Outstanding work, Ahmad!

I can't believe how much of your heart and soul you put into helping others. Your kindness and talents humble me. Cody and I are truly blessed to know you and to have you care for others as you do.

A million thanks is not enough for what you have done to help us and others. The outpouring of humanitarian kindness for Cody's Law and Cody heals us, and I hope it inspires others to reach out and show love and care to others harmed by the tyranny of the past five years.

With the deepest of respect,

Cody's mom, Heather

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Thank you so much, Ahmad, for interviewing not only one of my dearest friends in the world but also one of the most brilliant and full-hearted beings I’ve ever known. The Hudsons are a second family to me, and I am especially honored to be an honorary Auntie to Cody, a rare and tender soul of great talent and intellect who was struck down just as he was beginning to fulfill his immense promise. It was a profound privilege to collaborate with them on the video of him reading “Lament of the Vaxx-Injured,” which was inspired by reading his tragic story at Heather’s requisite Substack, A Mother’s Anthem:

* https://amothersanthem.substack.com

* https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/lament-of-the-vaxx-injured-video

We especially appreciate your whipping out this interview in record time to help with our efforts to find one Florida senator brave enough to sponsor Cody’s Law by February 28.

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Hi Ahmed, I would emplore people to look into the work of Dr Charles Richet , who won the nobel prize in 1913 for his work on anaphylaxis , he wrote a book (Anaphylaxis - Richet, 1913 translated by J.Murray Bligh, published by Liverpool The University Press/Constable & Company Ltd) . In that book, of which I have a copy, I would suggest is an explanation that could explain why most vaccines are creating all these adverse reactions, anaphylaxis and auto-immune conditions. Its very basic premise is that the body is not designed to take any protein into the body via any route other than the digestive tract, which is brilliant at selecting only the ingredients of the food digested to fufil the body's need for protein. Introducing proteins via injection induces an immune response that could ,over a period that exceeds at least 2 weeks or more, if encountered again, cause a huge reaction in the body. Peanut allergy is a great example , peanut protein has been used in vaccines for many years, along with some wheat proteins, hence the massive rise in peanut, milk and wheat allergies.

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Thank you Steve. This is such good information! I will find a way to buy this book. Thank you!

This is similar to the "one," "two" punch known to lipids and certain medications where similar reactions are known to take place after repeat doses.

The following is in my work on the lipids used in litigation:

"Note the above statement regarding the higher incidence of myocarditis, “greater

following the second dose compared with the first dose.” This statement seemingly

refers to the PEGylated lipid ABC phenomenon (reduced efficacy with repeat injections) and the accompanying “one-two-punch” which are described in this 2022 Frontiers In Science article titled, “PEG: Will It Come Back to You? Polyethylene Glycol Immunogenicity, COVID Vaccines, and the Case for New PEG Derivatives and Alternatives” which states, “The first injection of PEGylated drugs induces anti-PEG antibodies, which then bind and form an immune complex with the second dose of the PEGylated compound to activate the complement system.

This results in the opsonization of PEG with C3 fragments and enhanced uptake by

Kupffer cells in the liver and can result in altered drug pharmacokinetics and

biodistribution (PK, BD) and reduced drug efficacy in subsequent doses.” [86]" Heather Hudson Executive Brief and Summary on Covid-19 vaccine mRNA lipids. This is part 1 of 10: https://amothersanthem.substack.com/p/the-alarming-lnp-history-you-havent

Also, you will find information on pseudo allergy, also called an anaphylactoid reaction, as it is not a true allergy; it is often a complement mediated reaction. Pseudoallergy is very similar to what you describe, but alarmingly, it can occur upon FIRST CONTACT.

Pseudoallergy is also known to take place with lipid injections and infusions for more than 20 years. It is part of the reason why the therapy could not gain approval for use on a a mass scale (like vaccines) before the EUA. This is part of what led me to write The Billion Dollar Baby article (in my SubStack).

Note: "While pseudoallergy and IgE-mediated allergy share some similarities in their clinical manifestations,[16] pseudoallergy is not the same as common allergy or type 1 reactions.[17] Pseudoallergy can be caused by a variety of medications through various pathways. For example, taxol can cause pseudoallergy by stimulating the complement system. The reaction occurs for the first time without any prior sensitization.[18]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudoallergy

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Hi, thank you for your response and very interesting information, if you struggle to find a copy then I could post you my book for a loan, I live in the U.K. but not a problem.

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You may be able to find a copy of this book, though it wont be cheap , I think a PDF is available, Sasha Latypova will be able to help you with this, she directed my research into this.

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Best wishes to Heather Hudson with her campaign! (It's slightly confusing as there appears to be another "Cody's Law" concerning knife attacks in nightclubs).

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Aww, thank you! It is Cody's Law Florida HB 149, the official bill name.

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Tragic. I'm so sorry this happened. A beautiful lioness of a mama 🫂

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Heart Breaking! I do hope they all get justice but I'm not holding my breath. Im only thankful my step kids are not as badly damaged. Both suffering with different Autoimmune disorders but coping. Wish they would listen to me or Dr's like you but still don't see it. Very frustrating.

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Ahmad, I want to thank you with all my heart for the immense work you have done since you started out with your podcasts. You've come such a long way my friend - you're a great listener, conversationalist and so very empathetic. Thank you for all you do.

The conversation with Heather Hudson was heart-wrenching. It kept me awake last night after watching it. Listening to the story was hard. I have no clue how this lady has managed to stay so very strong but us parents will fight to the bitter end for our children won't we.

The clip you replayed from the Bob Moran hit the nail on the head. (Another brilliant podcast.) It would be good to be able to read that extract here on substack.

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We can all support by subscribing to Heather Hudson's page where we can read the full details of her campaign: https://amothersanthem.substack.com/p/moms-post-goes-viral-when-reacting-to-executive-order-defunding-schools-that-mandate-vax

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What a heartbreaking story - my heart goes out to Heather, Cody and her family. This is just so EVIL 🥲🥲This would been a great one to share had I not deleted my FB account!!! I’m going to send emails to all those disgusting cowards in Florida (even though I am not American) I’ll find her on Substack now. Just sooo sad and yet what an inspiration she is to go on fighting to get justice for her son. Sending all my love and prayers for a miracle and for this nightmare to end xxxxx

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Tragic. I'm so sorry this happened. A beautiful lioness of a mama 🫂

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Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your kindness is much appreciated.

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Never forgive, never forget and never shut up. What a fantastic, committed mum. It’s devastating to hear the horrors of these poisons and the effect on the family- emotional and physical. I hope the law passed. We need to keep pushing to get the poisons banned

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