
#266 - Richard Jeffs: The Great Reset: Stakeholder Capitalism's Role in the New World Order

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About this episode -

In this fascinating conversation with Richard Jeffs, we took a closer look at Stakeholder Capitalism, a supposedly modern economic model replacing shareholder capitalism in the West and state capitalism in the East.

The rapid emergence of issues like the Trans agenda, the growth of movements like Black Lives Matter, and the all-encompassing presence of Climate Change narratives in modern discourse may seem disconnected at first glance. However, Richard and I would argue they are part of a much bigger plan to implement Stakeholder Capitalism, a rebranded economic and social system which in essence is Communism 2.0.

Once you have listened to this podcast episode, everything that is bat shit crazy in the world around us will make sense as to why things are as they are.

Let’s break down this idea in simpler terms:

Central Premise:

These manufactured and exploited movements and narratives are tools to:

  1. Fragment Society, Divide and Distract:

  • Issues like gender and race are used to divide people and keep them arguing amongst themselves. This makes it harder for people to come together and notice bigger changes happening around them.

  • By emphasising differences and fostering polarised debates, societal cohesion is weakened.

  1. Promote Centralised Control:

  • The Climate Change narrative, which calls for urgent global action, often justifies sweeping policies that centralise authority, limit individual freedoms, and expand surveillance.

  • Stakeholder Capitalism operates under the guise of inclusivity and sustainability, but I argue it positions corporations, international organisations, and unelected so called elites (parasites and predators) at the helm of governance.

  1. Advance Stakeholder Capitalism:

  • Stakeholder Capitalism, heavily promoted by the World Economic Forum and its founder Klaus Schwab, replaces the shareholder model of capitalism. It integrates political, social, and environmental agendas into economic frameworks.

  • I label it "Communism 2.0" because it dismantles traditional market freedoms in favour of centralised, top-down governance under the control of "stakeholders"—primarily elites.

Klaus Schwab: Inside the World Economic Forum - WSJ

The Role of Inclusivity and Sustainability:

  1. Inclusivity:

  • While inclusivity is portrayed as promoting equity, I say it is weaponised to silence dissent, enforce conformity, and redirect focus from economic inequities to identity politics.

  • This keeps public attention diverted from structural power grabs.

  1. Sustainability:

  • Sustainability goals, including those under the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), are used to justify massive energy, agriculture, and industry reforms.

  • These reforms often lead to the concentration of power, reduced consumer freedoms, and economic hardship under the guise of combating environmental crises.

What’s the Bigger Picture?:

These movements and ideas are said to be part of a plan to change how the world works:

  • Job Losses: With robots and AI taking over jobs, many people will be left unemployed.

  • Dependence on Handouts: A Universal Basic Income (money given to everyone) will increase people's dependence on the government and corporations.

  • Global Monitoring: Tools like digital IDs or carbon trackers will lead to a world where everything is monitored and controlled.

Fat Llama on X: "Interesting from the World Economic Forum: 'In 2030, you'll  own nothing. And be happy.' https://t.co/R8AQBPf9tx" / X

Why Should This Matter?:

Far from being spontaneous social changes, these movements and narratives, in our opinion, represent an orchestrated effort to reshape global systems. By framing them as essential for inclusivity and sustainability, advocates of Stakeholder Capitalism can push forward policies that undermine freedoms and accelerate the march toward a one-world government.

It’s important to stay aware and think critically about the changes happening around us and spread this knowledge to all our friends, family and loved ones so that we can not only delay their plans but scupper them. Remember “They” obtain their power by “Us” relinquishing ours.

Support independant media - If we don’t exist - All is truly lost.

Much love, as always.

Ahmad x


X - https://x.com/richardjeffs0

Website - https://yellow.forum/

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Doc Malik Honest Health is a reader-listener supported publication. To support my work, and help fight back against the evil bastards, upgrade to Paid and join the clan of freedom loving dissidents! (please)

To all the new subscribers welcome to the Clan!

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And oh yeah thank you for the coffee folks x

I hope you enjoy this episode.


Much love Ahmad


I, Ahmad Malik, am a private civilian protected by the Geneva Convention.

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