Was a great podcast although sometimes it was difficult to understand some of Michael’s words.

When you spoke about the populations not standing up and fighting back, the men, Well things have changed over many years with the strength of the human being - in body and mind, reduced testosterone as well!

We have been subject to fluoride, pesticides, plastics, chemicals, air and water pollution, additives in fast food and ready made food and also in regular store ingredients, never mind the all the required jabs. This organized plan has been in place for many years and that is why we can be so easily coerced and are ready to be attacked by the people who put the plan in action!

Look how easy it was for them!

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We were asleep...but we're awake now!

(Sorry about my accent. I also tend to talk very fast sometimes if I get passionate. My apologies)

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I agree about not always hearing Michael's words. I've watched too many interviews over the last few years where interviewees have some important things to say, but they don't take the time to put together a decent lighting AND microphone set-up on their end. Strange for it wouldn't take much. If they did up their game, it would certainly help them to come across as more polished and professional. (The interviews I refer to are all over the internet, certainly not--in most cases--on Doc Malik's podcast.) It sounds like they're talking in a phone booth and looks like they're in a light-compromised alleyway.

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Enter into my world! Ooof the headaches I have to deal with.

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You deal with them quite splendidly! I love your set-up, Doc. It's simple, professional, stream-lined. Probably how your surgeries were! Well, except for the simple part. Take care and thank you for everything you do.

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Ahmad, beware. Michael Ginsburg is a liar. He is also an asshole whom I had to block on substack. He, like other trolls, constantly makes dumb accusations of "controlled opposition", and has nothing of substance to bring to the table, whatsoever. He is an informational leach - those who recycle ideas of others, repeat speaking points, focus the majority of attention on discussing people rather than ideas. That's the level of mediocre - a clique of middle school mean girls (regardless of actual gender and age). Admittedly, he is not the dumbest of his clique, there are members who are far worse. For months, Michael was kissing up to me on Substack, and then, when I said something like "I do not have good evidence of working nanotechnology in covid jabs", he went on a massive witch hunt.

Imagine that - I didn't endorse his pet theory! He has been trying desperately and failing to paint me as a controlled op, trying to prove I am paid by pharma, which is a lie, I haven't worked in pharma industry since 2017, but he just goes on lying.

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Aw man, can I please just stay out of this. I like both of you! It's like my two kids fighting. I love you both 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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It is clear that it is not needed to have governments or cabals creating division: people have the tendency do it to themselves.

The discussion here is I think a good demonstration how this happens.

Emotion causes ineffective use of the good intelligence that is clearly present in both.

That this happens is unfortunate and we must deal with that reality. We are not robots. Emotion almost always creeps in.

Having a positive expectation about someone because we have identified them to be on the same side, is the recipe for disappointment. I have learned this from experience. Thus far I always get disappointed. It is not a question of IF but of WHEN.

And that is okay and I expect it and anticipate it.

When I listen nowadays to podcasts I just neglect the things I cannot use and just take the things that enrich myself. John Campbell is a clear example for me in this respect. I know his weaknesses. I accept and I just take his strengths.

My criterium for listening to somebody in general yes or no is simply based on

at first curiousness and after that it becomes based on experience. I need to get enough out of it. When not I switch to other sources of information. This a continuous (subjective) optimization process.

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Ahmad, with due respect, this is not a kid fight. This is serious. Michael Ginsburg is yet to account for his background, where he worked before, where he works now, what is his source of funding, and why he is so dedicated to smearing people who simply politely disagree with his hairbrained ideas? We are just supposed to embrace any "cybersecurity" person with an Israeli accent who lies? Also, why doesn't he explain his connection to development and manufacture of Sputnik vaccine, which is blazingly obvious. The last sentence is a joke, but this is the tactic him and his associates use very often.

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I’ll ask him!

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I'd happily direct you to my LinkedIn profile but I was permabanned from that platform.

If you must know, I did work for both KPMG and EY (very short time in that one) in my past so I therefore must be a globalist!

I also worked for a digital marketing agency and also ran my own digital marketing consultancy.

As far as who funds me, I made that crystal clear many times:

NO ONE excepts my (very few) paid subscribers on this platform and the occasional donation. I have NO "associates" except the people publicly shown on the about page of my website.

I do hope to build my platform to a truly independent media business which can sustain me and allow to me do nothing else than investigative reporting, but it's a long way away at this stage.

In the meantime, I live mainly on my savings and various freelance work (all with small mum-and-dad businesses).

How do YOU sustain yourself being "independently wealthy"?

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"How do YOU sustain yourself being "independently wealthy"?

Um.... do you not understand what "independently wealthy" means? This is colloquially referred to as "fuck you money". I have it. Yes, I do have enough assets and investments so that the income from these assets exceeds my costs of living. Therefore, I don't need any other revenue source. Is this clear? Oh, you HOPE TO build your platform? Is that so? Is that why you were so desperate to first kiss up and then smear me? So, Michael, smearing me actually backfired at you big time.

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The wording you chose to use in this comment is very very disappointing Sasha and I guess it shows your true nature.

I have no theories for you to "endorse". I was simply asking your opinion about the findings of others and instead you chose to personally attack me.

Our interaction on notes is public for all to see so I leave people to make their own judgements.

Since the main thing Ahmad and I discussed in the episode was my controlled opposition piece, let me quote here in full the section that relates to you although I never mentioned you by name in that article or in the interview I gave to Ahmad:

"Towards the end of last year (I believe it was literally the second last day of 2023), I had an interaction with another certain prominent figure in the “movement” on this very same topic of Bioengineering and while she disagreed with my viewpoint (which she is absolutely entitled to do and is probably more qualified in this area than me, or at least that’s what I thought at the time), her stance has quickly turned quite hostile and even outright bizarre.

I thought initially that it was just something about my wording or approach that ‘triggered’ her so much but then I noticed that she was giving anyone who raised this topic essentially the same treatment (or worse) as well as attacking people who have dedicated their lives to researching this topic, all while refusing to even look at any of their work (which is freely available for anyone to look at).

As an example, here is an account of the interaction Pasheen Stonebrooke had with that very same person:


I will openly admit that said person has done tremendous work around exposing the fact that the C19 injectables were developed as DoD “countermeasures” rather than medical therapeutics of any kind (and all credit to her for that!) but unfortunately when it comes to the topic of bioengineering, she is not just dismissive but is outright hostile.

Make of it what you will."

That last sentence is the best way to also finish my comment here and address it not just to you but to everyone else reading this:


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"as well as attacking people who have dedicated their lives to researching this topic" - who have I attacked, specifically, can you please cite names? I have no idea who you mean, this is a real question. Please post the evidence that I attacked these poor researchers who dedicated their lives, etc?

You have a link to an idiot named Pasheen who writes, literally "Sasha is bipolar" because he/she read my post that said "there is no internet of bodies" and was soooo offended by it he/she/it had to pen a substack saying that Sasha is bipolar, evil, stupid, all sorts of accusations. Isn't this just fantastic evidence that I attacked them?

So, I talk about technology, without any personalities. That makes me evil, bipolar, controlled op and when these idiot friends of yours write personal smears calling me bipolar evil controlled op, that means I ATTACKED THEM???


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You attacked Clifford Carnicom and publicly mocked his research and his concept of Cross Domain Bacteria. I can find the evidence and even if you deleted it since (which I genuinely hope you will not go that low...), there were plenty of other witnesses in that thread (and others) that can attest to that.

However, I will not do so because this is not about you or me and I genuinely have nothing personal against you.

You are behaving in a way that is completely unbecoming and I simply choose not to go that low and will not engage any further.

You are free to keep shouting into the wind or do whatever else you want that makes you happy.

All the best to you.

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Well done, Michael & Ahmad, I thought this discussion included some really important points that everyone can reflect on in their everyday lives. We can agree to disagree about some things, and as Ahmad says we are all on an awakening journey, and some are further along the continuum than others! My only objection is using the term ‘sheep’ - as a keeper of a small flock, I can say they are sensitive animals of routine rather than being simple-minded; they just want to be loved! Maybe that’s a helpful way to approach those around us who still (unbelievably) trust our Governments?

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Hello Doc…thinking here…(dangerous stuff these days!) The “challenging” comments below on this upload?…have they watched to the end? A song that came to mind was Vanessa Williams…’they saved the best to last’.

Not most of the wording in the song…but the rhythm and sentiment. Thank you for adding to my experience. Much Love to you and yours.

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Not quite at the end yet, but a few things to comment on. I think he is right that the hair splitting over irrelevant nonsense is running down the clock. But this is the whole objective of those controlled actors, right. However the whole basis of what we are using and the only correct path for awakening those who sleep, is to find out, reveal and draw attention to the truth.

One of the things people may shake their head at and relate it to controlled opposition, is the virus debate. I personally think it is a fundamental issue and there is an absolute truth there somewhere- they either exist and do what they say or they don’t. If the truth is they don’t and the means and methods of science cannot evidence virologists claims, it does blow all potential pandemic strands of this plan out of the water. I personally don’t think it is a bridge too far to broach, because the bulk of the public are primed to find even much simpler evidence of malice, too fantastic to believe. The whole conspiracy rebuttle..

However I do agree that it is unwise to reveal the virus/ no virus straight away- people do need to be acclimatised somewhat before shedding light on some of the other, deeper connections.

But in reality the health and pandemic plans are just a bit part. The climate lie underpins all of it and needs to be destroyed in the minds of the public. Right now they seem to be winning on convincing the world we must sacrifice ourselves, suffer and even relinquish our freedom for a ludicrous doom narrative.

In regard to action, you rightly point out the mechanisms that keep people inline and scared to stand up or act. When it comes to tax, in the uk at least, most people are probably paying via PAYE, so have no control over paying it or not paying it. It is the individual vulnerability that we all feel that allows the majority to be controlled. People (and I’m not excepting myself here), will pay a ulez demand or council tax bill because it is individually that they get pursued for fines etc. I know there are lawful means to defend and defy, but most can’t or won’t find the time to read up or even then find the bravery to test them out. I know lots do.

I’m really just thinking aloud in response here. I think the answer will have to be some sort of significant unity and actions. I’m not sure what the best actions are. I do wonder if the general apathy or distraction of the daily struggles will mean that something drastic like revolution will be necessary???

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great comment

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"I do wonder if the general apathy or distraction of the daily struggles will mean that something drastic like revolution will be necessary???"

A revolution IS 100% necessary. It is completely unavoidable.

However, a revolution can take many forms and does not always involve people grabbing guns/swords/pitchforks and storming the ruler's palace.

It can also be in our MINDS. In the way we think.

Ultimately, we must come to the realisation that the world as we knew it in 2019 is DEAD and it is NEVER EVER coming back.

So the obvious question is asked what then?

The other side has:

1. A clear vision for their endgame;

2. The means to execute; and

3. The determination to do so.

If we can have the same (and there is absolutely no reason why we can't), we can EASILY defeat them. It won't even be a fair fight.

If we don't, then we are ALREADY dead!

I dissect in some detail this 1988 clip of the Leonard Cohen classic in my post about "revealing the method":


He sings there basically mocking us:

“You know the way to stop me…but you don’t have the discipline”

We MUST prove him wrong. WE MUST!!

I personally am not married to the idea of not paying taxes as a panacea. It's just a suggestion.

The means do not matter. Only the OUTCOME does.

We MUST win. Losing is not an option!!

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All very true. I think not paying tax would be a great weapon against them. But I do think it is hard enough just to get people to recognise that events relating to Covid were an assault on their liberty, and individual sovereignty, yet alone connect those events to a global campaign of ill intent. And I guess that hurdle has to be jumped in order to provoke some sort of significant numbers into action.

Don’t get me wrong btw, I’m not trying to poo poo the idea of action. Discussing the obstacles we face amongst ourselves is helpful and will hopefully help us all to do more and do a bit or our bit to build greater unity in resisting and fighting back.

I wonder how the public will respond when digital ID starts to rear its head more overtly, or even attempts at pushing supposed bird flu. Maybe we will get a clearer sense of how many are no longer willing to comply. Having said that, we know they are expert in shoe horning their policies and ideas through.. 🤔

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The problem with us always waiting for them to make a move and then respond is that it is a defensive strategy.

Playing defence is fine at time but ONLY playing defence is a GUARANTEED LOSS...in war as in sport.

Four years in it is time we take the initiative and go on the OFFENCE. I don't really care if it's done in the form of a tax strike or by other means but I know with absolute certainty that signing petitions, writing letters to politicians, voting or marching nicely with placards ain't it!!

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Yes you said so in the podcast- I agree. Of course they are the ones with a plan and probably a schedule. They are making moves all the time, it’s just that it’s only us that know and can connect the dots.

Petitions and protests don’t yield obvious or instant effects, but they can convey a sense of rising resistance or even draw new people to a cause. They won’t make the change, but they equally can contribute towards progress. The danger is that that is where people’s action stops. Such actions should just be a start and we must not be complacent.

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Check out this video. It's a fictional but very realistic vision imho of Australia after the slide to tyranny has been completed:


The guy says in one scene:

"I've done the marches and the protests. I'm old now. I'm tired now. I just want to live the rest of my life in peace with whatever freedoms I still have got left".

The problem with marches and protests is that many people (I include myself in that up until recently) think that by merely doing that, they are making a difference and are actually fighting back.

This is false!

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Thanks, I’ll give that a watch. In fairness I think participating in protests and other types of action is doing something, but it won’t suffice and won’t be what makes the change.

I certainly did attend protests from the very beginning in April 2020. I witnessed numbers swell from a hundred or so to the multiple hundreds of thousands at their peak. Of course they weren’t the solution, but they were useful on a number of fronts. It was a lifeline for many solitary resisters, also a chance to network and share ideas and information. To some degree, if only for those who witnessed them, it alerted the public that there were opposing voices. I know my sister and her family were shocked when I showed them the videos of London protests and the sheer volume of people. Until then, despite my efforts to inform them, I think they had no idea and were largely compliant.

I struggle to think of what major things to do or strategies to fight, beyond the small and obvious things. I do my best to not comply, keep on top of what is going on. I try to share information and talk openly about what is going on to those who don’t know. Despite my fair share of ridicule and eye rolling I have managed open the eyes of a handful of people.

I actually need to listen to the last 10 mins or so of the podcast, so you may have covered this, but what do you think , besides and in addition to withholding tax), could be big ticket strategies to put a stop to them?

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Think about how much of the oestrogen has got into the water supply over many decades from the contraceptive pill too…

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Grow the beard back , you look like a transweet ;)

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it's back!

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Excellent conversation. Thank you Doc. Just to clarify…Agenda 30 has 17 sustainable development aims. Cheers

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Yea, that's what I thought as well. So Agenda 17 is the actual 17 SDGs, right?

Agenda 17 = Agenda 2030, right?

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17 seems to be a significant number at this moment in time. Just observing…

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I agree with everything, EXCEPT the part for not paying taxes. That is a retarded move that WILL remove you from the field, this will have worse outcome then losing your job. You can always do something else for money , for now. Piss off the IRS and you will be the first to be locked into CBDC, as you will be living on wellfare cause you got bankrupted. Get out of the city where you can, start producing your own food. Speaking out will be most important. Biggest push should be getting ppl off the TV.

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What if 15% of the entire US taxpayer do that?

Will they "remove all of them from the field"?

What about 20%, 30%, 40%?

What is the numerical threshold required on your opinion?

Genuine question

I am asking in the context of the US specifically because you mentioned the IRS so I assume you're there.

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Im from the Netherlands, i used IRS as a generalization for tax authority. The dutch IRS has destoyed 10s of thousands of families. I dont think there is a threshold that will work. They do not need taxes to run the government. Thats what the money printer is for. So if any amount will do what you suggest, they will brutally squash a manageable amount, ruin the families financially , take away the kids and make big headlines of it.

You would need to forcefully be able to shield the group from the consequences of not paying taxes. If you can manage that you are ready for a revolution and might be better off going that route.

My best idea for paying less tax: Do as much as you can yourself, do goods exhange outside the system.

Get the fuck out of the city if you are in a city.

We had similar calls here about the energy bills when they hiked the prices through the roof, ppl stopped paying and got disconnected. I warned them about that and it has happened as such.

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I'm with you on this

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Doc, when you went off on the criminal government, you warmed my heart.

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The flat earthers are exactly who the @no virus” crowd reminded me of. It is very cult like. How do they explain viral genes in our DNA?

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I loved your conversation with your child. All kids need parents like you and all our problems will eventually go away.

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Having read all the comments, I maintain my stance as discussed with you last week Ahmad. I don’t doubt anyone who has lost a lot for standing firm. Others’ opinions are not my concern, and frankly of no interest. But those who have made sacrifices, in my eyes, have earned credibility and my respect.

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I too like you with the beard🥰🤣have a great day !!

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I really enjoyed this discussion Ahmad. Will be following this interesting person now. Love Rosie

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Omg I had a great laugh today when watching this 🤣🤣

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