May 14Liked by Doc Malik

Brilliant podcast - thank you both.

The references to cancer and it’s NHS ‘treatments’ made me think of my late Mum who died of Oropharyngeal Cancer 3 years ago - she never subscribed to any NHS treatments, told the oncologist ‘this lady ain’t for burning’!!! - went on a 3 year journey of self treatment (like Philly started off with The Truth About Cancer dvds and then went down the global rabbit hole of treatments!). Definitely extended her life, but a late diagnosis due to useless Dr and Dentist (neither even looked in her feckin’ mouth!) meant she missed the boat for a cure. She was sooo ahead of her time - knew all about sugar, diet and environmental impacts years ago. Ardent fan of the Soil Society and thought her cancer probably caused by glyphosate poisoning (a long story shan’t bore you) - she never drank or smoked, ate organic food, no sugar, slim and fit. Took her own life in a very organised and well prepared manner when the pain became too much to bear and eating and talking impossible. Amazing brave enlightened woman, missed by me and a heap of others. She knew Covid was a load of bollox from day 1 - feel very privileged to have had such an enlightened Mum.

Keep in shining the light! My Mum will have loved you and your podcasts 🥰

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May 16Liked by Doc Malik

I'm so very sorry for your loss. You were blessed to know your dear mother was awake. I'm so very sorry she suffered to such an extent. No one deserves that. I lost my Mom in late 2019. I know she was far overmedicated and it was likely anti-psychotics that they use on dementia patients. She could no longer find her words but before she died, the last time I saw her, I asked her what her favorite part of life was. She pointed at me and smiled. She could understand what I was saying but couldn't talk. What a nightmare for any human! Our parents suffered greatly. If we don't turn this around, our children will suffer far more. May our Mom's rest in peace while we fight for the truth to come out. Blessings from Washington State, Susie. <3

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May 18Liked by Doc Malik

Thank you for your kind and wise words. Think our beloved Mums are well out of this bonkers world! X❤️

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May 14Liked by Doc Malik

Another great podcast. Doc you’re introducing me to quite a few new people I’ve never heard of before! Bloody awesome 👏thank you 🙏🏻 hope you can get Barbara O’Neill on too. I must admit I’ve tried castor oil, a cheap one I had in the back of my cupboard on a ganglion I have on the back of my hand which got quite big and it’s definitely brought it down in size! Can see a real difference. Waiting for the hexane free 100percent castor oil to come now and hope it gets rid of it!

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So glad to hear :)

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I too have been using the castor oil , as we age we get these ugly lumps & bumps . I had a few on my neck , it took a few months but they are absolutely gone . It works & I love things that work😃😍❤️🙏🏽

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absolutely brilliant interview. Ms Lay has a new fan, here! (and she swears properly too, that's a plus.)

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May 16Liked by Doc Malik

I'm now a HUGE fan too. Why is it that her swearing is so awesome (because it was for me too)?

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it strikes me as honest. not contrived.

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Dr Malik it’s not just cancer that the Government blocks . I am a person who always went for the natural solution , there were two products I was not to share the information about & one was natural progesterone for hormone imbalance . I found a product & the information to back it up was Dr Lee who has since passed , he wrote a book “ What your Dr May not Tell you about menopause . We brought Dr Lee here ti my city for information & honestly the product was banned with two weeks. It was on our news, I was shocked at who would be behind this💥😞😈

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May 14Liked by Doc Malik

What an opening!!!! LMAO! She's AWESOME!

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She is indeed, packs a punch!

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May 15Liked by Doc Malik

What a wonderful refreshing personality.

I’m only half way through the podcast, but I find with some of the podcasts I have to hear and absorb every spoken word, so I choose to take it slowly.

I was diagnosed with a minimally invasive well differentiated thyroid cancer, I was offered a total thyroidectomy but chose to only have the diseased half of the gland removed. I couldn’t and still can’t understand why I would swop a well differentiated minimally invasive cancer for chronic ill health dependent on medication for life. I’ve had plenty of time to think about my decision, and even in the worse case scenario I would choose a shorter lifespan as preferable to feeling like shit every single day of my life. When I have researched thyroid disease there are two groups of people who are satisfied with a total thyroidectomy and that is those with Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s disease, and I’ve come to the conclusion that they felt like shit anyway.

Went to see a clairvoyant recently, and the first thing she said was you are going to live to be a very old lady ! 🤣😂

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May 14Liked by Doc Malik

Wow loved this podcast, she has incredible energy, amazing woman!

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May 14Liked by Doc Malik

You’re the best!🙏🏻🧡

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thanks x :)

I was feeling down yesterday, but much happier today

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May 14Liked by Doc Malik

What an amazing podcast, you had a great rapport going on, what a lady…

Yet Another immensely strong (and funny) woman.

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Thanks Ian

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No problem Doc (you were great too 😉), I’ll listen to it again tomorrow, to make sure I didn’t miss something first time around 👍

Please pass on my regards to your wife & kids?

Get well soon.



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May 14Liked by Doc Malik

Brilliant chat, i listen to Philly J podcasts and follow Barbara O’Neill. Real eye opener this session, very grateful to you Ahmad

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Thanks Jeni

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Philly, re chem-trails vs contrails. One aircraft would be trailing and the other not because they are at different altitudes with different air temperatures, humidity and winds.

I’m a retired professional pilot, military and commercial, so I do know a thing or two. BTW, I don’t deny weather modification. It’s been going on for decades. Indeed the RAF was into it in WW2 and conducted ‘Operation Cumulus’ weather modification trials in 1949-1952. Most of what you see will be harmless contrails - ice particles because it’s -57C or below up there but, there are some ‘chem’-trails.

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Friend, I live in SW Washington state. We have DAILY obliterations of our skies including dashing of lines. We don't have SOME chemtrails, we are BOMBARDED. And I see the effects in my animals, my own health and that of my neighbors. It's in our spring water too.

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May 14Liked by Doc Malik

Love, love, love Philly 😍 and Barbara O'Neil 💪 Strong, caring, women who advocate health and not profit! We'll defo be booking tickets on the 11th 🤩 Thanks again, Dr M, for bringing honest dialogue to the table, that will actually benefit people's health. Can't recommend you (and your messages 🙌) highly enough 🥰 x

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Thank you Deborah

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May 23Liked by Doc Malik

Brilliant interesting podcast. I hadn’t heard of Philly or Barbara. Fantastic to learn about “lost wisdom”. I wish I had known about the tonsillitis trick. If it does work, I wonder what the mechanism is? I know exactly what you mean about the rain in Glasgow! ;)

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May 15Liked by Doc Malik

The first time I heard the word iatrogenic I had been severely damaged by antidepressants. I was trying to tell a new doctor what I thought had happened to me and had such bad brain damage, I couldn't pronounce the word. I kept stuttering trying to say it. Of course, the psychopath treating me dismissed this completely. I distinctly remember my last meeting with this woman. She was ignoring everything I said as she did her fucking filing. I kid you not. I'd met this woman at a dog show. Her poor son was very medicated and clearly not doing well. I did not choose the word "psychopath" to describe her as an insult. To me, it's just a fucking fact. Sorry. I forgot myself ..... "fracking fact".

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May 15Liked by Doc Malik

Last night I finally fell asleep while listening to this podcast. I didn't make it past the first 10 minutes. I'm now only at 27 minutes and am beside myself with anger at this system! And it reminded me of my life changing conversation with a nuclear engineer about 4 years ago. He developed a safe, clean, nuclear reactor based on thorium and molten salt. He could power 2 homes for 10 years on $6 worth of materials. The byproduct was not any kind of weapon but something called Bismuth 213. He said Sloan-Kettering developed the cure for lymphoma and leukemia in a series of 3 shots from this byproduct.

While we're busy running for the cure and destroying civilization to save us from global warming... he had the "cure" for both decades ago.

His last generator was confiscated by the US government some years ago and he believes it's at Hanford. He was a US government employee and worked under the Reagan administration. He bought an off-grid property not too far from me and chose the property based on maps only available to the government. He said something about wind currents. I wish I had asked more questions, recorded him or gotten his phone number. That man changed my life in many ways.

This world is not what it seems. I appreciate this guest so very much and look forward to the rest of this interview.

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May 14Liked by Doc Malik

*would have loved you!

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