A great interview and worth contemplation. Although I agree with many of the points that elites are working to control people and resources, I don’t believe they have already won, or that efforts to maintain freedoms are futile. The futility message is part of the psychological operation, and was very prominent during Covid. At one point, Aman claims that rebels sabotaging surveillance cameras in London is also controlled opposition. Really!! is there evidence of this? We need to hold ourselves to the same rigorous standard that we demand of our counterparts in institutions. Similarly, although we are concerned about planned action, emergent behaviours and ignorance still play a role. Not every observation can be claimed to be the machinations of powerful dark elites. The truth is that people collectively have a massive impact, which is why psychological operations and censorship are needed in the first place. If people are divided and distracted, they never reach their potential. It doesn’t take anything near a majority to change the world, but it does take will, conviction and effort, something our enemies have. Their advantage balances on a thin edge, their path is narrow. Continue waking people up, Ahmad, the effort has a nonlinear response and is well worth it.

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Definitely looks like it's very much worth 90 minutes of ones life.

After all, you cannot defeat an enemy you don't even understand.

Great guest Doc. Well done!

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All theses "government documents" use WORD MAGIC.


They sound wonderful when one reads but its when looks into the wording used.

Word Magic is real.

Example the word "Smart".

Look it up and one finds it means


smarted; smarting; smarts

intransitive verb


: to cause or be the cause or seat of a sharp stinging pain

also : to feel or have such a pain



: to feel or endure distress, remorse, or embarrassment

smarting from wounded vanity

—W. L. Shirer


: to pay a heavy or stinging penalty


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Voting is just a game they allow us to play every few years to give us the Illusion of choice.

One can vote for anyone they like but it's "The Government" who gets elected every single time.

The "same people" control ALL main parties so care not who the people "vote for".

It's being going on forever.

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One has to get their heads around the fact that the "world" is run by an international generational criminal cabal.

Countries are franchises.

They all answer to one "Overlord" most likely not human.

Humanity seems to have been hijacked after a previous "reset" which seems to happen every 552 years on the SAME DATE May 15th.

Next RESET is due May 15th 2040.

Our world has been inverted it seems.

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OMG, nothing I didn't really know already but hearing it all laid out is depressing. He's right though - it's the infrastructure we need to object to locally - I think Matthew in Gloucester was successful in getting the Head of Planning plus some of the council cabinet to resign after confronting them with the illegality of the 5G that had been installed. That's where we need to fight back. Colchester Council Watch (not just Council Watch I think) is a good start on finding out how people are pushing back

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Agenda 21 - Rosa Koire (now deceased) wrote the book called - Behind the Green Mask.


She lays out the entire agenda

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Yes she knew the whole game years ago after working for the us government and did talks around the world but most people have never heard of her.

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Excellent, if somewhat depressing podcast. Hunger Games/Logan’s Run etc, etc. Why do “they” need anyone alive? They have plans for Smart Cities, total control of everything. There must be a purpose for keeping some individuals alive? Starting the World all over again? Having a bad day……got to go and reboot 🥴.

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Teresa thinks Agenda 2030 is because they know that a Carrington Event/polar shift is imminent and the cull will mean less people around after the event


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According to Adapt2030 channel on October 24th 2024 and again in spring 2025 this place we call Earth comes into direct alignment with the sun (last happened in AD79)

This will cause insane magnetic fields effecting oceans and most likely power grids, electrical items etc.

This is a KNOW CYCLE and is most likely why the worlds infrastructure has been let go to shit as they know its going to be damaged/destroyed so they can "BUILD BACK BETTER".

Perhaps all computers and backups will be destroyed and with no paper records of anything no one will know who owns what "we'll own nothing but we'll be happy" .

According to Jason Bashirs of Archaix channel https://www.youtube.com/@Archaix138

Earth has a complete reset (Flood, end times weather events as described in the bible) every 552 years on the SAME DATE every time (May 15th) and he has traced 5 of them. Next one is May 15th 2046.

Elites know of theses resets (cycles) and go underground every time and reappear afterwards with wealth intact and restart over. He has amazing information.

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Love the bonus content though - such a star!!

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I think by fighting back we all need to start just using cash, stop using Amazon and boycott, buy only what you really need , shop local and imagine if we all switched off our phones and device’s every weekend for a start! Just imagine what that will do to the stock markets. The power is in the people.

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Great job getting the word out. Don't feel so alone because not everyone seems to be as loud. Everyone has different gifts and ways of fighting Goliath. Hearing people's take on what is going on is helping those of us who are working locally. I'm a body worker and nutritionist. I've been working in my community helping people to see what is happening. I started a women's group where we cooperate in collecting and sharing resources. We've visited local farms and support the local farmer's market. We find out who to trust and who is aware. We are encouraging as many people as possible to be prepared. One or two people in a neighborhood who has a garden, beef in the freezer, chickens and a generator, etc is not enough. We need close to everyone prepping to some degree. Self sufficient and not needing to be compliant.

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Yes what happened to the men, the fight? Well fluoride has been put in water for years and maybe people should research what it does and how it has been used to sedate a population before!

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I am exhausted listening to this as a 62 year old woman I cried listening to him say the mature women are by his side, we cannot give in.

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Scary stuff. My friends gardener was one of the blade runners here in south east London and told her there were a group of local business owners who were chopping the cameras - so think it might be real.

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"No one has built any new power stations..."... But look at the number of prisons being

built world wide... https://www.penalreform.org/global-prison-trends-2022/new-prisons-planning-location/... Kind of makes one think that the powers that be actually do know what the future need will be.

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Jabba jabba doo great that this podcast has finally happened wow love his content and interpretation of what’s happening he reminds me of one of my friends from Newcastle who pointed this stuff out to me years ago if he was on Bullseye he would win bully’s special prize over and over 🤗👍👍💪💪

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I've seen Aman Jabbi a few times and have watched all the infrastructure going up around us even in rural SW Washington. I know he's telling the truth. I've FELT the infrastructure while driving down the road or being in major chain stores and I know I've had some close calls and attacks. I've rarely left my property since the last attack in January. My ridiculous friends are "proud of me" when I do leave my property to make a run for supplies. They are effectively saying, "Oh, you little mental case, I'm glad you faced your fears of going to the store." It's infuriating, honestly.

I've also been unable to find ANYONE else who sees all that I see which leaves me with no one to plan and fight back with. I've spoken endlessly with people who see a bunch of the agenda but they are unwilling to be the first to make a move or even simply to not comply with mandates and agendas because they are, IMHO, COWARDS and fools! If I wasn't so mentally and physically messed up, I would be the first one out the door to take one for team humanity but I don't have those chops. For what needs to happen, it must be a team effort with strikes happening simultaneously to take out that infrastructure. I lack the tools and the physical ability to play Rambo. And, honestly, it KILLS me to be standing here knowing what's coming and being unable to fight. The best I can do is pull out one of my many "pew - pews" that I've purchased and have yet to learn how to use so that I can make a last stand on my ridiculous piece of property that has no way to defend it.

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