Where can I get the details about the retreat… or have I missed it… and the details?

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Whoops, should have waited till the end!

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That said, I’m a paid subscriber, but you’re the only channel on Substack that I don’t receive emails from? Must search spam!

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I'm 15 minutes into this. I know, that I know, that I know I need to do this plant medicine. I resonated with your last guest so much (name is evading me atm). That convo eclipsed everything I have been studying for the last 4 years. And now Joshua's sentiment on therapists and trauma matches my experience exactly. It's like the universe is gently, lovingly, nudging me to where I need to safely go while reaffirming that I'm "seeing" clearly and fully supported.

Mind blown. Wow!

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Hi Doc, I have always had an interest in plants and their amazing properties.

5 yrs ago when we were plunged into the deception I knew that plants would help protect us. So began my research and the magical Elderberry plant gave me Quecertin which kept covid away for me and mine, amongst other plants and vitamins.

I went on in 2022 to study a plant medicine diploma at Dilston Physic Garden at Hexham. It was an amazing time studing with like minded people and very experienced practitioners.

I continue to use and develop the skills I gained there and they have helped in so many ways. This is what we need to do for each other going forward. :)

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