Great interview. This guy really speaks from the heart.

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Really enjoyed the podcast. Nick’s sincerity and humanity oozes out of him 👏👏👏. Memories of the crazy Convid conspiracy relived and rebuilding his life does make the hairs on my arms stand up. Brilliant that he is now able to impart his way forward to children, the future! The part about canola is particularly relevant, it’s being used in almost everything. I’ve read that the Erucic acid from canola increases cholesterol levels🤯…..time for another statin🤬. I went to get some organic raisins the other day and rapeseed was even in that. Some podcasts stand out for me, this is one of them. Thank you.

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"I'm not a scientist, Ahmad, I consider myself a common senseatist" 😍😁

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So many things I want to respond to! You're lucky I again had a loaded paintbrush and couldn't take notes, or these would be book-length comment boxes. But first, watch just the first minute of my latest where I talk about my Doc Malik wall: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/01-a-democracy-of-slaveowners.

Really enjoyed Nick. You have such a knack for finding honest, genuine, humble people with interesting stories to tell. The idea of a medical visit as a journey really speaks to me. It puts the care back in health. It gives me pangs of longing, because I see that kind of care so missing in my and my daughters' lives.

And the synchronicities at the end. I've really been paying attention to that, as I write about here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/keep-a-miracle-diary.

The rabbit hole that really intrigued me was with the anthrax vaccine. There are some very fishy things that have gone on with Robert Malone and anthrax. His CIA buddy Stephen Hatfill was a prime suspect in the 911 anthrax attacks, he was stockpiling the antidote and hiding it in coffee beans: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/black-pill-hatfill-and-malone.

When Malone mentions Meryl, Hatfill says, "Oh I don't like her" and Malone pretends there was a glitch in the phone. But Meryl has gone from grilling Malone on the anthrax vaccines, way back when, to being his biggest supporter: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/meryl-and-malone.

It gives me hope to hear people like Nick. Keep it up! I still have a second coat of copper and gold to apply to the banisters!

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I got goosebumps too! Art if Fermentation by Sandor Katz. I always have at least one sauerkraut on the go and fermented garlic is THE business - what an awesome listen. From another veteran who lined up back then

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Great podcast, Doc, with a man showing his deep wisdom. A couple of thoughts:

1. Bravery. I feel honoured to 'stand on the shoulders of giants' like you and Nick Bradley. You've both shown huge bravery and have taken risks. All I've done was to refuse the vaccine and tell people on my blog why. I didn't risk a career, or financial security etc. Thank you and may God bless you both.

2. Incentives. A very wise man, talking about incentives, told me this more than 40 years ago: 'You get what you measure.' I learned the hard way that incentivising people to do the right things without them simultaneously doing the wrong things is impossible. I mean genuinely impossible! It can't be done. We should have learned this through the 'Credit Crunch' in 2008 - the banks were incentivising people to make lots of money for the banks; simultaneously they were gambling with the world's financial stability through CDOs etc.

3. Abundance. 'I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.' John 10:10. Jesus wants us to have abundance.

Doc, I don't know when you recorded this, but you didn't look or sound terribly well? Or maybe just tired and keen to get to your kids. I hope you're OK, as you know I worry about you doing too much!

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"There's no incentive for a doctor to go out and learn how bad a vaccine is, if the organization we work for says we're vaccinating everybody". 💥🫡

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I am convinced vaccines were created to create customers for big pharma and to depopulate.

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Another great podcast. I don't run with scarcity..... what I see is intentional 'throttling'.

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Wow thank you both ❤

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Wow another fab podcast! Nick's clinic would be my dream job, I wonder if something similar exist in England. I can't find many people interested in good nutrition here in the UK, nobody has time for cooking let alone fermenting. I am a nutritionist and I work part-time in a school with SEND kids, it's shocking for me to see what parents (and schools) feed these kids, and doctors certainly have no time to discuss nutrition in their 10 minutes appointment slots.. much easier prescribing the newest ADHD drug on the market..

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Please get Nick back! Fabulous guy.

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