

Those who perpetrated and won the world wars are the same ones manipulating our 'reality' today. How people like Vera respond to those on their side presenting conflicting facts and logic determines whether they're naive, complicit or captured.

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Great comment 👍🏻

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Some people with high profiles in the public domain are obviously promoting the globalist narrative which reveals their duplicity.

For example, anyone pushing the "gain of function" lie, "mRNA vaccines" oxymoron, "global warming" scam and more recently, "alien invasion" deception. (I predict that the latter will be the main scam for 2025, as Trump is already "promising" to "release all the documents"... to dupe the gullible that aliens are behind all the evil in the world.)

However, many normies (for want of a better term) who are too busy, e.g. working full time, to look into the COVID scamdemic, will still innocently use the term vaccine . It's clear though that they don't have any ulterior motives and aren't pushing an agenda.

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So far making deadly viruses, which in my view probably require bacteria in any case, and viruses may in fact simply be a set of instructions for bacteria, seems real. In view of the number of laboratories engaged in these activities, and the effects of accidents such as when ferrets died from bird flu vaccine products in 2009, or Janet Parker died from laboratory smallpox (unless it was her hospital treatment).

The difficulty for ‘them’ however, is that gain of function would quickly attenuate to something less deadly, thus would require distribution via air conditioning or similar Eg spreading the bacteria on surfaces, or injections. Injections being more effective.

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It might be a bitter pill for those who invested a lot of time and money to train at medical school (as I did for 2 years) but the scientific method requires that a physical entity be proven to exist before one can build an entire ideology upon it.

Bacteria have been shown to exist and fungi have been shown to exist. However, viruses look identical to exosomes under the microscope. Exosomes can contain all sorts of material, including fragments of RNA or DNA, which would happen when a cell disintegrates at the end of its life cycle. We know that the entire body is constantly renewing it cells, so it has to remove cell debris from the body, which happen to manifest as exosomes. Funnily enough a virus is defined as a fragment of DNA or RNA in a lipid membrane which matches the description of genetic cell debris.

Since Koch's postulates haven't been met for "viruses", it would be a violation of the scientific principle to believe in them. Therefore, I am open to discussions about bacterial and fungal infections but not viral infections. Environmental toxins are far more prevalent than people realise and cause a huge range of diseases that can easily be misattributed to viruses.

The military industrial complex lusts after a way to racially profile their bioweapons to target specific racial genetics. The Daily Telegraph, a UK newspaper, has often published articles specifically about this. However, they haven't been able to achieve it as yet, so they continue their research, wherever they can. Toxic injections are the most "safe and effective" way for them to target those they think are the most useless eaters.

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Dr Malik is wanting & needing justice as many of us are on that page but for those who are still captured they need protection

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I had to switch it off half way through I'm sorry but I don't trust either of these people.

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