Thanks Doc Malik for taking the time to put this together and thanks to 911R for signposting!

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Sep 13Liked by Doc Malik

Wow! I thought I knew a bit about 911 but this is is going to new places for me. I listened to the first hour in the car, have paused now to watch the rest with pictures later. Fabulous stuff.

In the mean time what is to be done to stop Starmer/Lammy starting ww3?

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This might be a helpful video to watch that covers a lot of the topics here in some detail


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PS, just ordered the book from Ebay 👍

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by Doc Malik

Excellent! The Doc gets the best guests

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O, great! Happy to see you had Andrew on!

Will you be uploading to Rumble doc?

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See lower down the page are all the links inc rumble 🙏🏻

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Great - Thank you!

Would you mind if I upload to YouTube?

I have already shared the Rumble link on my substack, Telegram page, FB and more...

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Of course not!

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Admitting the state of our own ignorance is key!

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Sep 17Liked by Doc Malik

Half way through listening to this brilliant podcast on Apple! Glad you mentioned looking at photos as I’ll now switch over to Rumble and watch the rest after work. I’d heard of Judy Wood but hadn’t made it through her 5 hr videos - will def pick up the book from EBay 👍🏼 Thanks for continuing the explore this subject

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My pleasure Eliza x

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Sep 16Liked by Doc Malik

Dear Doc Malik

This is possibly the best podcast I have ever heard.

My copy of Where Did The Towers Go? is awaiting collection at argos.

I cannot thank you, and Andrew Johnson enough.

Much love


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Sep 12Liked by Doc Malik

Incendary... in every sense of the word... and I was still trying to get used to the idea of controlled demolition... wow...

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Sep 14Liked by Doc Malik

I am certainly persuaded that the 'official narrative' must be wrong. There are simply too many unanswered questions. But I’m not at all sure about the DEW theory; it strikes me that maybe this has been suggested not because there's that much evidence pointing to it, but simply because the other theories don't hold up? Question: if this was a DEW, was this the first ever test on this scale anywhere in the world? If so, imagine yourself 'signing it off'. From my experience of brand new technologies, nothing ever works exactly right first time. And if it had been tried, but on a much smaller scale, there would surely be huge risks of something going badly wrong, when scaled up to such an extent. And how come it’s not been used in the intervening 23 years? As you say, Ahmad, I think we need to keep an open mind. I am trying to. But this valuable podcast has confirmed me now 100% against the official narrative! Thanks for this!

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Sep 15Liked by Doc Malik

If you watch Judy's interview with Jerm Warfare, you'll see the photos to support DEW being used. They've used this technology on crowds, it's well known and you can even google it.

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Thank you Jennifer

I follow Jerm, but have missed this.

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I cannot find Judy's interview with Jerm. I've looked at The Battle Of Ideas, and I cannot see anything before Bart Sibrel & the Faked Moon Landings, which was from a couple of years ago.

Do you have a link?

Kind regards


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Sep 14·edited Sep 16Liked by Doc Malik

Look into the connection between Nikola Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower, and the Tunguska Explosion in 1908. Its quite possible this type of technology to manipulate energy has been around for a while, and was well understood by 2001

The Most Destructive Weapon Tesla Ever Made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wnx-uM5Rn60

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Only a hypothesis, but what if 9/11 was also a deliberate demonstration to other world governments of this weapon, "You'd better do exactly as we say, or suffer the same fate..." - to those 'in the know'. Perhaps thus might explain the worldwide cooperation re C19?

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Sep 13Liked by Doc Malik

Thank you for this very well documented and explained analysis. This is an area I haven't looked into before and certainly puts events that came later into a clearer perspective. Will we ever know the truth I wonder?

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Sep 12Liked by Doc Malik

This is all beyond me. l did Arts.

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I like Andrew's take, eg directed energy weapons as an hypothesis...and I am holding his hypothesis lightly, as with all hypotheses.

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WHAT exactly happened to ALL 7 buildings with a WTC prefix on Sept 11, 2001?

The following points need to be made regarding what exactly happened to the buildings and the observable evidence at ground zero, that the “9/11 truth movement” never touch on…

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/what-exactly-happened-to-all-7-buildings

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Sep 11Liked by Doc Malik

Thank you for all your continued hard work am going to enjoy listening to this! 🙏

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Very minor point here:

Ebay is a very good website offering complete coverage if you have any problems with purchases. I buy all my books and clothing and many household items from there. Only once in all these years have I had a problem. Ebay got me a full refund in less than a week!

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I haven't used Ebay in a long time but such ('minor') snippets of information are rather useful, thank you!

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Mind blowing. So much to think about. Don't suppose we'll ever know the truth but it's amazing to hear all the science laid out and the inconsistencies laid bare.

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Once again another fascinating conversation from Ahmed. I learned about Dr Judy's dustification theory many years ago. Hadn't heard of Andrew Johnson.....I could listen to you both all day. I'm now going to check out Andrew's website and look for his books.

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The direct energy weapon technology does for me go a long way towards explaining why despite having no clear conventional or nuclear advantage over Russian forces, US/UK seem to have the confidence to continue their provocative acts while knowing what the Russian government is warning will be their response to those provocative acts. I was thinking the existence of DEW was a bluff but now I'm not so sure.

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