What a terrible waste. A system which invests so much into training doctors and then uses a totalitarian rule book to govern them, is not set up for health. It is set up for power.

I understand how Jackie felt. In 2003 the British government made the import of traditional Chinese dried herbs illegal. They effectively put me out of business overnight. 12 years of study and more of experience was thrown to the wind....

I sold everything I possessed, bought a truck, popped my dogs and cat in and set off to find a new life.

I was very lucky. I found one.

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Oct 6Liked by Doc Malik

Doc, I am so sorry for the pain you're feeling at the loss of this clearly great doctor, fellow warrior and just a downright good soul. I get why it's so painful. When I was fighting for my life after being injured by antidepressants to the point of disability I was also trying to be outspoken and fight the system. There were many of us who made it our mission. And it tore a hole in our hearts to be gaslit, ridiculed, disregarded, called Conspiracy Theorists, etc. Many times I wanted to end my own life over the abuse I was taking in just trying to save others from the very fate that stole my ability to live like a normal human being. There were many warriors who did end their lives and destroyed pieces of what was left of my soul in that process. One was a Scottish girl by the name of Jo. I still think of her to this day and can sometimes even hear her voice from the many times we chatted using Facebook messenger. I loved her sweet voice and her awesome Scottish accent!

Often I hear people say BS like suicide is a selfish act. Sometimes, people just don't have the strength to go on. Their decision may even have been made so that they are no longer a burden to those they've been leaning on. My friend Jo was more pained about how she made her family feel. She didn't want to upset them. I had to struggle to remember how Jo felt so that I didn't feel the need to attack her family who, in my view, didn't help her enough. She was so very broken. And she was so young. She was only in her early 30's. She couldn't survive on her own. She needed so much more help.

Before Jo died, she, with others injured like we were, went before the Scottish parliament to try to get the carnage to stop. People don't realize how dangerous these drugs are and how, once damaged, the doctors can't even recognize the symptoms of an adverse reaction so they won't acknowledge the issues and won't provide any way to help. You're gaslit and blamed and left to live or die on your own. Doctors like Jackie and like you, Ahmad, are so rare and so badly needed in this very broken world, it's heart wrenching to see so many of you warriors lose your battles. It makes my heart ache. I would have killed to have a doctor like Jackie as a primary. I would have killed to have a doctor like you too, Ahmad. Today I don't trust a single one and will likely lose my disability because I refuse to spend my limited resources on medical "services" that do nothing but trigger PTSD for me.

Love and light to you (as Jo would have said). Rest in peace Dr Stone.

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(clicking 'like' 10x's over)

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Thank you for sharing. My heart grieves with you. What a beautiful soul.

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Oct 6Liked by Doc Malik

The sad thing is that The Welcome Trust will be happy to have her out of the way. They tortured her and now we have one less soldier. Besides that, she was a caring person doing an amazing thing - figuring out how to save lives. Unfortunately, life means nothing to these power hungry people who want to rule the world and have only enough of us to keep as the cogs in the wheel. We have to stand strong and not relent to these diabolical people. So many people are coming to my practice (bodywork and nutrition) who have been injured by the shot. I'm not shy about it anymore. The latest, three grand mal seizures since the second shot. He was a young healthy man prior. The future of the world needs people to know that we can not trust those who did this any longer. Sorry for Jackie to be so broken by them. Blessings for her journey that she may find peace and love.

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Oct 6Liked by Doc Malik

This was such a beautiful tribute to read, and I feel for the integrity of this dedicated doctor who was treated so savagely by the so-called authorities…. Who by their actions show they have no interest in the simple desire to restore health. What a moving song. Huge respect for those who resist the dark and destructive forces which have infected the medical profession. X

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Important and beautiful words ❤️

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Oct 6Liked by Doc Malik

I'd like to know the hame of the 'Professor' from the London School of Tropical Medicine who reported Doctor Jackie Stone.

I hope he now has his tail between his legs.... he bloody well needs to.

But somehow.... I doubt it.

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I believe Jackie said it was this person. https://www.lshtm.ac.uk/aboutus/people/ferrand.rashida

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May God forgive her. I can’t, not without her issuing a statement showing she completely recants having driven poor Jackie to suicide.

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Oct 6Liked by Doc Malik

God bless you, Ahmad, for finding the strength to share this gut-wrenching story with us. I’m sure it must have been one of the most difficult articles you’ve ever written. It must inspire us all to ensure that as long as we have breath in our bodies we must fight to ensure that Jackie and others like her are never forgotten. And may God comfort her friends and family.

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6Liked by Doc Malik

In this lecture Jackie Stone made it clear she preferred to be called a warrior, as opposed to a hero.


Her takedown of the trials designed to fail, used by the predators to further their agenda, exposes their callousness and evil, just as much as her own persecution by these same entities. I’m sure she would appreciate us now raising awareness over the current persecution of another African doctor, Shankara Chetty, who saved many lives with his treatment approach.

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Oct 6Liked by Doc Malik

Jackie was one of the people I followed, along with you Ahmad (and others) on Twitter from early on during Covid when I was feeling increasingly uneasy and isolated about what was happening…and later felt threatened and pretty damn terrified about the mandating of a novel, rushed through pharmaceutical.

You were both strangers to me but I cannot emphasise enough, how much of a psychological lifeline it was to find healthcare professionals like yourselves. You articulated and expressed my fears and concerns when so many colleagues (as well as friends and family) simply went along with it without question. People disagree on all sorts of issues but this was different. Even wanting to open up debate on this subject attracted ridicule, hostility and ostracision. Some relationships were changed forever.

I’d always considered myself a strong and resilient person, because I’d always managed to find a way to cope with what life threw at me. I’d experienced adversity growing up, but on reflection, what happened during my childhood didn’t come from a majority group. Back then, there were always people I could trust to have my best interests at heart. This is what felt different in 2020/2021. It was when I truly appreciated human vulnerability and the importance of a support network…only I never expected that I would ever have to rely on complete strangers on platforms such as Twitter to provide that.

So it was with a heavy heart that I read the news about Jackie yesterday. I felt sad, but then very angry at what the establishment and the masses did to her. At how they hounded her and tried to use every psychological tool at their disposal to beat her into submission, ultimately going after her hard worked for career and professional ability to care for people to which she had been dedicated.

Life is a journey. We all have to make route choices and take our own path even though it is impossible for any of us to know what lies ahead. Travelling with a familiar group feels comfortable but is still fraught with risk if no-one is really thinking about where they are going. So never abandon your wits or your own compass for a false sense of comfort. At the same time, travelling completely alone for long stretches can be a disorienting, desolate experience so I will never underestimate the value that can come from finding other thinking people travelling in the same direction.

So from the bottom of my heart, thank you to Jackie, Ahmad and to all the other strangers who unknowingly, helped me check my map and reassured me that I was not lost. May God bless you all.

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Lisa, you speak for so many of us out here. I am so glad that we are this side of the line. I feel sorry for the lost souls out there who have been captured. We will stick together no matter how physicslly remote we are from each other. And we are growing.

I truly hope Doctor Jackie Stone is in a better place.

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Your entire message resonates with me. Thank you for saying what I can never fully articulate. <3 Thank you for keeping me from feeling so alone.

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brilliantly put, Lisa! many, many, many of us feel the exact same way! we are in the same boat and lucky that we have some amazing folks (like Ahmad) manning the oars. I especially resonate with the 'never expected to have to rely on complete strangers (online)' sentiment. even within the long-awake autism community, many are so overwhelmed with their day-to-day lives that they have little energy left to comprehend the wider issues. in my personal life, I literally have zero people who are completely 'awake & aware', therefore left finding sanity among all of YOU, here in the ether. our connections and friendships are very REAL and I am thankful for each and every one of YOU!

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I have to count my blessings that my husband was on side. But he is a different personality type to me. He was very sure of what he thought...and very vocal, which ended some of his relationships (particularly on a professional level). He's never done/refuses to do social media. He got angry. I got extremely anxious and completely consumed by it all because it felt like it was "just us" . So like many of you, I took to social media for reassurance & to try to reason with people. And amongst all the unexpected Twitter hate for doing so, I was blessed again to find people like all of you, so your thanks is very much mutually felt Warrior Mom x

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If you were to read my short reply to Lisa you would find that we were thinking the same way. Before I read YOUR reply I had shorted mine up. I had made some comments to the effect that we have had to rely on total strangers. For some reason I deleted those portions but saw you said what I'd been trying to say. I too have zero people who are completely awake and aware and I find my sanity mostly on this very comment section on Ahmad's podcasts and posts. There's so much value in that. Thank you for making me feel sane today. Today was a hard day for me. I needed your "voice" and comfort and there it was! <3

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I hope the new week finds your days less hard! I've been battling some disillusionment myself. we feel like such a tiny minority sometimes; the PTB have put a lot of effort into making our voices smaller, mostly by either ignoring us or shouting over us. not to mention attempting to keep us from finding each other. too many people think 'covid is over, therefore all is back to normal' but nothing could be further from the truth. hang tough, I say, as I have to tell myself that every day!

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Oct 6Liked by Doc Malik

In one way or another the likes of Dr. Stone, yourself, and countless others within the medical sciences have been taken out, for paying testament to true medicine and healing. Few realise the injustices served in your quest. The truths of your devoted, exquisite, understandings will never die - ever!

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Oct 6Liked by Doc Malik

I hadn’t heard of Jackie until I saw something on X from Bev Turner & others. I watched that last video & was crying by the end of it. What a tragic end to someone just trying to do the right thing & actually saving lives. Reading this Ahmad has me crying again. It’s sad you never got to meet her & that you didn’t get those messages at the time, but I guess that’s how it was so meant to be. I do believe you gained strength from her story & that will help you keep going with your important work. RIP Jackie ❤️

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I haven’t heard of her either. V strange as you’d think interviews with her would have popped up. 🧐

May she rest in peace 🙏

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Oct 6·edited 22 hrs agoLiked by Doc Malik

oh dear lord, this is so terribly tragic and such a damning statement of where we are in this endlessly fracked-up, upside-down world. the 'bastards', as you so eloquently call them, Doc, need to be TAKEN DOWN. since I doubt they will be taken down in any official way, at the very least, they need to be made irrelevant. I'm afraid that the only way we can do that is to put maximum effort into creating alternative systems. I'm glad for the efforts of the good folks involved in the People's Reset (and their various offshoots). they may not be perfect (who is?) but at least they are DOING SOMETHING positive to resist the bastards and help many make their own way. seriously, at this point, what else can we do?? reject their world. period. there's no 'fixing' it; only replacing it, with a SANE one!

please do let us know if any plans are made to memorialize Dr Jackie. (an intentional community in her name would be lovely, wouldn't it?) good god, if the bastards can control countries in Africa, they certainly have a stranglehold on us in the Western world. so chilling, so disturbing, for our future.

you've certainly had one horrible week, my dear Doc. please take care of yourself and allow your priceless children and beautiful wife, to uplift your soul. they are blessings beyond words. many huge hugs out to you, sir!

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Oct 6Liked by Doc Malik

I have no words....just incredible sadness.... You clearly connected with Jackie, Ahmad, despite having never met her. Thank you for sharing this story. I hope it makes the grieving a healing easier for you. I grieve with you... Blessings to you all.

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Oct 6Liked by Doc Malik

Thank you and much love for this eulogy Doc. Blessings to the creator for the life of Jackie Stone and I wish her a safe journey home.

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Beautifully put. " a safe journey home". <3

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Oct 6Liked by Doc Malik

What an awesome lady, what a terrible sad loss!

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