so excited for more supporter stories!!! you are literally the ONLY podcaster of any merit, who is featuring us regular folks. we have a lot to offer the wider conversation.

also want to thank you for your part in the universe that enabled me to meet my 'brother from another mother', Roy. you Brits are THE BEST! this old lady Yank would not still be sane without my miraculous online family!

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You guys most definitely have a lot to offer; thank you!

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p.s. your wife is so adorable and she looks like she is in her 20's (though I know she can't be). whatever all you are doing to be so healthy and happy, don't stop!

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That will make her day! she is touching 40!

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no fracking way! she's got such a baby face. as a couple, you two simply radiate happiness. what a blessing to have found each other.

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Aug 31Liked by Doc Malik

Another good supporter series podcast, thank you. Thanks to Thomas, Quentin and Roy. Roy’s account and discussion about his dad particularly resonated with me and memories of my dad., his social abilities and outlook on life. Brilliant.

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Aug 31Liked by Doc Malik

Not sure about weighing up the pros and cons in some sort of logical flow-chart. I prefer to go with my gut and when it came to the jab I trusted my instincts.

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Sep 1Liked by Doc Malik

Hiya. Not sure if you’re referring to my comments about acknowledging degrees of proven/ not proven when it comes to having your eyes open and trying to work out wtf is actually going on in our insane world. If gut instinct works for you then of course- no argument that’s fine if you’re comfortable in that space. I was just trying to suggest a way of anchoring pieces of information which for some of us might all get a bit much. Being able to admit to levels of uncertainty over any given proposition I find helpful. But it won’t of course be everyone’s preferred approach. Sorry if I’m off- course and that wasn’t what you were referring to. Peace and love (I’m still an old hippy at heart)❤️

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Aug 31Liked by Doc Malik

Always thoroughly enjoy the supporter stories Ahmad. Good to hear from the people on the street as well as your other guests.

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Thank you x

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3Liked by Doc Malik

Roy mentioned the gold standard in passing. This triggered a memory of Churchill restoring the gold standard in the 1930's (this was actually part my history 'O' level syllabus in 1972). Found more in depth treatment on uk parliament site. https://www.parliament.uk/about/living-heritage/transformingsociety/private-lives/yourcountry/collections/churchillexhibition/churchill-the-orator/gold-standard/

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Sep 5Liked by Doc Malik

So good to hear other people's journeys (sorry for the running commentary Doc!). And how we all woke up at different times - I've known about the climate scam for years but didn't realise 9/11 was an FF until I saw the building 7 posts on the 20th anniversary. And I woke up to the scamdemic around the same time. I've met up with some of the friends I've made online and we instantly click - it's amazing but for anyone who doesn't know anyone IRL that's awake - perhaps look up your local Stand in the Park. Ours has met every Sunday since its inception and I've made some great friends even though I only go intermittently. As for what else to do - spread the word, use cash, write to your health boards about the jabs - I've just asked mine to confirm the RSV is safe for pregnant women - go to see your local councillors about the nut zero scam, write to your MPs: they're not the Borg and I refused to believe resistance in futile

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Sep 1Liked by Doc Malik

Thanks Ahmad for posting the podcast and the kindly remarks.

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WOW, you've got a Jiu-Jitsu loving cat on your show...... why am I not surprised. There truly is something for everyone on your shows Doc, well done.

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Sep 3Liked by Doc Malik

Voting doesn't get us out of anything. If it changed anything we wouldn't be able to do it.

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I have enjoyed "almost" all of your interviews. Have you managed to watch the film La belle .... yet? I sent you the link via wattsap.

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Nope! Can you send the link again please 🙏🏻

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Dear Doc, please don’t ever change. What you’re doing is JUST RIGHT. Thank you 🙏🏻

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