Mistakes were not bloody made

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Unfortunately I don’t think I can continue to listen to this one, 4 mins in saying he believes the Wuhan lab leak theory. There was no real pandemic, only a plandemic with artificial stats inflated by fraudulent PCRs and the life-ending protocols carried out in hospitals on people with the flu.

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I agree, but that's why you should listen to this episode. Remember many in the awake movement look up to Gus as a hero. I would argue that after listening to this podcast, you shouldn't. His track record is not great with poor judgement, conflicting advice and U turns left right and centre. There are many doctors, scientists and individuals who have been on point consistently from day 1, yet their voices are silenced and censored. THEY should be the people we should be listening to.

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I do wonder if you think that people asking for respectful debate, and just respect shown in general amongst those who have spoken out against governments, somehow translates into hero-worship. It doesn’t!

For me in 2020 when I was seriously starting to smell a rat with convid, Angus Dalgleish was a conduit on my path to seeing through things in what I now believe is a more clear manner. Indeed, I think that it is very possible that without these people, like Dalgleish, myself and at least 3 others in my family might have got jabbed. Maybe if you had found Dalgleish in 2020/21 on Talk radio/GB News and various podcasts (many who now accused of being controlled opposition), maybe you too would have never stepped foot into that vaccine centre as well. But for me this does not make him a hero.

He is human, who gets things wrong, backtracks and doesn’t always connect all the dots. Show me someone who claims not to make these mistakes and I will show you a liar.

In 2020/21, I saw people who now get held up as being absolutely correct about the vaccine from the start, confidently predicting that 80% of world’s population would be dead by the start of 2025. That hasn’t happened either. We all get things wrong.

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I gave Gus a chance to answer questions and he dodged them like a professional politician. Why is that? Several questions without any decent straightforward answer. Again, why was that? He dropped in China, Lab leak and RFK like they were talking points from a script. For someone in authority he sure made a lot of mistakes, for which I really didn't hear any contrition. I know you love bringing up the point of me getting one shot, as if my "sins" are equal to his. I didn't go on national news and coerce millions to take an experimental jab without informed consent. I didn't coerce anyone and was a victim of coercion myself. Gus is either poorly informed or something else. At first I was thinking narcissistic personality but the deflections were too consistent and deliberate. They all have the same misdirection patterns. Not cool. And you either see it or you don't. Perhaps you are influenced by the fact that he saved you from getting the jab. Just like I was of Peter McCullough and Robert malone for waking up my wife. These can be blind spots.

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Ahmad, this response is full of subjective chat. You have every right to say whatever you want, but this is all full of speculation on your part.

Angus Dalgleish claimed that he was coerced into that interview with the Daily Mail in July 2021, when he was starting to question whether his outspoken views about the covid vaccine was actually correct or not. I don’t know if this is true. But I know that before this Daily Mail interview (which he didn't write or get to see before publication) and afterwards he was expressing concerns about the jab. It would seem to me that he was clearly mirroring the yoyo emotions that you say you were experiencing in yourself in 2021, even though at that point you were remaining completely private with your concerns about the jabs, so no one can question you about your views in 2021 in the way that they can Angus Dalgleish.

Maybe Angus Dalgleish is not genuine. Maybe he is. I don’t know and clearly neither do you. You are just speculating. You are entitled to take this viewpoint. I am entitled to point out that I think that you are just speculating. Indeed, that is all I have been doing regarding all your criticisms of Angus Dalgleish in recent days and weeks. I think that you are just speculating. Nothing more than that.

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Thank you Roy. I understand people are angry they were lied to, But we were all lied to. Ahmad is getting angry at the wrong people in my view. None of know all the facts, we are all entitled to our own opinion, and treating each other with courtesy and respect is essential in my view. But hey what do I know at 74?

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See that Gus Dalgleish was also copied on my email to Fiona Godlee, then Editor in Chief of The BMJ, sent on 30 May 2021, in which I questioned: Why should people not at risk of covid-19 be pressed to have covid-19 injections? https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/why-should-people-not-at-risk-of-covid-19-be-pressed-to-have-covid-19-injections_.pdf

This isn't just about Gus Dalgleish... Have a close look at the other people copied on that email, most of them key players in the medical and scientific establishment.

You can see in my email to Fiona Godlee I ask:


Who initiated this plan to inject the entire global population with covid-19 injections, how was this plan evaluated? Certainly there was no public consultation about this rushed and unprecedented global covid-19 injection rollout, which is relevant to us all.

Now vaccine industry CEOs announce people may face a lifetime of covid injections, with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla saying "people will likely need a booster dose of a covid-19 vaccine within 12 months of getting fully vaccinated" and "it's possible people will need to get vaccinated against the coronavirus annually".[3] How many billions will the vaccine industry make out of the booming covid injection market?

With covid-19 injections now being pressed upon people of all ages, including children in some countries, there must be public discussion on the ethics of injecting people who are not at risk with covid-19 with covid-19 injections, and the unknown cumulative consequences of covid injections throughout life, on top of the other vaccine load.


Fiona Godlee ignored me...as did most of the other people on that email list it seems...

And now here we are...there is NO VALID CONSENT for vaccination.

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That is the whole point as far as I am concerned. You quite possibly know a damn sight more than either me or Ahmad. Your opinion is certainly as valid, if nothing else :).

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It was a big shock to me when I found out Angus Dalgleish had demanded young people submit to the COVID-19 injections, in an article published on the Daily Mail in July 2021, because he was included on my email dated 21 November 2022 to Kamran Abbasi, the editor in chief of The BMJ, in which I called for the defence of valid informed consent for vaccination. Angus stood up publicly and supported me with his response on 22 November 2022, on an email thread including many key people, where he said "I write in total support of Elizabeth Hart"...but how could he have ever made that public call for millions of young people to be injected in July 2021?!

See this email thread I addressed to Angus after I found out about the Daily Mail article: Health practitioners, Covid jabs and 'valid informed consent' - a medical ethics disaster. Response to Gus Dalgleish, 13 January 2023: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/re_-health-practitioners-covid-jabs-and-valid-informed-consent-a-medical-ethics-disaster.-response-to-gus-dalgleish.pdf

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Thank you Elizabeth.

I will read through the email thread that you have provided. I haven't finished listening to this podcast just yet, but I do know that Angus talked openly about that Daily Mail article in his first podcast with Ahmad. And it kind of made sense to me. But maybe these emails shed a new light or a different perspective.

It is clear that Angus was 100% a normie at the start of Convid.... assuming that he wasn't an agent of The State who was put in place to be a controlled opponent within the freedom movement :), which seems to be a common insult thrown at people who disagree on the freedom side these days... without ever any proof it would seem, just assumed to be guilty because "these people" think differently, and there was me thinking that free society also involves due process!!! Also, I thought in free society all perspectives on every subject are allowed into the melting pot. I know showing respect is an optional thing, but always preferable I think.

I was totally a normie in 2020 and I remember the whirlwind of emotions that I was going through when waking up. Had I documented my thought processes it would read like the diaries of madman. Maybe I am Lol :). However, I imagine for a senior oncologist, who was working in vaccine research, waking up must be equally if not even more tortuous because Angus Dalgleish has had to trash so much of what he believed in before.

I understand why people are sceptical. I do understand that. It is the leap from scepticism to the assumed guilt of people who think differently that I find tough to take.

Thank you for responding.

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Roy, you say "It is clear that Angus was 100% a normie at the start of Convid..."

So it seems, along with most of the medical and scientific establishment.

Well I was 100% critical thinking at the start of Convid, because I've been investigating vaccination policy and practice for the past 16 years, starting with pet vaccination after one of my dogs became very ill and was put down after annual revaccination. This led me into investigating human vaccination, and it has been quite the experience.

The medical and scientific establishment is a cesspit of conflicts of interest, and has worked assiduously to suppress any questioning of vaccination.

If you think things are tricky now, you should have been looking into this before 'Covid', when it was just about impossible to raise the subject of vaccination, to question the blessed Church of Vaccination, which is funded by the taxpayer.

Now, with 'Covid', a whole lot of newbies have turned up to dominate the narrative, and people like me, who have been working on this for years, are still shut out of the conversation...but I have much to say...

I was questioning the 'vaccine solution' at the beginning of this thing, see for example my BMJ rapid response published on 25 March 2020, in particular referring to the notorious Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-funded Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London, of ‘Report 9’ fame… and I asked "Who is Neil Ferguson to say "The only exit strategy [in the] long term for this is really vaccination or other forms of innovative technology that allows us to control transmission"." https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m1089/rr-6

How many people in the medical and scientific establishment were questioning the 'vaccine solution' back in March 2020? Not many I can assure you...

'Titled folk' such as Angus Dalgleish and Aseem Malhotra and others are a disaster with their aggressive promotion of COVID-19 vaccines, and their support of 'traditional' vaccines - what do they actually know about any of these medical products? Little or nothing I suggest...

I have had it up to here with 'doctors' and 'professors' using their titles to give them authority to speak on subjects they know nothing about...

Well this is all coming to a head now with 'Covid', these so-called 'experts' need to exercise humility and contrition for what they have been a part of, and stop hindering people like me who are seeking accountability for the ever-increasing number of vaccine products that are being foisted upon, and even MANDATED for, the public.

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Hi Elizabeth

I do remember listening to your podcasts with Ahmad. Unless I have missed any I believe that you have been on twice. You are a very impressive activist in this area. There is no doubt about that whatsoever, and I am very grateful that you have taken time to engage with me on this matter in such a polite way.

I spent the first 45 years of my life not smelling a rat about vaccines whatsoever. I look back and I cringe, almost every day; I think to myself how the hell did I not see through how untested all vaccines are. Also, like everyone who “wakes up”, I view so many other things in this world in a totally different way now than I did in my first 45 years.

All Doctors are clearly titled and they are also all fallible, just like the rest of us.

Angus Dalgleish's interview with the Daily Mail was really not cool. He was clearly, at best, hugely naïve to do that interview with a tacky newspaper. He says that he was having doubts at that moment in time that he might not be doing the right thing in speaking up at about the mRNA vaccines being dangerous and that he regrets the interview that he gave. He did not write the article or apparently see it before publication. And says that if he did see the written article in advance, he would never had agreed to it being published. But I am not saying for one moment that what he did was cool in anyway. But he has claimed that he felt coerced. It is that true? I don’t know. Is he comprised or “controlled”? I don’t know. Do I agree with everything he says and opines about? Hell no!!!!

I only know what I know…… In 2020/21 when I was looking for people who were perhaps experiencing the same concerns as me, Angus Dalgleish was one of the people who I found. Perhaps if had I not found these people speaking out, maybe I wouldn’t have seen through all the other things that I have since also questioned. Although, then again, maybe not, because I had worked out by at least 2018 that Net Zero and Ze Climate Crisis were just nonsense. So maybe I was always going to see through Convid. But from a personal level, I found Angus Dalgleish's appearances on TV and on numerous podcasts useful in helping me see through convid and remain unvaccinated.

I didn’t actually know anything about Dalgleish's Daily Mail article until he talked about it on his first appearance on Ahmad’s podcast, which I watched in about Aug 23. Like I say, he says he felt coerced and duped and foolish that he allowed himself to get into that situation.

My main reason for defending Angus Dalgleish is just because there is this tendency in the “freedom movement” (for want of a better term) for some people to convince themselves that they have the power to read minds. Maybe I am wrong, but I don’t believe people can do this yet 😊.

Also, when I point this out to these people they have a tendency to claim that they can also read my mind as well. Like for example suggesting that I hero worship Angus Dalgleish. The only 2 occasions that I think I have heard Dalgleish speak in the last 2 years is on Ahmad's podcast. I personally find him a little pompous. But I am just not willing to suggest that he is some kind of arch villain of the piece, acting with nefarious motives. As far I can see he is just a somewhat old-school doctor, who got swept up in the madness of convid and made some stupid mistakes along the way.

However, I do also think most of us have made mistakes around vaccines at some point; people have vaccinated their children; I was shepherd for years before becoming a gardener and I vaccinated thousands of sheep that then went into the food chain. Dear god, is there any of us who hasn’t fecked up when it comes to vaccination?

I happy to say that Angus Dalgleish has fecked up more than you, me and Ahmad. I am fine with that. He also more than likely caused harm with that Daily Mail article. But is he an arch villain? I am not willing to say that for sure. Has he publicly expressed regret for doing that Daily Mail interview? Yes.

Also, regarding free speech and free expression; I don’t think that arriving late to any party means that these late arrivals should have to bite their tongues and not exercise our god given right to free speech and free expression.

That is all that I am trying to say.

Thank you ever so much Elizabeth for taking the time to engage with me


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I never followed Angus Dalgleish during the plandemic. It sounds as if he was misused by the Daily Mail - opinions elicited over phone interviews can be easily twisted - and then he probably didn't complain much as he was trying hard (and failing) to get sceptical opinions published there. But well done for putting the hard questions!

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Thanks for this Debbie.

I just think that there are basic inalienable tenants/rights to live by.

Ahmad has summed this up really well in the past by advising that we just "don't be a dick".

If we find ourselves asking others to abandon respect for freedom of expression, or freedom of speech, or if we are claiming to be able to read the minds or the motives of others without proof, or if we are suggesting that defending someone in their absence means that the other person risks being accused of seeing the person they defend as a hero or of making them a "false hero" as result of just defending them. Well this is where I think just crosses a line.

I think too many people on both sides of contentious issues get drawn into ignoring the inalienable rights of others.

You clearly experienced that yourself during convid and that just isn't right!

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Here's the bottom line Roy...

Medical practitioners should not make mass population demands for people to submit to medical interventions without valid consent.

This is 'valid voluntary informed consent 101', or should be for medical practitioners. However, it's clear to me that practitioners are clueless about their obligation to obtain valid voluntary informed consent for vaccination, and to ensure that people are free to make their own decision about medical interventions without coercion and mandates.

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Very pertinent point you're making about those people who played up the body bags and the jabs...

It seems to me what 'they' wanted to achieve with 'Covid' is compliance to vaccination on demand, and for obedience going forward. So it wouldn't have been very smart to have lots of people keeling over after the jabs if that was their goal.

But some people do indeed seem to have become very ill and even died after the jabs, so this could back the 'bad batch' theory.

This isn't really my angle.

My focus is valid voluntary informed consent, and that the medical 'profession' should not have collaborated with mis/disinforming the public about this beat-up threat, fear-mongering, and coercing people to have these injections.

What they have done in trashing valid consent is beyond belief!

It seems Angus Dalgleish still does not fully understand what he did in putting his name to that aggressive demand for young people to submit to the injections.

Consider for instance the flippant disregard for people's worries about the risks:



One of the main concerns the young raise is the risk of blood clots from the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab.

But in May, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation announced the under-40s wouldn't be offered AstraZeneca due to the extremely small risk of blood clots.

The risk of side-effects from the vaccines they are being offered is very low, although they commonly include a sore arm or feeling achy or sick.

The point is almost all drugs potentially have a side-effect. Packets of paracetamol, for instance, list skin rashes, itching, swelling of the mouth or face, shortness of breath, mouth ulcers, bleeding gums, unexplained bleeding and more.

But people still take them because, as with the vaccine, the likelihood of any of these happening is so very small.

When we hear of people becoming ill or even dying after a vaccine jab, it's easy to jump to conclusions about side-effects.

It's much harder to take a rational view and accept that coincidence plays strange tricks.


Here we have a novel vaccination that has been rushed out into the community, with no idea of the long-term consequences, and any worries are brushed aside. And remember - young people didn't need this intervention!

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Debbie, do you care that some people are striving for valid voluntary informed consent for vaccination, as for all medical interventions, to be upheld?

Are you happy for 'Covid' to be replicated in future, via Bird Flu, or Monkey pox or whatever other threat they dream up?

Do you think fairies are coming to save us?

What would be really useful is some practical support.

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Thanks Doc. I listened to the full video and totally appreciate as a Professor still working, that he is balancing on a tightrope, so to speak, of getting his message about mRNA out there, retaining his reputation amongst peers, our community, those awakening and “normies”, effecting change and not getting cancelled. Whether this is intentional caution or not, or if he’s keeping within the Overton window due to other forces, who knows.

Really valued his expertise on the dangers of mRNA jabs, which is the important message to take on board. Thanks

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I agree... This bizzo that 'the virus' came out of a lab in Wuhan, and originated from bats in a cave 1,000 miles from Wuhan...blah, blah, blah...

It all seems like confected rubbish, all theatre to beat up the fear and develop the lucrative and controlling pandemic industry, they've been planning this for years, 'gain of function' etc, all balderdash it seems to me.

Even the wretched WHO admitted from the beginning "Illness due to COVID-19 infection is generally mild, especially for children and young adults". I quoted this in a BMJ rapid response that was published in March 2020, along with questioning the 'vaccine solution' being demanded by the notorious Neil Ferguson, see: Is it ethical to impede access to natural immunity? The case of SARS-CoV2: https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m1089/rr-6

'COVID-19' seems to be a made up disease, based on common respiratory symptoms - how does that happen, how can it possibly be a unique disease? See for example: What exactly is 'COVID-19'? https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/what-exactly-is-covid-19

As for the conflicts of Andrew Pollard, Chair of the UK Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), and Chief Investigator on the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine trials, I raised this in comments on an article on the UK Telegraph in January 2022, and was promptly banned from commenting on UK Telegraph articles...because I stated the truth.

I'm challenging the Daily T Investigations Team's about this censorship, and Angus Dalgleish is included in the email threads - the Daily T Investigations Team's email address is now blocking me from contacting them.

This is the dire situation we are in with no accountability, with the general public being deliberately mis/disinformed by a propaganda media, and with the Telegraph being funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to the tune of millions of dollars, see for instance: https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/committed-grants/2022/03/inv032088 and https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/committed-grants/2017/11/inv-008731

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Elizabeth, I love reading your articles etc but I do have to say that I (and my husband) had "something" in late 2021 that was nothing like any "flu" or other RTI that we may have had in our 6+ decades. Admittedly both of us have only had something we thought might be flu once before in our lives but many years ago and rarely get even a sniffle.

But this "thing" that we had was different in many ways, including the COMPLETE and SUDDEN loss of smell and taste that occurred after about 10 days (we no longer had any nasal symptoms) which returned overnight after about another 10 days (possibly helped by a "smell training" kit that I made).

I took IVM from day one of symptoms but my husband was suspicious of it as I ordered it from an Indian pharmacy, as part of the Ziverdo kits used in Uttar Pradesh. By about day 6 when his breathing became so impeded that he was beginning to panic, as there was no way he would go to a hospital, he caved! After one dose of IVM he started to improve rapidly, thankfully, and had a daily dose for a few days thereafter.

People say to us, oh yes, anosmia is common with colds etc - yes, I know that but it has never been as sudden and complete as what we both experienced.

Obviously the fatality rate of the "thing" was highly exaggerated for nefarious reasons, simple and safe drugs were not publicised, vitamin D and zinc deficiencies - now shown to be vital for reducing severity of this "illness" - were not explained to the public etc etc.

So as a result I am inclined to believe that there was "something" being fiddled with in a lab that "somehow" escaped (deliberately, I am certain) but it certainly wasn't as dangerous as "they" had hoped.

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I had "something" I just don't know what

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my son Ian had that weird 'something', just about the same time you did, Ahmad. hummmmm, thousands of miles away. terribly fishy. but nonexistent? clearly not.

but nobody in my house had ANYTHING (and still haven't! including my elderly parents!) and that was with my teens still going to school (for a while anyway) and me still out & about, working... very fishy business indeed. likely we will never really know the entire truth. at least we know we will NOT allow anything like it to happen again.

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Hi Vannie, yes, I've seen people say they had 'something'...

Personally, respiratory ailments are my bete noire, I've had them regularly over the years, and they can be very horrible and feel like you're going to die, with a hideous sore throat, and coughing, and runny nose and what have you.

And then you don't die and you recover because it's generally a self-limiting illness for most people.

Goodness knows the impact on people when they've been threatened that what are regular respiratory ailments are actually 'deadly', what that does to people psychologically...but at the same time it was also being admitted 'Covid' wasn't a serious threat to most people...talk about gaslighting!

Anyway, there were not mountains of bodies in the streets, most people recovered from the respiratory ailments, and I question if anything in the way of much intervention was necessary, apart from some rest and TLC.

As usual, the elderly were at risk from respiratory ailments, as they have always been...it used to be called 'the Old Man's Friend'.

Meanwhile, the entire world has been turned upside down, people injected with who knows what rubbish, and tested, and masked, and incarcerated in their homes, and placed under surveillance, and privacy stolen...along with trillions of dollars transferred to the globalists.

It's the biggest crime of all time...

When are the perpetrators going to be brought to account...?

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As you have probably guessed, we are part of the so-called "antivax" brigade and have met new friends (and lost old ones) based on our decisions. But I did have a couple of old friends who are also on the same side, but did get pretty sick with this "something" and had to be hospitalised, despite using IVM. Both of them were in their late 60s at the time, and usually very healthy people. One only had oxygen therapy but the other (who tried to stick it out at home using whatever vitamins etc as well as IVM) also ended up in hospital and was given Remdesivir! Luckily they weren't on it for long and kept in touch with me regarding any other novel treatments that they were offered (which they refused, thankfully) and are now more or less recovered.

Sadly a "new" friend of about the same age (who, it transpired, had badly controlled T2 diabetes and heart disease) didn't make it. They were admitted to hospital and given who know what treatment which obviously didn't help at all.

So, between us all, we have concluded that this illness was certainly something pretty different to what we had usually encountered over the years. As I said, my husband and I rarely get even a common cold (we've been taking "high" doses of vitamin D over year as well as trying to top up our "natural" vitamin D here in the UK...which is not easy given the poor summers we've been having!) and if we do get anything it's usually over within 24 hours.

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So Vannie, what do you think should have been the response to this 'something'?

Would it have even been noticed without all the PCR testing, and hype and fear-mongering?

How many people were actually seriously affected by this 'something'? More than the usual number of people affected by respiratory ailments every year?

Did most people get over this 'something', was it a self-limiting illness, as respiratory ailments are for most people who aren't elderly with comorbidities?

Whatever this 'something' was, it obviously wasn't a serious threat to most people, as we never did see mountains of bodies in the streets...but it was used as an excuse to inject people with who knows what...

Meanwhile, I've been questioning this fiasco for years, with very little support...

See for example my email to Andrew Pollard, sent on 30 June 2021, copied to many key players, including Gus Dalgleish...

Just think...a month after Gus Dalgleish was copied on my email to Andrew Pollard, an article under his name was published in the Daily Mail in July 2021, demanding young people submit to the COVID-19 injections, against a supposed disease that was of no threat to them! Seriously!!!

Have a close read of my email to Andrew Pollard, sent in June 2021, also check out the people copied on my email: Who initiated the plan to vaccinate the entire global population against SARSCoV-2?


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I have heard this often. As I firmly believe there was no virus real or natural, I think many people developed a sympathetic illness which is a very common feature of public health. All those I met on anti-ConVid marches and the Stand in the Parks, caught nothing the whole three years.

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Spot on. It was certainly a very clever "virus" real or natural, that went along to Somerset House and checked the age of its victims at 82.4 years and then looked up their doctor's records to check if they were already very ill. Absolute nonsense. Dalgleish is still as deluded as day one. We are led by idiots and the corrupt.

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When is the lid going to blow on the lack of valid consent scandal?

We're five years into this thing, and still it's not being recognised - there is NO VALID CONSENT for the COVID-19 injections which have been foisted upon the general public via gross mis/disinformation, aka LIES, from 'the authorities', and under coercion and even MANDATES, as happened where I live, in Australia.

During his discussion with Angus Dalgleish, Ahmad says:


"...going back to the valid informed consent, informed consent is the basic tenet of medical ethics. And you're a medical practitioner, I'm a medical practitioner. You know it's completely wrong for a doctor to use the media to demand that millions of people submit to a highly questionable medical intervention, which is a complete violation of the doctor-patient relationship. And, you know, those articles did that in your name. Now, what I don't understand is why are you not livid with the... The Daily Mail, they trashed that. That's your name on it. And I'd be livid. Why didn't you sue them? Why didn't you complain about them?

Why didn't you talk about this and say, look, this is how they lied. And they did something in my name that's wrong. And what's incredulous is someone like me or Dr. Sam White or Dr. Anne McCloskey or Dr. Gerry Waters, all we said was, oh, you know what?

There's vaccine injuries and this is wrong and mandates are wrong. And we get suspended, investigated and lose our livelihoods. People like Jackie Stone took her life and, you know, and you went on the Daily Mail, one of the most, the digital format is I think the most widely read newspaper online in the world. You went out there and trashed medical ethics by promoting these jabs and nothing happened to you or to the Daily Mail. The GMC haven't investigated it. I mean, surely you should go to the GMC and say, look, This is wrong, what happened. And I was abused. This was taken out of context.

I want to complain about what was done in my name. Don't you think so?


Consider in particular: "...it's completely wrong for a doctor to use the media to demand that millions of people submit to a highly questionable medical intervention, which is a complete violation of the doctor-patient relationship".

Exactly! It IS completely wrong for a doctor to impose a one way 'consultation' upon millions of people and demand they submit to a medical intervention! What on earth was Angus Dalgleish thinking being involved in this gross abuse of medical ethics? And all the other doctors, e.g. Aseem Malhotra and others, who took it upon themselves to demand the general public be injected, it's outrageous!

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This is why Substack doesn’t promote your account Elizabeth, you talk far too much sense. Fantastic comment .

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I had extensive correspondence with my health authority in west Wales on informed consent- I first raised the issue when the talk of jabbing kids arose in Summer 2021 - and at the end of it, they relied on implied consent- turning up for a jab meant you had done your research and were happy to have it. It’s diabolical and I have all the emails and I certainly hope they can be used at some point. The damage done is overwhelming

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Sharon, re: "...they relied on implied consent- turning up for a jab meant you had done your research and were happy to have it."

How bad is that?! 'Implied consent...'

In Australia, at the height of the madness, people were threatened with losing their livelihood and participation in society if they refused to submit to the jabs - the medical 'profession' here collaborated with this...pure treachery...

See for example: Just 'following orders'? https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/just-following-orders

Everyone was lied to, everyone was coerced...so...there's NO VALID CONSENT.

Just think about that...I say in the entire world...there's NO VALID CONSENT for vaccination, it's not possible under lies and coercion.

Well done on your emails Sharon, I too certainly hope they can be used at some point.

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The chief exec and Director of Nursing have both left the Health authority recently which I find a bit too coincidental. I have corresponded with the new chief exec too on the lack of informed consent on RSV jabs for pregnant women. Which reminds me I need to follow that up now that reports of side effects have surfaced. Surprise surprise. I spend a lot of time on Australia too though but my friends here all have Stockholm Syndrome and the Queenslanders in particular are thankful for the measures including the border closure “as they were kept safe”🤦‍♀️. From the flu I keep reminding them. The dead and injured are stacking up though - Rosemary’s latest Forest video featured a guy who knows 29 people who have had strokes or heart attacks- and I hope with every breath in my body that those responsible are held to account.

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Glad Angus mentioned Vitamin D as it's been known for a long time that optimal (not the piddling levels the NHS says are ok) Vitamin D levels are protective against most cancers. Also against T2 Diabetes, Depression, Dementia (and lots of thing that don't begin with a "D"). And as for correcting deficiencies, I remember when Dr John Briffa used to write a blog, he had a lot to say about how much is needed to correct deficiencies and that it's a LOT more than the 400iu that the NHS recommends.


I knew someone about a decade ago who was in a CAMHS unit with Anorexia Nervosa/Major Depressive Disorder and the consultants there had NO idea of the importance of Vitamin D for depression. I spoke with one and gave him research info and he said they just go by the levels published by the Osteoporosis Society for health, and didn't know about the importance for mental health.

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BTW, Pollard helped develop the Men B vaccine, Bexsero, and as soon as he became chair of the JCVI it was "suddenly" approved for children. That was a clear "conflict of interest" too!!

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Previously the JCVI had rejected the Bexsero vaccine for the taxpayer-funded NHS schedule, but when Andrew Pollard became Chair, then it was added to the children's schedule...the Bexsero vaccine against men B, which isn't a serious threat to most people...just like 'Covid'...

See for instance:

- Urgent Questions: Men B Vaccine and the United Kingdom Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, John Stone, Age of Autism, 5 September 2016: https://www.ageofautism.com/2016/02/urgent-questions-men-b-vaccine-and-the-united-kingdom-joint-committee-on-vaccination-and-immunisatio.html

- The British Government, the Murdochs, Prof Pollard and the GSK Takeover in Italy, John Stone, Age of Autism, 21 June 2017: https://www.ageofautism.com/2017/06/the-british-government-the-murdochs-prof-pollard-and-the-gsk-takeover-in-italy.html

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Didn't Men B become more common as a result of the Men C vaccine having been introduced? And now other meningitis bacteria are proliferating. "Nature abhors a vacuum" sort of thing? Same with Hib and Pneumococcal disease?

I'm sure I read somewhere that meningitis bacteria are common in people's nasopharynges but often don't cause any problems - but that being exposed to cigarette smoke changes something about the receptors in the nasopharynx allowing the bacteria to penetrate...or something like that!

Update - just found a study about it here (I've started using Yandex as a search engine which isn't compromised, it seems):


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I included reference to meningococcal B and Bexsero and Andrew Pollard in my presentation in June 2018, see: Big Pharma’s hijacking of ‘over’-vaccination policy – Conflicts of interest and lack of transparency and accountability: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atKeooIrHE8

Slides and transcript here: https://over-vaccination.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/conflicts-of-interest-in-vaccination-policy-e-hart.pdf

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I'll have a look at that. I've been "anti-vax" since the early 1990s when my children were young and I started to look into the who subject after a bad reaction in one after their first vaccines, so I'm very suspicious people like Pollard.

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I'm still listening but really don't believe the Wuhan bit, lol!

As an aside, when writing your book, Ahmad, you may want to factor in German New Medicine - Dr. Hamer. The data stacks.

Loving the content : ))) xx

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Glad I listened to the end, Ahmad. I agree with your take - he has been pushed around (used) and is beyond his depth concerning the bigger picture, but his heart appears to be in the right place. I also agree (with you) that RFK Jr. is being controlled or will be neutralised (just prior to you saying that I thought the latter). 'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer'.

Clear vision is lacking amongst the 'Penguins' (a term coined to describe academics by the magnificent Sylvie Ivanova of the newearth yt channel - seriously shadow banned)!

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Please reach out to Karen Kingston, Ahmed!

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Useful post from Conspiracy Sarah here:

Entitled: Can Someone Let Trump Know We Don't Need a Commission to MAHA

I'm about to save the Commission SO MUCH MONEY. Eat your heart out DOGE.


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I have listened to the first 45 minutes thus far. Lots of questions raised to date. The placing of Robert Kennedy on a pedestal, referencing his recent book and Angus comments relating to the content of the book raises a few questions. Appreciate if he is on a crusade to stop MRNA he does not want to be labelled against vaccination per se but ...,. Angus going off at a tangent is similar to another "hero" that has been on. Will listen to the remainder with interest.

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Having now listened to the entirety of the report i think Angus is acting with integrity and is now becoming fully aware of the planning of Convid and is placing a lot of hope in Robert Kennedy.

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Interested to know who is that other 'hero'?

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Dr Malhotra

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I think I like this version of Doc Malik (whatever this version is) much more than the previously polite and calm Doc Malik...😉👏

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Great to listen to, but I could see you was a little frustrated with Angus Dalgleish, on referring back to RFJ,JR frequently. He seemed to become uncomfortable when you challenged him on the newspaper article. It's great to hear the truth and listen to interesting chats. Thankyou. 🙂👍

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Thanks Doc. Great work.

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Where can I find that graph showing when the vaccines began?

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Look up Roman brystianyk. On his website and X feed and substack x

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First- Sweden was not a member of NATO when the pandemic started. I think NATO called the shots for NATO countries. Didn't a Dutch minister mention NATO?

Was there a Sars-Cov2 virus? Antibodies were found in stored blood samples from Cancer patients in Italy from at least Sept 2019. Doctors reported strange illnesses fall 2019 and many people reported having a strange "flu". The doctors who treated critically ill patients reported an unusual clinical presentation. Dr David Martin presented all the patents for coronavirus going back to 1999. Event 201- the Wuhan propaganda videos- designed to spread fear. Admittedly most deaths were due to inappropriate treatment, lack of treatment or outright murder with midazolam and opioids. I don't think it "leaked" I think it was intentionally released as the banking system was in trouble in 2019.

I believe Professor Dalgleish when he says his statements were printed erroniously. Would the paper retract them- we know they wouldn't print anything against the narrative and certainly would print an apology to him.

Like many others he has made mistakes. He is atoning for them by doggedly pursuing his goal of having the entire mRNA platform scrapped. As he said he does not have the time to go into all the other problems until that is done. I applaud him for standing up and speaking out.

Sadly many people seem to condemn those who made mistakes, who amongst you has never made a mistake??? Let him who is without sin cast the first stone, not that I am religious. Anyone who claims to have never made a mistake is likely deluded, as we all make mistakes that is how we learn.

Ahmad, I have supported you, but to me how you are treating Angus and others to me bullying. Dr Campbell, Aseem, so many who trusted the officials and agencies initially but had the courage to review the evidence and change their mind need to be applauded for now campaigning against these bioweapons.

You are directing your anger at the wrong people.

As a retired nurse I too trusted the health regulators, as did Dr Campbell. While I was aware big pharma was corrupt before Covid, I had no idea how bad their control of agencies, publications etc was. It was May 2021 when Dr Byram BRidle came out with the pfizer distribution data and I realized we had been lied to - by then I had one jab. I never felt at risk from Covid as I never get colds or flu and have a strong immune system. The pressure from Health agencies, governments, the media and other people was immense. I am glad I wasn't working and had lose my job.

AS for RFK- I am not holding my breath as the forces against are tremendous. I of course hope that something will be done, at least if immunity from liability was removed that would help a lot.

We need the mRNA platform removed entirely, and yes I have no faith in any vaccines now. No more for my pets either.When I was nursing I had to quit in 1995 due to a violent incident that gave me PTSD (psychiatry!) there was not pressure to get a flu shot every year, and I never got flu shots as I never get the flu and have a strong immune system.

I quite agree with Roy Wenham's comments.

Gus has the ability to get out and speak, he did great in Australia. He has the experience and expertise to be listened to by others who could help torpedo this platform.

Let us try to be more compassionate and understanding. We have different views, can we please treat each other with respect and discuss our diffences in a polite respectful manner? None of us knows the absolute truth.

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Dinahmite, you say you are a retired nurse - do you understand valid voluntary informed consent for vaccination?

Do you understand that people should not be coerced and mandated into medical interventions...such as vaccination?

Do you not understand that when people such as Angus Dalgleish, Aseem Malhotra, and John Campbell and others took it upon themselves to dictate to millions of people that they should submit to the COVID-19 vaccinations, they were coercing the public?

Why did they take it upon themselves to do this?!?! None of these people are 'experts in vaccination' - nobody is! Certainly not the doctors and nurses administering the needles...these people have no expertise in the diseases, or the vaccine products they are injecting, they are 'just following orders', see: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/just-following-orders

Do you understand that because of the gross mis/disinformation, actual LIES, spread by 'the authorities', and the threats of losing livelihood and participation in society for refusal to comply, there is now NO VALID CONSENT for vaccination?!?! It's impossible to obtain valid consent in a climate of lies and coercion and mandates - how could the medical 'profession' collaborate with this?!?!

You say "I believe Professor Dalgleish when he says his statements were printed erroniously."

Have you actually read the article? It is an absolute shocker, see: What every young person who fears the jab MUST be told: Vaccine expert ANGUS DALGLEISH dismantles beliefs that have seen rates stall among the 18-30s, 23 July 2021: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-9815821/What-young-people-told-Vaccine-expert-ANGUS-DALGLEISH-dismantles-beliefs-18-30s.html

And just think - Angus Dalgleish cooperated with that article a month after he was copied on my email to Andrew Pollard challenging the plan to vaccinate the entire global population, see my email sent on 30 June 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/who-initiated-the-plan-to-vaccinate-the-entire-global-population-against-sars-cov-2.pdf

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Great interview! I doubt Dr. Dalgleish is an operative. I think he's doing his best to operate in the midst of evil masquerading as science. He just hasn't realized the extent of the evil and lies. While he's not a member of the surprisingly small number of doctors, scientists and laypeople who cut through the deception right away -- and spoke out -- he's in a different league than the masses of consistently normie doctors, scientists and laypeople who still notice absolutely nothing. And one more thing, he's going to be disappointed with RFK Jr. Interview him then.

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The mainstream media lies consistently. If Dalgleish says the Daily Mail article deliberately lied about what he said, then frankly I would believe him over the Daily Mail any day..

I find myself warming to Dalgleish after hearing the podcast.

My only quibble is the idea that only the boosters can precipitate cancer, because of T cell suppression.

My argument is that the vaccines cause immune dysregulation from the very first shot. Each shot whether first, second, third or nth causes inflammation T cell suppression.

The spike itself binds tumour suppressor proteins and the genes that produce them.

But it's not just the spike that is problematic.

The MRNA platform is a recipe for auto immunity. It causes healthy cells to produce viral proteins and present them on their surface/membrane and to present chopped up pieces of the spike on its MHC receptors on the cell membrane.

The immune system recognizing that the healthy cell is producing viral proteins, thinks it is infected, attacks and destroys healthy cells, healthy tissue.

This is the basis of vaccine induced multi-organ failure, myocarditis, pericarditis, diabetes, kidney failure, thyroid failure. But it also leads to massive totally unnecessary chronic inflammation, which is oncogenic.

And there is no off switch to turn the production of spike protein off.

Because the MRNA can transfect the commensal bacteria of the gut and the gut bacteria when they divide can pass on that MRNA to their daughter bacteria( they can even share genetic material within the colony so that if one bacterium is transfected with the MRNA of the spike it can share that MRNA with the whole colony) the whole gut can become a mass of spike producing colonies of bacteria.

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Thanks for that breakdown of the way it harms. Seriously worrying

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You are welcome .You might like this extremely illuminating last interview with pathologist Arne Burkhart ,which explains the concept of MRNA "vaccine" induced auto immune attack, with examples

Pathologist Prof Arne Burkhardt Final Interview Before His Untimely Death


Here is a shorter interview with the great Sucharit Bhakdi explaining the auto immune attack induced by the Covid19 injections in greater detail.


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