I am a nutritionist and I really enjoyed this podcast and I just bought her book, basically every podcast is a new book to add to my looong list. Just my two cents, no need to buy any expensive (and probably dead) probiotics. You can make your own fermented food, kefir is super easy. I make my own, yogurt, kefir, cheese from raw milk and also kombucha, kimchi and fermented vegetables. (kefir and kombucha recipes are on my own website free to print-but I am not sure I am allowed to share my own website here). I gave the started cultures to many friends and family members, in UK and abroad..they even went as far as Dubai lol. But you can buy them even online. Best food to add to your and your kids diet this winter, especially in the UK.
What I don't really agree, is testing for your microbiome .. there are many microorganisms that live in our gut that we don't even know them yet, so they cannot even be found with standard tests. Also if you have a standard processed diet, it's mostly certain your microbiome is in dysbiosis. I would say doing a 3 day water fasting that clear your guts and introducing real food and fermented food slowly it's probably the best way and everyone can do without spending any money..
This is my website https://www.mednutrition.co.uk has a 'free printables' section with instruction for homemade kefir and kombucha and I'll add other fermented food soon. I would recommend to use raw milk. For those in the UK you can check this website for the raw milk farms near you https://rawmilkproducers.co.uk/map/ , for starters (kombucha scoby, yogurt etc..) I have used this company before and they are great https://freshlyfermented.co.uk/.
Very interesting. Explains why its never really affected myself or my wife. I take local farm made Kefir everyday eat a very clean organic diet. Been doing this for years. This was an interesting Youtube video by Dr Burg the other day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZV1oYv5Ddo Dr. William Davis has developed an amazing protocol for growing your own probiotics by making yiur own yogurt. Dr. Davis studied the work of Dr. Irina Conboy, who isolated the benefits of the microbe L. reuteri in experiments with rats. Rats given L. reuteri experience anticancer effects, a better coat, improved healing time, improved muscle tone, increased mating behavior, and an amplified immune system.
Do you know about Dr William Davis and his book Super Gut? I first came across him through Ivor Cummins years ago. Dr Davis was a cardiologist who wrote the book Wheat Belly. In Super Gut he talks about all the proven studies on particular strains of probiotics and then tells you how to use a capsule of these to make your own ‘yoghurt’ which has a gazillion times more CFUs. He talks about ways to deal with SIBO and thinks that one particular mix of 3 strains of probiotics made into a yoghurt and taken daily for a month can treat SIBO. He says you can buy breath test meters to look to see if you’re getting results- but you don’t need to, you can just go by symptoms. He is all over YouTube being interviewed about this.
If you’re serious about trying it - and it starts with getting your diet in order first, what to avoid ( sugar, grains etc), what supplements will help, then moves on to adding in fermented foods, then adding in different types of fibre before finally adding in some super strength yoghurts - then I recommend buying the physical book as I have annotated mine all over and have loads of corners turned down!
To actually make the yoghurts there are people doing it on YouTube. Search for Super Gut Yoghurt ( although that’s just the SIBO 3 strain one). I found Mary’s Nest videos helped and she did an hour long Q & A which was good. I ended up buying a Sous Vide and there are others on YouTube showing you how to use one.
I assumed I had SIBO & SIFO and tried to do everything in the order that he said. Well that was way too much fibre for me to handle and I had to seriously back off. He also suggests specific essential oils for the SIFO and I have to say I thought I’d given myself an ulcer using those! It was just before Christmas and I was desperately googling natural ways to heal stomach ulcers and it said ‘drink freshly juiced cabbage’ at something like a litre a day. Well I dug out an old juicer from the back of the cupboard and got about 200ml from a giant savoy cabbage and then downed it in one go and thought my insides were on fire! So I just stopped everything and waited a month for it to settle back to normal and then I slowly started with just the yoghurts ( no extra fibre or SIFO treatment) taking a teaspoon a day at lunchtime ( because it interfered with my sleep) and now can happily have a 125ml serving of any of the 5 different strains that I make, at any time of day. He claims some strains will make you younger, with better skin & more muscle, vivid dreams, and others will make you thinner or cure your arthritis problems or help with oxalates etc. I haven’t noticed anything in particular other than feeling unwell when I first started with them and now finding them fun to make and eat and obviously better than shop bought.
He talks about various different bifidobacteria and how to culture them and after listening today I think I will use my 6 strain probiotic ( from cytoplan) to make a multi strain yoghurt next.
I also find that juiced cabbage burns like hell...I used to do juice fasting and cured my fibromyalgia following Joe Cross' 60 day reboot. For stomach ulcers and gastritis, zinc carnosine can be effective.
Thank you for sharing, I think I have SIBO. I haven't tried making my own products. I do have Super Gut but haven't read it! My husband has Crohn's and his homeopath has him taking Kombucha along with other things, and he is getting better.
Ahmed i think we people say that convid never existed i don't think it was in the physical sense, it's in the scientific sense where it has to be isolated as a virus and be able to infect someone else to be classified as a virus. I would also love for you to interview Dr David Martin. He will explain the whole patent applications that have been created fir convud. Not only for the virus itself but the jabs. It will shock you and your subscribers to learn how long this has been in the making. David has all the documentation to prove it all.
I really enjoyed this podcast, very informative. Thank you so much to Dr Bishara for sharing her amazing knowledge and for her continuing work spreading the word.
I cut a large red cabbage from my garden the other day and today I'll make another batch of sauerkraut ☺️
Oregano oil is a natural antibiotic, there's a study that I have bookmarked but typically can't find, I think it actually worked better an antibiotic. It has worked on my sinusitis before - I get fobbed with the nurse at my GP surgery who follows the guidelines instead of looking back and seeing what the last Dr gave me that actually works.
Oregano oil has helped people with SIBO and is also meant to destroy biofilm.
Please look into Dr Berry, and Dr Chaffe, and they will explain the studies used to say that high meat diet causes colon cancer. They will also tell you that there are no studies done on carnivore diets. So, the study she is talking about was not on carnivore diet. What is their definition of a high meat diet? Also, i know it’s only one person, but please look up rancher Maggie in Alberta Canada. She has been eating carnivore for most of her life. She is 83.
I'm looking forward to listening to this one. I think I have SIBO but my Consultant wouldn't test me for it. My husband has Crohn's, which is getting better but we don't know if it's the meds he's injecting or the homeopathic treatment plus Kombucha or all of it. We were really ill with Covid (whatever that actually is) along with my daughter and her boyfriend, exactly 3 years ago, but I can see we probably all have weakened microbiome. I find it difficult to fast as going without eating triggers my bile salt malabsorption.
I am a nutritionist and I really enjoyed this podcast and I just bought her book, basically every podcast is a new book to add to my looong list. Just my two cents, no need to buy any expensive (and probably dead) probiotics. You can make your own fermented food, kefir is super easy. I make my own, yogurt, kefir, cheese from raw milk and also kombucha, kimchi and fermented vegetables. (kefir and kombucha recipes are on my own website free to print-but I am not sure I am allowed to share my own website here). I gave the started cultures to many friends and family members, in UK and abroad..they even went as far as Dubai lol. But you can buy them even online. Best food to add to your and your kids diet this winter, especially in the UK.
What I don't really agree, is testing for your microbiome .. there are many microorganisms that live in our gut that we don't even know them yet, so they cannot even be found with standard tests. Also if you have a standard processed diet, it's mostly certain your microbiome is in dysbiosis. I would say doing a 3 day water fasting that clear your guts and introducing real food and fermented food slowly it's probably the best way and everyone can do without spending any money..
Hey, please share your website! Imm not into probiotics, I eat homemade kimchi, also yes I don't believe in these testing kits either
This is my website https://www.mednutrition.co.uk has a 'free printables' section with instruction for homemade kefir and kombucha and I'll add other fermented food soon. I would recommend to use raw milk. For those in the UK you can check this website for the raw milk farms near you https://rawmilkproducers.co.uk/map/ , for starters (kombucha scoby, yogurt etc..) I have used this company before and they are great https://freshlyfermented.co.uk/.
Very interesting. Explains why its never really affected myself or my wife. I take local farm made Kefir everyday eat a very clean organic diet. Been doing this for years. This was an interesting Youtube video by Dr Burg the other day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZV1oYv5Ddo Dr. William Davis has developed an amazing protocol for growing your own probiotics by making yiur own yogurt. Dr. Davis studied the work of Dr. Irina Conboy, who isolated the benefits of the microbe L. reuteri in experiments with rats. Rats given L. reuteri experience anticancer effects, a better coat, improved healing time, improved muscle tone, increased mating behavior, and an amplified immune system.
Do you know about Dr William Davis and his book Super Gut? I first came across him through Ivor Cummins years ago. Dr Davis was a cardiologist who wrote the book Wheat Belly. In Super Gut he talks about all the proven studies on particular strains of probiotics and then tells you how to use a capsule of these to make your own ‘yoghurt’ which has a gazillion times more CFUs. He talks about ways to deal with SIBO and thinks that one particular mix of 3 strains of probiotics made into a yoghurt and taken daily for a month can treat SIBO. He says you can buy breath test meters to look to see if you’re getting results- but you don’t need to, you can just go by symptoms. He is all over YouTube being interviewed about this.
If you’re serious about trying it - and it starts with getting your diet in order first, what to avoid ( sugar, grains etc), what supplements will help, then moves on to adding in fermented foods, then adding in different types of fibre before finally adding in some super strength yoghurts - then I recommend buying the physical book as I have annotated mine all over and have loads of corners turned down!
To actually make the yoghurts there are people doing it on YouTube. Search for Super Gut Yoghurt ( although that’s just the SIBO 3 strain one). I found Mary’s Nest videos helped and she did an hour long Q & A which was good. I ended up buying a Sous Vide and there are others on YouTube showing you how to use one.
I assumed I had SIBO & SIFO and tried to do everything in the order that he said. Well that was way too much fibre for me to handle and I had to seriously back off. He also suggests specific essential oils for the SIFO and I have to say I thought I’d given myself an ulcer using those! It was just before Christmas and I was desperately googling natural ways to heal stomach ulcers and it said ‘drink freshly juiced cabbage’ at something like a litre a day. Well I dug out an old juicer from the back of the cupboard and got about 200ml from a giant savoy cabbage and then downed it in one go and thought my insides were on fire! So I just stopped everything and waited a month for it to settle back to normal and then I slowly started with just the yoghurts ( no extra fibre or SIFO treatment) taking a teaspoon a day at lunchtime ( because it interfered with my sleep) and now can happily have a 125ml serving of any of the 5 different strains that I make, at any time of day. He claims some strains will make you younger, with better skin & more muscle, vivid dreams, and others will make you thinner or cure your arthritis problems or help with oxalates etc. I haven’t noticed anything in particular other than feeling unwell when I first started with them and now finding them fun to make and eat and obviously better than shop bought.
He talks about various different bifidobacteria and how to culture them and after listening today I think I will use my 6 strain probiotic ( from cytoplan) to make a multi strain yoghurt next.
I also find that juiced cabbage burns like hell...I used to do juice fasting and cured my fibromyalgia following Joe Cross' 60 day reboot. For stomach ulcers and gastritis, zinc carnosine can be effective.
Thank you for sharing, I think I have SIBO. I haven't tried making my own products. I do have Super Gut but haven't read it! My husband has Crohn's and his homeopath has him taking Kombucha along with other things, and he is getting better.
Ahmed i think we people say that convid never existed i don't think it was in the physical sense, it's in the scientific sense where it has to be isolated as a virus and be able to infect someone else to be classified as a virus. I would also love for you to interview Dr David Martin. He will explain the whole patent applications that have been created fir convud. Not only for the virus itself but the jabs. It will shock you and your subscribers to learn how long this has been in the making. David has all the documentation to prove it all.
I really enjoyed this podcast, very informative. Thank you so much to Dr Bishara for sharing her amazing knowledge and for her continuing work spreading the word.
I cut a large red cabbage from my garden the other day and today I'll make another batch of sauerkraut ☺️
Oregano oil is a natural antibiotic, there's a study that I have bookmarked but typically can't find, I think it actually worked better an antibiotic. It has worked on my sinusitis before - I get fobbed with the nurse at my GP surgery who follows the guidelines instead of looking back and seeing what the last Dr gave me that actually works.
Oregano oil has helped people with SIBO and is also meant to destroy biofilm.
Please look into Dr Berry, and Dr Chaffe, and they will explain the studies used to say that high meat diet causes colon cancer. They will also tell you that there are no studies done on carnivore diets. So, the study she is talking about was not on carnivore diet. What is their definition of a high meat diet? Also, i know it’s only one person, but please look up rancher Maggie in Alberta Canada. She has been eating carnivore for most of her life. She is 83.
I'm looking forward to listening to this one. I think I have SIBO but my Consultant wouldn't test me for it. My husband has Crohn's, which is getting better but we don't know if it's the meds he's injecting or the homeopathic treatment plus Kombucha or all of it. We were really ill with Covid (whatever that actually is) along with my daughter and her boyfriend, exactly 3 years ago, but I can see we probably all have weakened microbiome. I find it difficult to fast as going without eating triggers my bile salt malabsorption.