And you're going from strength to strength. Well done you. Keep her lit!

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For me the last few years have been awful, but the thing that really hurts the most is finding out that others seem to think it was ok. Friends and family choosing to believe politicians and TV doctors over me ( a retired GP and having shown no psychopathic tendencies so far!) and thinking that it was morally ok to treat people the way the government did. I can never get that innocence back and have lost the safe feeling in humanity that I once had. I expect governments to let me down, but not people, pretty much all people, in my social circle- I thought I had better judgment than that, but you really can’t tell who would ‘make a good german’.

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Sending you a hug. Supporter stories?

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Thanks for the hug, but it’s a no to supporter stories!

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A holocaust survivor who I admire is Vera Sherav. When this whole thing started with the masks, a friend of hers said it's only a mask, it's ok and Vera said to her no it's not ok. That encapsulates it. So I feel you, as most people have moved on thinking it was okay. While we need to move forward and be the light, we should never forget or forgive what they did. I tell everybody who I speak to who got the injections and haven't gotten ill to just look up at the sky and thank god for injecting me with water. And I tell them that there never was a vaccine. And by the way, there has never been a vaccine of any kind. The godfather of Vaccines Stanley Plotkin admitted when deposed by Aaron Siri that none of the shots were tested against a placebo group and almost all were tested for just a few day if at all.

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its so important that we do not forget those years and all that happened, all around the world! important that we don't allow those who suffered & sacrificed to be forgotten. important that we don't let those that went along with it get a free pass.

maybe a remembrance day of some sort is in order. tell and retell, over and over, so nobody is able to sweep it under any rugs. especially important to never allow it to happen AGAIN!

so good on you, Doc! onward to the barricades, if that's what it takes. meet ya there!

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Well done Doc, very brave of you to put yourself up for that. You acquited yourself brilliantly. It boggles my mind that they tried to bring in mandatory injections of experimental drugs to "protect others'. It was wicked, evil and made no sense.

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Brilliant..I'm amazed they let.you speak and didn't.cut you off!!

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Youre such a great speaker. So well put!

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Bravo Ahmad! There was no point missed here. As eloquent and engaging as always.. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Every right to be proud. That was a brilliant interview which not enough people including me seen at the time. Your personal platform is now of course going from strength to strength but hopefully you will find opportunities in the future to air your extremely articulate opinions in the mainstream media. Somehow I think they will be too scared to go anywhere near you. Keep up the great work !!

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Thank you John x

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Congratulations!! How many other doctors were saying this publicly at this time??

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Well said Doc!!

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You are justifiably proud Doc 🤩 But we're even prouder of you!! 👏🏻💪 Well said, and eloquently put, as always 👏🏻 Just FANTABULOUS 😉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Well done to you for standing up; you were one of the few and it took a lot of courage. Just a query; now you know how dangerous the covid vaccines are, have you also adjusted your thinking on ALL vaccines?

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I'm now a full on anti vaxxer or should i say vaccine sceptic, you know that though 👍🏻

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Yeh sorry I haven't been following you on here long enough to be certain, so just wanted to clarify. I'm in the same camp now; I wasn't for a long time but I've changed my mind on all vaccines within the last 18 months or so.

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So proud to know you, Ahmad. That was beautifully expressed, so clearly articulated.

But what I can't get over is how beautiful Kat is. I see your smiling photogenic mug all the time, and you're wearing your sign well, but I usually only see Kat with her sunglasses on hiding those gorgeous (green? blue?) eyes. What a knock-out! And what a lucky guy you are, even if you are now a deadbeat dad (haha!)

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Much Enjoyment 👍😎

Well done and still doing it!!! My few, monthly, pounds are well spent on this giant.

Much Love

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Your a bloody rock star my friend!

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Thanks bro

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Love the quote "Why haven't we talked about other treatment options, because that's patient safety as well." When we focus on a single "preventative" we are not paying attention to "treatments" much less to "cures."

To your health, tracy

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