Ahmed, I’m in agreement with almost everything in your article. But there is an assumption that the Pakistani community hasn’t spoken out against this - I can tell you that in 2010 when this came out probably ever Friday sermon in every mosque around the country was on this issue and it was self-reflective, focused on what we need to ask and do as a community to figure out how we ended up here and what we’re going to stop it happening again. If it was down to the Pakistani community these men would have been punished properly, they would never see the light of day again.

But there is an agenda here with it coming up again. You do have to ask why now? And people are afraid of serving that agenda unwittingly. Also, we as a community aren’t really being asked to condemn this and work with society at large to prevent it happening again- we are just being asked to confirm other people’s racists and bigoted attitudes. No wonder people aren’t willing to comply.

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Thank you. I wasn't aware, thank you for educating me. Yes this is a very complicated issue and the authorities are allowing this evil to happen, like they do elsewhere. They are satanic.

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It's good to hear that this is being addressed within communities-this news certainly hasn't make it to mainstream media.

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MSM will only report that which serves their agenda.

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Do you have ANY idea how common pedophilia is among Caucasian British men? OMG. It's SO (native) British. Ask any upper crust teenager who has attended a "public" school. They have ALL been buggered. Read Diana Spencer's brother's book on his experience in boarding school.

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I think the hardest thing for me is that whether I remain quiet or speak up I am damned. How can I comment on paedophilia and sex abuse in Westminster or elsewhere if I refuse to talk about the Pakistani rape gangs. That is hypocritical. I actually mentioned several times in my article that this isn't a unique problem to Pakistani men. I mentioned the Westminster issue and how no one was charged, and the operation looking into high profile individuals. In the podcast I mentioned that 1 in 25 children have been victims of sexual abuse in this country, most by family members. Yes this is a massive problem in Britain but also globally. And one day I will have guests discussing that.

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do you think that is one of the reasons why this obviously widespread problem goes unresolved or unpunished? because the 'white' Brits quietly 'wink, wink'?

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Maybe. I think mostly the British are super repressed and these urges have to come out somewhere. It's really hypocritical to focus on Pakistani men. It's not that I don't think the Pakistanis are doing it as well. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. But Caucasians love to focus on misbehavior by men of color while ignoring a much bigger problem in the Caucasian population. Britain is so racist.

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Thanks, Doc Malik, for tackling this now but even more for calling them "Rape Gangs" instead of the ridiculous normalizing misnomer "Grooming Gangs". The only Grooming in Gangs I see are the media, Labor, and any of us who are afraid to call a snake a snake.

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I listened to your podcast with Raja yesterday while walking the dog.. It wasn't an easy subject to get ones head around,. His courage and tenacity is incredible, and the way he's been treated for his efforts in exposing the evil is truly disgraceful. Kudos to you too Ahmad, for having the courage to explore this most difficult of subjects.

Here in Ireland, probably the only country in Europe never to have invaded or colonised any other land, we have now cities and even remote rural villages where hoards of undocumented young men, mostly although not all Muslim, have been flown and shipped into the communities for reasons which have not been explained to the indigenous population. Again, it's the old divide and rule trick, and sadly many in the nationalist anti-globalist groups are walking straight into the trap. Of course the Gardaí, the Irish police force, are under orders not to intervene, and the courts are weaponised against the locals. It's the same old playbook. The Rulers have things well worked out, and until we understand the playbook, we haven't a hope of changing anything.

I commend you both in helping disperse the fog of lies. I think Raja is correct in his belief that the cure will come from within the Muslin communities themselves. I sincerely hope so.

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Ahmed, We're all culpable for allowing these heinous crimes to occur and persist for so long in our communities across the country. Just because you are of Pakistani heritage doesn't make you any more or less culpable. It would be ridiculous to suggest I'm more culpable for the crimes of white monsters such as Fred West!

As a society we have let these gangs operate with impunity, aided and abetted by the police and social services. Whistleblowers have been silenced. We all have to face up to these facts and hang our heads in shame. We need hard-hitting investigations, not just of the gangs but of their collaborators and the ideology of "multiculturalism" that stops good people speaking out. People at the top must be brought to justice and respect shown to the women who survived.

Our biggest problem is that polite society doesn't want to talk about what is happening to these girls but until we confront the problem we'll never reverse the damage done to our culture over the last 30 years and the steady descent into lawlessness.

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Thank you. 💯

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I'm not saying that all Ruby's claims are wrong, but some are incendary and without knowing who she is or how we can ask for clarification, I don't know if they help the discussion much.

Are still waiting for the full Epst**n Island list? Not many Pakistanis there, as I recall.

I think a typo on first instance of Raja Miah's name.

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