I'm glad you were intervening and clarifying because it was very detailed, you kept managing to get the gist of it though which is impressive. I cried with Sabine at the end, she is right, so many families were and are harmed. Well done her for keeping up with her research and working with other doctors - we need more Sabines.
What a lovely , special human being Sabine is. I feel privileged to have watched. I didn’t understand some of it but it’s got me thinking and clarified things I was questioning. Thank you to both of you, really enjoyed watching.
Thanks both of you, so much. I need to listen again. What a relief to hear Sabine talk about the headaches she has from “ shedding “. I’ve been waiting / searching for help with it.
Wow! Excellent interview. Sabine is such a wonderful guest, scientist, person. Amongst the turmoil and corruption, she represents hope and courage. Thank you for bringing this to us, Doc. And well done, with slowing the pace during technical topics and providing the space for Sabine to express her love of family. Very powerful!!
I appreciate her courage and her love of humanity that has her crying in the end of this interview. I knew those shots were pure poison and when I thought protesting would help would carry signs saying as much. My friends thought I was nuts. When they rolled the jabs out and I looked at the VAERS data, I knew we were going to witness a wave of illness, death and devastation the likes of which we can't even imagine. I was inconsolable and remain so today. I have a few people in my life who are jabbed and I've experienced symptoms of shedding and it's alarming. I often just don't want to be around these people but I refuse, as a human being and a friend, to avoid people I love out of fear. They've divided us enough!
Excellent… like falling down a mine shaft devoid of light disguised as a rabbit hole.. you think it’s all about gravity and the last concluding foot before you reach terra firma.. but instead you branch down so many different avenues only to float into broad daylight and a new understanding.
Many of my family and several friends were sick in late 2019 with what they all describe as Covid. Yes it was announced in 2020 but it began in mid 2019.
Thank you for this sobering conversation.
With regards shedding…is being shed upon as bad as actually having the ‘vaccine’? I ask because both my husband and I have never been jabbed but in Oct. 2022 we both came down sick on the same day and blame shedding for that…neurological problems for us both.
I was very sick in late 2019 too. I had a blood test in Jan/Feb for something else and my doctor said " you've just had something really serious, haven't you?"
Glad to see some proper scientific discussion great discussion on proteins and lipids as the evidence always showed this was planned and rolled out as an experiment from the get go they needed the data on humans frack them we go on until we have justice and proper help and support for the Injuired ,we will find solutions and we will heal and we will win and you can take that to the bank 🤗😀❤️ while it’s still their 😂😂 live in the present hugs for everyone 🤗🤗
Fantastic chat! I really enjoyed this, and it was made much easier to understand by Doc asking very pertinent questions and then summing up in a way we could understand (and I listen to some quite scientific talks).
I cried at the end, in empathy with Sabine. I found her emotion very poignant and it really touched something in me. So many have suffered in so many ways.
WELL DONE!!! I loved, Loved, LOVED this podcast! Like you, Ahmad, I feel as though I am simply a dummy... and I hope it makes you smile when I say that I feel that I am even dumber than you, because I am a retired chemist who spent 7 out of 30 years of my career in the pharmaceutical industry, so I should know a bit more about what Sabine was trying to educate us on, but there was so much of the scientific aspects that I didn't understand... what made this podcast so special is that it has blown the door off of its hinges to a basis from which to gain a better understanding. I give my highest complement to Sabine... "Kudos and Golf Claps" to her and the work that she is doing... I do hope that you will have her back at a future time to further educate us on the criminality that has been transpiring for far longer than any of us could have imagined.
Thank you both. It was very interesting and terrifying! I used to feel unwell around my close family and now its ok. I did treat my wife with my natural products including star anise tea of which at the time did not realise how beneficial it was for its shikimic acid. She appears to be doing better than her friends.
Thank you for this conversation and the knowledge it contains Doc , I'm only 40 minutes in and this seems to be the best explanation I've heard yet. All the best, ya legend!
Thank you both for a fascinating conversation. Sadly much of it was far to complex for my tiny mind. However, it gives me great hope for the future knowing that there are brave souls out there that refuse to take the easy way and work tirelessly (for no financial gain) to awaken us.
Please keep going. You are showing the way forward.
I'm glad you were intervening and clarifying because it was very detailed, you kept managing to get the gist of it though which is impressive. I cried with Sabine at the end, she is right, so many families were and are harmed. Well done her for keeping up with her research and working with other doctors - we need more Sabines.
What a lovely , special human being Sabine is. I feel privileged to have watched. I didn’t understand some of it but it’s got me thinking and clarified things I was questioning. Thank you to both of you, really enjoyed watching.
Thanks both of you, so much. I need to listen again. What a relief to hear Sabine talk about the headaches she has from “ shedding “. I’ve been waiting / searching for help with it.
& God bless our truth tellers.
Family is the most important thing. I found it very moving. But also very confronting. Thank you Ahmad for bringing Sabine into the discussion.
Wow! Excellent interview. Sabine is such a wonderful guest, scientist, person. Amongst the turmoil and corruption, she represents hope and courage. Thank you for bringing this to us, Doc. And well done, with slowing the pace during technical topics and providing the space for Sabine to express her love of family. Very powerful!!
Excellent as always. Don’t you dare stop talking about it, I know I never will!! Besides this is far from over…
I appreciate her courage and her love of humanity that has her crying in the end of this interview. I knew those shots were pure poison and when I thought protesting would help would carry signs saying as much. My friends thought I was nuts. When they rolled the jabs out and I looked at the VAERS data, I knew we were going to witness a wave of illness, death and devastation the likes of which we can't even imagine. I was inconsolable and remain so today. I have a few people in my life who are jabbed and I've experienced symptoms of shedding and it's alarming. I often just don't want to be around these people but I refuse, as a human being and a friend, to avoid people I love out of fear. They've divided us enough!
Excellent… like falling down a mine shaft devoid of light disguised as a rabbit hole.. you think it’s all about gravity and the last concluding foot before you reach terra firma.. but instead you branch down so many different avenues only to float into broad daylight and a new understanding.
Many of my family and several friends were sick in late 2019 with what they all describe as Covid. Yes it was announced in 2020 but it began in mid 2019.
Thank you for this sobering conversation.
With regards shedding…is being shed upon as bad as actually having the ‘vaccine’? I ask because both my husband and I have never been jabbed but in Oct. 2022 we both came down sick on the same day and blame shedding for that…neurological problems for us both.
I was very sick in late 2019 too. I had a blood test in Jan/Feb for something else and my doctor said " you've just had something really serious, haven't you?"
Same thing here.. no white blood cells .. no platelets .. yet never vaccinated.
Glad to see some proper scientific discussion great discussion on proteins and lipids as the evidence always showed this was planned and rolled out as an experiment from the get go they needed the data on humans frack them we go on until we have justice and proper help and support for the Injuired ,we will find solutions and we will heal and we will win and you can take that to the bank 🤗😀❤️ while it’s still their 😂😂 live in the present hugs for everyone 🤗🤗
Fantastic chat! I really enjoyed this, and it was made much easier to understand by Doc asking very pertinent questions and then summing up in a way we could understand (and I listen to some quite scientific talks).
I cried at the end, in empathy with Sabine. I found her emotion very poignant and it really touched something in me. So many have suffered in so many ways.
Thank you, both.
WELL DONE!!! I loved, Loved, LOVED this podcast! Like you, Ahmad, I feel as though I am simply a dummy... and I hope it makes you smile when I say that I feel that I am even dumber than you, because I am a retired chemist who spent 7 out of 30 years of my career in the pharmaceutical industry, so I should know a bit more about what Sabine was trying to educate us on, but there was so much of the scientific aspects that I didn't understand... what made this podcast so special is that it has blown the door off of its hinges to a basis from which to gain a better understanding. I give my highest complement to Sabine... "Kudos and Golf Claps" to her and the work that she is doing... I do hope that you will have her back at a future time to further educate us on the criminality that has been transpiring for far longer than any of us could have imagined.
Much love and many hugs!
Great interview, what a lovely person she is. She is so right, live every day with joy and believe when loved ones go you will be reunited.
Thank you both. It was very interesting and terrifying! I used to feel unwell around my close family and now its ok. I did treat my wife with my natural products including star anise tea of which at the time did not realise how beneficial it was for its shikimic acid. She appears to be doing better than her friends.
Thank you for this conversation and the knowledge it contains Doc , I'm only 40 minutes in and this seems to be the best explanation I've heard yet. All the best, ya legend!
Thank you both for a fascinating conversation. Sadly much of it was far to complex for my tiny mind. However, it gives me great hope for the future knowing that there are brave souls out there that refuse to take the easy way and work tirelessly (for no financial gain) to awaken us.
Please keep going. You are showing the way forward.