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#228 - Supporter Stories

Spotify, Apple podcast and Rumble links at the bottom of the post.



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Thank you also to the new subscribers, your lovely messages and the reviews!

About this episode

For too long, the COVID 'plandemic' has been portrayed as a faceless entity, with the media primarily focusing on charts, graphs, and confusing statistics. Science was corrupted, people were manipulated on a global scale, and misleading numbers, along with statistical trickery, were used to misinform and control public perception.

I’ve been deeply moved by the messages from my dedicated supporters, who represent diverse backgrounds from all over the world. I’ve received remarkable emails, spoken with brilliant individuals, and connected with many inspiring souls, learning so much in the process.

Now, I want to give these people a voice. Everyone has a story worth sharing, and through the Supporter Stories podcast series, I aim to highlight their experiences.

The first of the two guests is Dr Michael Taylor, who describes himself as a sceptical scientist with expertise in polymers.

He also forwarded a message he had come across on a Telegram Channel, which I think applies to so many of us and is so heartwarming I am sharing it again below -

Just found this fabulous message on a Telegram channel:

A message of hope in a changing world.

Do you know how amazing you are? You have existed until now in a world that has lied to you about everything. A world that has based itself on division and hate. A world of inequality and unfairness. A world of bitterness and separation.

Despite all of this you have found your own truth. You have turned away from hate, and choose to operate from love. You have said no to division, and opted for unity. You see others as yourself, and yourself as others. And you have a deep reverence for all life - humans, animals and plants.

You have opted for joy. You have brought up children to be loving and kind. You revel in the beauty of a gorgeous sunrise, and know how lucky you are. You have succeeded in housing yourself and making a life in a world that wants to take everything away from you, and yet despite this you are still willing to offer what you have to those in need that you care about.

You have managed to smile. To laugh. To grow. And to find beauty and joy in a world that has tried to keep you in a box of fear.

You have opted to know your traumas and triggers and heal them, so you do not perpetuate cycles where you act out on others because of them. You know who you are, and you own your stuff. You are no longer a victim.

You will not be gaslit, lied to, or told to act from hate or fear any longer. You act with compassion, but also strength and sovereignty, and you have the ability to make it in this world, no matter what. You are no longer afraid. You know your power and you own it. With love, empathy and responsibility.

Never think you are just one person. You are a drop in an ocean of people that have decided to live and operate from this perspective. That ocean is moving together in a sea of change and you, yes you, are part of that, and the reason why the world is going to alter for the better.

YOU did that. You helped make that change. YOU are awesome. And you need to know it. Go forward today knowing how amazing you are ❤️

This conversation with Michael covers various topics, including politics, Brexit, awakening to the truth, the education system, taxation, and personal experiences. The hosts discuss their involvement in politics, disappointment with the outcome of Brexit, and the divisive nature of politics. They also talk about their awakening journey, the challenges of being awake, and the importance of critical thinking. The conversation touches on the flaws of the education system, the impact of COVID-19 on self-employed individuals, and the effects of taxation. They also discuss the need for transparency, the attacks and criticism they face, and the importance of honesty. The conversation concludes with advice for living a fulfilling life and the importance of critical thinking. The conversation covers various topics, including community groups, self-employment, taxes, staying healthy, and critical thinking. The guest shares his experiences with different community groups and the common themes he has observed among their members. They discuss the impact of taxes and the financial system on individuals. The guest is also determined to stay healthy and avoid the mainstream healthcare system. They touch on the issue of climate change and the lack of critical thinking among highly educated individuals. The conversation ends with a discussion of the importance of listening, letting go of judgment, and being truthful.

Deborah Holden is a small business owner. She owns her cafe and shop and also has two holiday homes she rents out in the beautiful South Downs. Earlier this year, Deborah reached out to me -

Hi Ahmad!

I am a new supporter, just subscribed on Spotify. I discovered you from your interview with James Delingpole. Just wanted to be in touch directly to say THANK YOU for all you are doing to bring truth and humour to this muddled world! I now look forward to my commute so I can catch up on another episode.

I am blessed to own a couple of businesses - a cafe and shop near Guildford, and two properties which I rent in West Sussex. Have a look at I would love to give you and your wife a couple of days away together at a convenient time. You work so hard, so it would be my way to express my gratitude and give you both some down time to rest and recharge.

Let me know.

With love and thanks,

Deborah x

I took up the offer and spent a wonderful weekend (despite the hay fever) with my family in the South Downs. Deborah is a lovely soul, utterly awake to the nonsense happening in the world.

I recently invited her for lunch with the family and, with my usual spontaneity, asked Deborah to come on my Supporter stories.

In this chat, I share with Deborah my experience of starting a podcast and the challenges that came with learning new skills along the way. I talk about how gratitude and forgiveness have played a big role in my life. Deborah jumps in with her perspective on feminism and the struggles young men face in today’s world. Together, we discuss the power of humour and how important it is to balance the darker moments with light and positivity.

We also discuss the importance of self-belief and discovering one's unique talent. The conversation wraps up with Deborah's words of wisdom: "Stay in the light. Be the light. Bring the light to others."

You can check out her cafe here

And holiday rentals here

I hope you enjoy the chats.

Much love

Ahmad x

Doc Malik Honest Health is a reader-listener supported publication. To support my work, and help fight back against the evil bastards, upgrade to Paid and join the clan of freedom loving dissidents! (please)

If you are new to my substack and podcast, and don’t know my back story, please listen to these podcasts and discover how I transformed from a top orthopaedic surgeon into a tin foil-wearing conspiracy theorist, anti-vaxxer, transphobic, anti-semitic, climate change denying, Putin loving, freedom grifting, American meddling, Globalist serving, Anti-science quacka doodle doo.

James Delingpole Interview Apple podcast

James Delingpole Interview Spotify

Debbi Evans Interview

Patrick Henningsen Interview

This is how I feel amongst the medical profession. Please sign up to my paid substack so that I can speak up for your freedom and fight the tyranny.

Health - Liberty - Happiness

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Links to this podcast episode


Apple podcast


Let me know what you think of this episode in comments below or in Spotify/Rumble

Doc Malik Honest Health is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

To all the new subscribers welcome to the Clan!

Please make sure to check your emails download the Substack app so that you can join the chat function.

And oh yeah thank you for the coffee folks x

I hope you enjoy this episode.


Much love Ahmad


I Ahmad Malik: am a private civilian, protected by the Geneva Convention.

My substack, social media posts and podcasts are my personal experiences, observations and opinions. This information is for educational purposes only. Although I am a doctor, I am not your doctor, and I am not providing medical or legal advice to you or to the wider public. I am not licensed or registered with the GMC or any other licensing board.

The responsibility for the interpretation, due diligence and use of the information from my substack and my podcast lies with you, the viewer and/or listener. Please do your research, and use your discernment.

It is not my intention to harass, intimidate, offend, defame, conspire, blackmail, coerce or cause anxiety, alarm or distress to any man or woman, and the information presented here is done so with peaceful and honourable intentions.

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Doc Malik Honest Health
Doc Malik Honest Health Podcast
Authentic conversations with fascinating people exploring health and wellness. Supported by listeners and readers.
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Love x