Sep 10Liked by James Delingpole, Doc Malik

Absolutely love James. I love that he addresses topics that can be very deep down the rabbit hole, which could put some people off but he just doesn’t care! I also think that he is an amazing story teller, funny and I could just listen to him all day long!

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He is a legend

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Like you, James was a lifeline during the dark days of the madness, and I don't believe I've missed a show since. Wonderfully entertaining while not being afraid of broaching any subject under the sun-if there is a sun! LOL. This one is a stonker.

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I'm sure it's not just you and me but thousands of others

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After being interviewed by both of you, I feel an affection - obviously. You were both so kind and respectful to this old hippy chick and for that I was very grateful. I love the way you are both so open to learning more and more! It is like watching two clever children, tucked in a corner of the playground, oblivious of their environment and sharing intense, deep secrets. The kind of kids who won't jump up and play football.... my kind of kids.

Love you both very much. xx

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Sep 10Liked by Doc Malik

Great two hours, thanks. Re Oxford and Imperial bad and Cambridge good, isn't it more that the first two are maybe more eugenicist but Cambridge is where the evil tech/AI is incubating?

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I agree with your observation. They both seem to be indoctrinating totalitarian obedience freaks. I had a chance to go to one or the other in 1969 but, due to economic pressure, I had to earn a living at that time. I felt sad to miss out on University at the time but now I am glad that I dodged a bullet when I was young enough to be highly impressionable. No regrets whatsoever!

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Hah! I went for an interview at Camberidge and failed to make the cut. Thank goodness 🤣

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In respect of the Oxford in-crowd, I have noticed that those who studied Classics turned out to be the greatest globalist politicians and law enforcers historically. The study of ancient Greek gods and legends plus the massive impact of the empire of Rome markedly influenced their thinking. It is necessary to be very fluent in Greek and Latin to study Law and the Sciences too. Familiarity with those two root languages also aid students to fully appreciate words and their deeper meanings, most of which are quite occulted, thus creating a chasm of understanding between the 'toffs' and the general public (as if that needed any additional help!)

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Good to have missed out on that one Frances - my daughter went and couldn't be more deeply embedded in the agenda now.

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If we're talking about eugenics universities we have to mention UCL, AKA Francis Galton's Eugenics Institute

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10

I'm sure you're right - I don't know them all. I just know that Cambridge (the city/district) is the English equivalent of Silicon Valley (Silicon Fen, I believe - groan!) and assume the techy parts of the university would be central to that (public-private partnerships and all that fascist jazz).

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Just loved this podcast. One of the best. Thank you both so much. Rosie.

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Sep 10Liked by Doc Malik

You mention Monsters Inc - it made me think of another movie where they blatantly reveal the method - Zoolander. Derek Zoolander is subject to MK Ultra trauma based mind control by Mugatu; when FGTH Relax plays over the PA system, Derek immediately transforms into a trained assassin.

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I am just beginning to watch Kaos on Netflix atm.... that reveals the relationship between the Greek gods and modern man. Highly relevant to the ever-widening gulf between the haves and the have-nots. Well worth a watch - the cgi is impressive btw!

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Sep 11Liked by Doc Malik

Very enjoyable interview and I side with you on the religion front. BUT how many times did the poor man have to tell you he was exhausted before you took heed? I thought he might pass out towards the end and was impressed that he didn't!

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As it had taken me over a year to get him on I wanted to squeeze every wee bit out of him 🤣

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Sep 10Liked by Doc Malik

This was great. What I love about Delingpole is that he's consistently tackled the darkest of subjects and yet he still manages to make me laugh. It's a rare gift he has

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Sep 10Liked by Doc Malik

Enjoying the podcast. When discussing Darwin it reminded me of some thought provoking papers written by Miles Mathis in five parts…part 1 - https://mileswmathis.com/darwin.pdf

Other links on his website….

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Sep 15Liked by Doc Malik

Great podcast though Delingpole was very jumpy in the last 10 minutes or so re: the chat on Gove and Johnson. His body language was very telling and he obviously felt very uncomfortable.

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Sep 13Liked by Doc Malik

Been following James since the 90's climate wars.

What's interesting for me is how today's knowledge is the Truth compared to yesterday's, regardless of the evolutionary path we are all going through.

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Thank you both !

Absolutely loved the podcast ! I started following James back in 2020 on twt .. then … when I closed my account after the ban of M Yeadon I lost track of him.. back now on his stack / podcast and obviously yours.

I lost lots of friends for taking early on the same position as yours … I have an enormous respect and admiration for your life decisions and integrity .

This podcast was so dense that I have to listen to it again…

Brilliant! Thank you!

Pls do a 3rd episode. You are great together

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Sep 10Liked by Doc Malik

My two favourites have come together, yey! This will be a good one.

James and the Doc are the only two I choose to subscribe to, and believe me there could be many as I spend so much time plugged into podcasts.

Thank you Doc, my bedtime podcast is about to begin, and I can’t wait.

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Sep 10Liked by Doc Malik

A great chat between my two favourite podcasters. It was good to hear James on the other side so to speak. And eco crucifixes - I'm pinching that one

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Sep 10Liked by Doc Malik

Great interview with James Delingpole.

I see Mike Yeadon was mentioned during the podcast. He is a hero of mine during the covid era.

Would be great to have him as a guest on your show.

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Already been my friend

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Great interview but I wanted to here more about what James had to say on several issues without constant interruptions…

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He was about to go into more detail about Churchill.

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Sep 10Liked by Doc Malik

I love how Doc Malik interviews and how he plays devils advocate, just really wanted to hear more about James’ view of Gove and Johnson etc with knowledge of them from such a unique personal position. Also more on his take on why this world is how it is from his religious perspective. We are never going to all agree but I would have like him to be able to finish his points unchallenged.

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I'll have him back x

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Sep 10Liked by Doc Malik


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