Love that this interview did not age - my prediction about starmer came true, but also really wanted to comment that you should get Chris Sparkes on at some point - if you've had a look into the Bible since, then you will be fascinated with what he has to say about mis-translations and the truth. Thankyou Dr. Ahmad, with peace & love & faith :-) xxx
Well! I have to say that I almost got lost on the 'stars are very small and very close'... and I certainly don't agree with all of Darren's viewpoints... but that is what makes horse races so they say... more to the point... I'm soooo phuck'n glad that I stayed until the end of the conversation... I've been having a dark night of the soul lately (about for the last 6 months) with all of the religious/church horseshit... and thanks to this conversation, I've just realized that I'm a "Jesusist"! :-D
I am so honoured to call both of you my friends and to get to hang out with Darren lots because I play drums in his band. Fabulous conversation, guys. Please delete if I'm not allowed to do a little advertising, Ahmad, but if anyone wants to come and meet Darren, see him speak live along with some incredible speakers in the field of health… plus of course see The Daz Band play, come and join us for our Ancestral Health Festival this coming weekend, 17th and 18th August in Rainford, UK. Check it out properly here…
Delighted to hear the latest version of We Are The 99% - I love the way it has grown over the years to include all the lunacy we have had to reckon with since I first heard it, sung raw and raucous, at Barton Moss anti-fracking camp near Manchester in the winter of 2013.
The Light Paper is a beacon of resistance and Darren Nesbitt has made a raving success of it by his dedication and hard work. There is also an Irish Light Paper and my friend in Australia reports that it circulates there too. It ought to go global!
I hope it continues to grow and educate. It was a brilliant idea, a much needed alternative to the nonsense we get from main stream media.
Thanks very much Ahmad for inviting Daz to your home and thanks Daz for making that journey to bring us news of his progress.
Fabulous interview! Loved all the different directions your conversation went and learnt a few new things too 😊 Have kept every issue of The Light, for the preservation of what has been going on. Hope you do another podcast with Darren soon 👍🏼
if in doubt about my astronomical beliefs, don't take my word for it - read Kings Dethroned from more than 100 years ago. also, once you get that the moon landings were faked, then you ask where does the famous widely-circulated photo of the Earth in 1972 come from? more revelations on this for anyone interested are on my 'daz nez' youtube channel, but it's a side issue:
the pagan roman empire assimilated christianity and so the gospel was diluted and today, every church and denomination are in serious error as to the simplicity and purity of God's word and the unbelievably great news of Jesus's resurrection, meaning salvation for everyone who will be absolutely honest with themselves (and therefore God, who is always with us.)
i didn't get to it, though hopefully chris sparkes will: there is no devil or 'satan' in the original Bible. neither is there a hell where the unfaithful are tortured forever. those who do not want the waters of life which God is offering through Jesus Christ are given what they desire - death, but the second death afte rthe judgement, which is permanent annihilation and destruction in the lake of fire and brimstone. even death and the grave go in there, so how could it be a place of eternal torment? roman pagan nonsense.
finally on that subject, and to complete the total heresy and ex-communication from all churches and denominations in existence, Jesus is not part of some weird, unexplainable 'trinity; a three-headed God which is not mentioned anywhere in the old testament, while Jesus never once said He was God, YHVH, the Creaotr of heaven and earth, but His only son (also corroborated by God). the trinity comes from babylon, and semiramis claiming her son tammuz was the reincarnated slain nimrod. this trinity is also seen in egyptian and roman mythology - you know the gods. and that's why people claim christianity borrowed from paganism. no, the gospel was corrupted by it, alomst before it was finished being written.
if people knew the truth about God and His promises, the world would be a much more joyous place, but His so-called ambassadors have been woefully lacking in spreading this joy since the first century, and certainly since the roman catholic church came into being.
for me also, there was the recognition of a huge cultural push to reject any of this, through TV, films, music, etc. - the uncoolest thing you can be is a follower of Jesus and a believer in the Bible as the actual word of the actual God that created us all, who really is loving, forgiving, and the best Father you can imagine, and has promised things we cannot yet imagine for those who love Him and the truth.
By the way there is a board game on the subject of the Council of Nicea. I played an earlier publication many years ago one of my mates had. It looks like it has had a makeover. I shall let him know he might well be interested in the newer one, the original 1980s version had quite poor production standards.
I know people who are like Darren and so much fun to talk with too. Not 100% agreeing with what they believe, but always pleased to catch up with them.
The language of science is mathematics, not English. Mathematically sound science trumps ignorance every time. The mathematical description of a sun-centered solar system predicts the phases of the moon, lunar and solar eclipses and the position of the planets in the (night) sky to a high degree of precision. That's how you know that a scientific paradigm is correct - when it concurs with and even predicts nature.
The problem with the Flat Earth hypothesis is that it doesn't provide any mathematically sound explanations of our natural world at all. All it offers is ignorance in the place of proven science - ask any honest Physicist. Perhaps Honest Health includes Honest Science? After all, the definition of good mental health is to be as in touch with reality as possible. Detoxify your mind.
Also, compare the non-scientific claim that anthropogenic climate change is going to cause runaway global warming. The hockey stick graph that supposedly predicted this was deemed fraudulent by an American court when the so-called scientist refused to provide the data on which he based his claim. Yet the fearmongers are still able to terrify children into thinking the world is going to end if they refuse to pay Carbon Taxes. It's politicized pseudo-science.
Just like climate propaganda, Flat Earth seeks to confuse, control and subjugate its victims.
These videos might shed some light on the situation…
The first is a detailed explanation from 2012 by an expert filmmaker, S G Collins, as to why humans possessed the technology to go to the moon, but not to fake such a mission.
The second is a presentation by Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, the second man to set foot on the Moon, given at the Science Museum in London on 28th February 2016:
This video shows 1970s special fx as they pretend to take off from the moon.
Play at 0.25 speed so you can easily see it, and from 5 seconds is where the entire lie unravels, unless you think those coloured blocks are really engine take-off discharge.
They have lied about everything. They have never find a dinosaur skeleton either; not even a smaller one. All made-up, successful propaganda.
Don't you find it interesting that the allegd moon missions happened between 1969-72, and were stopped when the Van Allen belts wre discovered?
Also worth watching for those wanting to see through deceptions is Bart Sibrel's 'A funny thing happened on the way to the moon'.
To debunk the ISS, search for a 3.5 minute Russian rock song called 'Astronauts are shit' and watch the video - a great compilation to easily show utter deception again.
"This video shows 1970s special fx as they pretend to take off from the moon."
Actually, no. If you don't remember, or never saw, special FX from the 1970s, look at Doctor Who or Star Trek archives.
"Play at 0.25 speed so you can easily see it, and from 5 seconds is where the entire lie unravels, unless you think those coloured blocks are really engine take-off discharge."
We assume you're referring to the segment from 8m52s in the second video. We've just played that over and over at 0.25, and there are no "coloured blocks" — the oddities are reflections from the cabin windows.
"Don't you find it interesting that the allegd moon missions happened between 1969-72, and were stopped when the Van Allen belts wre discovered?"
The first Van Allen belt was detected initially in 1953, the second in 1958 during the International Geophysical Year. Its existence was confirmed by the Pioneer 3 mission on 6th December 1958.
As for the effects on astronauts, see this article:
'The problem with the Flat Earth hypothesis is that it doesn't provide any mathematically sound explanations of our natural world at all' - yes, but you're talking about the silly disc model which i also think is false.
Further, Ptolemy had the eclipses and all the heaven's movements down pat 2,000 years ago, and he also belived the Earth was flat and stationary.
Your dismissal is unscientific. Your knowledge of this subject is surface-deep, because you have been told what to believe and have never questioned it.
The moon landings are laughable nonsense. So is everything they do in outer space. If you know this, then you will ask why do they fake it then? If you don't yet know everything they show you is fake, then you defi should not be commenting on this subject.
'daz nez' on youtube has some of my presentations on this. But of course, who on Earth wants to be known as a flat earhter, when the symbol of knowledge, learning and wisdom is a bloody globe.
Your defensive response to my message is very revealing Darren Nesbitt. We've never met and yet you have decided that you know what level of knowledge I have of this subject? What hubris... If you did know me, you would know that I absolutely do question EVERYTHING, including your motives.
You also assert that: "If you don't yet know everything they show you is fake, then you defi should not be commenting on this subject." Wow! That sounds like an attempt at censorship, i.e. "No-one is allowed to speak about the nature of the universe UNTIL they accept Darren Nesbitt's premise about 'them' because Darren Nesbitt is the self-appointed authority on Flat Earth, the shape of the universe and everything."
For the record, I wasn't talking about YOUR description of the universe because you didn't give one, remember? In the interview you said you have no idea what shape the Earth or the solar system are and "it's okay to not know". So you're promoting ignorance in the face of mathematically sound science. No doubt, the social engineers who are hell bent on dumbing down humanity will be cheering you on from the sidelines.
Finally, I've never thought of the globe as a symbol of knowledge, learning and wisdom. The infinity sign would be a far more suitable representation of an abundant universe.
So glad to have annoyed you. Your response is puerile and expected. Truth will always rub people up, and nothing in my comment portrays the arrogance you pretend i wrote.
Moon landings are fake, everything goes from there. But you'd rather ad hominem than discuss the facts. for anyone reading, go check the facts; this isn't a popularity contest.
You didn't annoy me actually. But it's interesting that you like to annoy people.
There's nothing puerile about my response at all - it's very analytical actually. I did paraphrase something you said - perhaps you took offence at that?
Science begins with hypotheses which are either proven or disproven by mathematical formulae. The moon landings are irrelevant to a scientific discussion about the shape of the Earth but it's a useful, time-wasting distraction, isn't it?
I LOVE the truth because it leads to freedom, by challenging and overturning the lies and deceptions that enslave us. In a political economy full of pathological liars, truth tellers are unpopular, so truth seeking is hardly a popularity contest.
Talking of political economies, Flat Earth, and similarly reductive ideas, are the "gateway drug" to 15 Minute Neighbourhoods. Shrinking the world view of its victims will make it easier to eventually frighten people into staying within their subscribed ghettos.
Love that this interview did not age - my prediction about starmer came true, but also really wanted to comment that you should get Chris Sparkes on at some point - if you've had a look into the Bible since, then you will be fascinated with what he has to say about mis-translations and the truth. Thankyou Dr. Ahmad, with peace & love & faith :-) xxx
I have recently discovered Chris Sparks. What he has accomplished with his accurate translation of the Bible is nothing short of miraculous.
Is there a vaccine against mainstream propaganda?
Dr Malik and Darren Nesbitt (The Light Paper) come very close to one.
Well! I have to say that I almost got lost on the 'stars are very small and very close'... and I certainly don't agree with all of Darren's viewpoints... but that is what makes horse races so they say... more to the point... I'm soooo phuck'n glad that I stayed until the end of the conversation... I've been having a dark night of the soul lately (about for the last 6 months) with all of the religious/church horseshit... and thanks to this conversation, I've just realized that I'm a "Jesusist"! :-D
I am so honoured to call both of you my friends and to get to hang out with Darren lots because I play drums in his band. Fabulous conversation, guys. Please delete if I'm not allowed to do a little advertising, Ahmad, but if anyone wants to come and meet Darren, see him speak live along with some incredible speakers in the field of health… plus of course see The Daz Band play, come and join us for our Ancestral Health Festival this coming weekend, 17th and 18th August in Rainford, UK. Check it out properly here…
And thank you so much for the mention of my Substack, Ahmad!
Every Saturday I give out this newspaper. I tell people to check out the research.
I guide them to the websites noted. I also say
Check out any other reasearch you can find. Empower the people!
So happy to hear this!
Well that did not.go were I anticipated.. what a multifaceted man Darren is. Loved this interview..
right!? so much fun though, Darren is great
The bible information.atuon and insight was fascinating
Delighted to hear the latest version of We Are The 99% - I love the way it has grown over the years to include all the lunacy we have had to reckon with since I first heard it, sung raw and raucous, at Barton Moss anti-fracking camp near Manchester in the winter of 2013.
The Light Paper is a beacon of resistance and Darren Nesbitt has made a raving success of it by his dedication and hard work. There is also an Irish Light Paper and my friend in Australia reports that it circulates there too. It ought to go global!
I hope it continues to grow and educate. It was a brilliant idea, a much needed alternative to the nonsense we get from main stream media.
Thanks very much Ahmad for inviting Daz to your home and thanks Daz for making that journey to bring us news of his progress.
Thank you Fran, and you have written at least two pieces for us, in the early days.
'by the people, for the people' - send articles to ;-) x
🤯 everything is deception. I need a nap. Question everything.
Been signed up and distributing since 2022 mate 👍🏽
Fabulous interview! Loved all the different directions your conversation went and learnt a few new things too 😊 Have kept every issue of The Light, for the preservation of what has been going on. Hope you do another podcast with Darren soon 👍🏼
I don't thing I'll consult Darren to understand any scientific topics.🤭 but he is an interesting kinda guy.
By the way the Romans had significant influence over what appeared in the Bible.
if in doubt about my astronomical beliefs, don't take my word for it - read Kings Dethroned from more than 100 years ago. also, once you get that the moon landings were faked, then you ask where does the famous widely-circulated photo of the Earth in 1972 come from? more revelations on this for anyone interested are on my 'daz nez' youtube channel, but it's a side issue:
the pagan roman empire assimilated christianity and so the gospel was diluted and today, every church and denomination are in serious error as to the simplicity and purity of God's word and the unbelievably great news of Jesus's resurrection, meaning salvation for everyone who will be absolutely honest with themselves (and therefore God, who is always with us.)
i didn't get to it, though hopefully chris sparkes will: there is no devil or 'satan' in the original Bible. neither is there a hell where the unfaithful are tortured forever. those who do not want the waters of life which God is offering through Jesus Christ are given what they desire - death, but the second death afte rthe judgement, which is permanent annihilation and destruction in the lake of fire and brimstone. even death and the grave go in there, so how could it be a place of eternal torment? roman pagan nonsense.
finally on that subject, and to complete the total heresy and ex-communication from all churches and denominations in existence, Jesus is not part of some weird, unexplainable 'trinity; a three-headed God which is not mentioned anywhere in the old testament, while Jesus never once said He was God, YHVH, the Creaotr of heaven and earth, but His only son (also corroborated by God). the trinity comes from babylon, and semiramis claiming her son tammuz was the reincarnated slain nimrod. this trinity is also seen in egyptian and roman mythology - you know the gods. and that's why people claim christianity borrowed from paganism. no, the gospel was corrupted by it, alomst before it was finished being written.
if people knew the truth about God and His promises, the world would be a much more joyous place, but His so-called ambassadors have been woefully lacking in spreading this joy since the first century, and certainly since the roman catholic church came into being.
for me also, there was the recognition of a huge cultural push to reject any of this, through TV, films, music, etc. - the uncoolest thing you can be is a follower of Jesus and a believer in the Bible as the actual word of the actual God that created us all, who really is loving, forgiving, and the best Father you can imagine, and has promised things we cannot yet imagine for those who love Him and the truth.
with peace & love & faith :-)
By the way there is a board game on the subject of the Council of Nicea. I played an earlier publication many years ago one of my mates had. It looks like it has had a makeover. I shall let him know he might well be interested in the newer one, the original 1980s version had quite poor production standards.
Great interview. He's done so much good work. I love leaving these new papers in hospitals and the office.
I know people who are like Darren and so much fun to talk with too. Not 100% agreeing with what they believe, but always pleased to catch up with them.
I applaud the diversity in mind-style.
The language of science is mathematics, not English. Mathematically sound science trumps ignorance every time. The mathematical description of a sun-centered solar system predicts the phases of the moon, lunar and solar eclipses and the position of the planets in the (night) sky to a high degree of precision. That's how you know that a scientific paradigm is correct - when it concurs with and even predicts nature.
The problem with the Flat Earth hypothesis is that it doesn't provide any mathematically sound explanations of our natural world at all. All it offers is ignorance in the place of proven science - ask any honest Physicist. Perhaps Honest Health includes Honest Science? After all, the definition of good mental health is to be as in touch with reality as possible. Detoxify your mind.
Also, compare the non-scientific claim that anthropogenic climate change is going to cause runaway global warming. The hockey stick graph that supposedly predicted this was deemed fraudulent by an American court when the so-called scientist refused to provide the data on which he based his claim. Yet the fearmongers are still able to terrify children into thinking the world is going to end if they refuse to pay Carbon Taxes. It's politicized pseudo-science.
Just like climate propaganda, Flat Earth seeks to confuse, control and subjugate its victims.
These videos might shed some light on the situation…
The first is a detailed explanation from 2012 by an expert filmmaker, S G Collins, as to why humans possessed the technology to go to the moon, but not to fake such a mission.
The second is a presentation by Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, the second man to set foot on the Moon, given at the Science Museum in London on 28th February 2016:
This video shows 1970s special fx as they pretend to take off from the moon.
Play at 0.25 speed so you can easily see it, and from 5 seconds is where the entire lie unravels, unless you think those coloured blocks are really engine take-off discharge.
They have lied about everything. They have never find a dinosaur skeleton either; not even a smaller one. All made-up, successful propaganda.
Don't you find it interesting that the allegd moon missions happened between 1969-72, and were stopped when the Van Allen belts wre discovered?
Also worth watching for those wanting to see through deceptions is Bart Sibrel's 'A funny thing happened on the way to the moon'.
To debunk the ISS, search for a 3.5 minute Russian rock song called 'Astronauts are shit' and watch the video - a great compilation to easily show utter deception again.
Peace :-)
"This video shows 1970s special fx as they pretend to take off from the moon."
Actually, no. If you don't remember, or never saw, special FX from the 1970s, look at Doctor Who or Star Trek archives.
"Play at 0.25 speed so you can easily see it, and from 5 seconds is where the entire lie unravels, unless you think those coloured blocks are really engine take-off discharge."
We assume you're referring to the segment from 8m52s in the second video. We've just played that over and over at 0.25, and there are no "coloured blocks" — the oddities are reflections from the cabin windows.
"Don't you find it interesting that the allegd moon missions happened between 1969-72, and were stopped when the Van Allen belts wre discovered?"
The first Van Allen belt was detected initially in 1953, the second in 1958 during the International Geophysical Year. Its existence was confirmed by the Pioneer 3 mission on 6th December 1958.
As for the effects on astronauts, see this article:
"Also worth watching for those wanting to see through deceptions is Bart Sibrel's 'A funny thing happened on the way to the moon'."
We're afraid that this film, with its glurge mock-humble opening, is not exactly a documentary.
Jim McDade analysed it carefully, and his surgical dissection makes interesting reading:
We are extremely curious… why do you, Darren, think that the moon landings were a hoax?
This is conspiracy 101, sorry.
Watch my videos on daz nez youtube channel.
'The problem with the Flat Earth hypothesis is that it doesn't provide any mathematically sound explanations of our natural world at all' - yes, but you're talking about the silly disc model which i also think is false.
Further, Ptolemy had the eclipses and all the heaven's movements down pat 2,000 years ago, and he also belived the Earth was flat and stationary.
Your dismissal is unscientific. Your knowledge of this subject is surface-deep, because you have been told what to believe and have never questioned it.
The moon landings are laughable nonsense. So is everything they do in outer space. If you know this, then you will ask why do they fake it then? If you don't yet know everything they show you is fake, then you defi should not be commenting on this subject.
'daz nez' on youtube has some of my presentations on this. But of course, who on Earth wants to be known as a flat earhter, when the symbol of knowledge, learning and wisdom is a bloody globe.
Psych 101.
Your defensive response to my message is very revealing Darren Nesbitt. We've never met and yet you have decided that you know what level of knowledge I have of this subject? What hubris... If you did know me, you would know that I absolutely do question EVERYTHING, including your motives.
You also assert that: "If you don't yet know everything they show you is fake, then you defi should not be commenting on this subject." Wow! That sounds like an attempt at censorship, i.e. "No-one is allowed to speak about the nature of the universe UNTIL they accept Darren Nesbitt's premise about 'them' because Darren Nesbitt is the self-appointed authority on Flat Earth, the shape of the universe and everything."
For the record, I wasn't talking about YOUR description of the universe because you didn't give one, remember? In the interview you said you have no idea what shape the Earth or the solar system are and "it's okay to not know". So you're promoting ignorance in the face of mathematically sound science. No doubt, the social engineers who are hell bent on dumbing down humanity will be cheering you on from the sidelines.
Finally, I've never thought of the globe as a symbol of knowledge, learning and wisdom. The infinity sign would be a far more suitable representation of an abundant universe.
So glad to have annoyed you. Your response is puerile and expected. Truth will always rub people up, and nothing in my comment portrays the arrogance you pretend i wrote.
Moon landings are fake, everything goes from there. But you'd rather ad hominem than discuss the facts. for anyone reading, go check the facts; this isn't a popularity contest.
You didn't annoy me actually. But it's interesting that you like to annoy people.
There's nothing puerile about my response at all - it's very analytical actually. I did paraphrase something you said - perhaps you took offence at that?
Science begins with hypotheses which are either proven or disproven by mathematical formulae. The moon landings are irrelevant to a scientific discussion about the shape of the Earth but it's a useful, time-wasting distraction, isn't it?
I LOVE the truth because it leads to freedom, by challenging and overturning the lies and deceptions that enslave us. In a political economy full of pathological liars, truth tellers are unpopular, so truth seeking is hardly a popularity contest.
Talking of political economies, Flat Earth, and similarly reductive ideas, are the "gateway drug" to 15 Minute Neighbourhoods. Shrinking the world view of its victims will make it easier to eventually frighten people into staying within their subscribed ghettos.
Looking forward to listening with the missus.