Brad Miller was a brilliant guest. I learnt more than I wanted to really know. It makes sense that Kamala was just a distraction so that we leant towards Trump and I'm not even from the US), and that the suspicion that the next government will be more of the same but in a different colour is to say the least, disappointing, if not downright depressing, but it all makes sense, once it's pointed out. I don't think Jesus is going to come and rescue us, he's told us we have the tools to rescue ourselves but we seem to be too blind or stupid to appreciate this. More people need to be waking up and SOON!

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I'd love to hear from you!

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Yes, it seems like you could be an interesting interviewee! Interested to hear what these 'tools' might be.

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Thank you for finding another awesome guest! I have so much moral injury from my time in the military 😭

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Brad Miller refused to submit to the military COVID-19 vaccine mandate and subsequently lost his employment and pension.

But he should never have been in this position…

The fundamental problem, as I have raised umpteen times, is that the medical profession has collaborated with vaccine mandates, and they’ve been doing so for years.

If they were doing their legal, ethical and moral duty they would be refusing to inject people they know are under duress, i.e. under coercion and mandates.

This is the elephant in the room that continues to be ignored, probably because it is an enormous can of worms…

Here’s the bottom line…



Because no-one is properly informed about their risk of disease and about the vaccine products.

The practitioners administering these medical products - nurses, doctors, pharmacists etc - have no idea what they’re doing, they are not ‘experts’ in the diseases or vaccine products, they are not qualified to obtain ‘informed consent’ for this medical intervention.

They’re just following government guidelines, acting as agents of the state sticking these needles and contents into people, and not obtaining authentic valid consent for this penetration.

They’re just following orders… See: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/just-following-orders

There’s no way they can obtain voluntary informed consent from people who are under duress to submit to the injections.

In a U.S. context, I challenged the President of the American Medical Association, see my email sent in September 2023: Informed consent and Covid-19 vaccination mandates: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/informed-consent-and-covid-19-vaccination-mandates-4.pdf

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I feel pulled to comment on the last few minutes of your podcast. There are so many different views about the return of Christ. Some are completely insane and most are completely unscriptural, eg The Rapture (look it up). So here's a suggestion. When you hear people talk about their version of the return of Christ, ask yourself this: 'Does this sound like the loving God that I worship?' If you hear something that sounds vengeful, irrational, aggressive, dictatorial and very human, then maybe you're right in your interpretation and they're wrong. When I'm asked how I can believe in a God who will caste unbelievers into the outer darkness for eternity, I say: 'I don't. And if I had a choice between a belief in such an unpleasant character and no belief at all, my choice would be no belief. I don't, happily, have to make such a choice. I'm free to believe in a loving, merciful, just, forgiving God. So is everyone, you just need to reject the nasty dogma.

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Great discussion. So many see the theatre playing out. Indeed, so many cannot accept they have been duped and accept self sacrifice along with their family. Dystopia.

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Ahmad..... you've hit every bloody nail on the head in this podcast with Brad Miller.

Always remember .... Matthew 10 v 16:

“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves".

Spot on!

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OMG Brad is magnificent .. he speaks the truth with clarity - it is exactly the position I have reached - thank you both..

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Great and wide-ranging duscussion. Even I had heard about the origins of Gulf War Syndrome, but the fact that it didn't become a massive scandal presumably set things up 'nicely' for recent events.

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This was fantastic! Ahmad, every time I think I've heard the best podcast ever when watching and listening to your Rumble channel, you post an even better one. Thank you so much for this discussion with Brad Miller. I hadn't heard of him before, but now I'm following his Substack and his Twitter page.

I'll be back to offer some more details about the origins of "Christian" Zionism. While what Brad said was correct, there are still more details that I think will serve to explain it more fully.

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That would be useful, thanks!

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Great podcast, totally aligned with everything that was said.

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I don’t know if you’ve seen this but it’s a recreation of the Trump shooting. They think they debunk the fake assassination but personally I think they absolutely prove it.


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I feel pulled to comment on the last few minutes of your podcast. There are so many different views about the return of Christ. Some are completely insane and most are completely unscriptural, eg The Rapture (look it up). So here's a suggestion. When you hear people talk about their version of the return of Christ, ask yourself this: 'Does this sound like the loving God that I worship?' If you hear something that sounds vengeful, irrational, aggressive, dictatorial and very human, then maybe you're right in your interpretation and they're wrong. When I'm asked how I can believe in a God who will caste unbelievers into the outer darkness for eternity, I say: 'I don't. And if I had a choice between a belief in such an unpleasant character and no belief at all, my choice would be no belief. I don't, happily, have to make such a choice. I'm free to believe in a loving, merciful, just, forgiving God. So is everyone, you just need to reject the nasty dogma.

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