Mar 21Liked by Doc Malik

Excellent, really looking forward to this one. Tom's podcast is great, he even matches you Doc for throughput 😄

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Mar 22Liked by Doc Malik

I think this is a wonderful, must-watch podcast (and movie) - share it as wide as possible! Monopoly money leads to corruption of science and bureaucratic empire building. Same story as food, pharma, etc...

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Mar 22Liked by Doc Malik

This movie was excellent, note the scientists were all of retirement age, they have nothing to lose from telling the truth.

It’s just a shame some of the younger scientists have no integrity, because if enough came together they could collectively push aside this b/s.

As for Al Gore isn’t his degree in English Language!

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Mar 21Liked by Doc Malik

Hi Doc, just joined a subs plan and posted the post below (if I've understood how the posts will appear).

Some of my original text seems to be missing, so to add to the below (or above. But most likely below) I'd like to add, thanks for what you do , I'm sure your efforts are in the right direction, don't be discouraged by the size of the mountain we have to move.

My comment was related to something one of you said during the interview, but it applies more generally to you, Doc, and your podcasts; what's going wrong, why don't people understand, etc.?

Peace, love and happiness


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Mar 21Liked by Doc Malik

I really enjoyed this podcast and the movie. I had not heard of Tom before, although I knew most of the scientists interviewed in the movie. Great work!

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Mar 21Liked by Doc Malik

Thank you. It's crucial

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Yes, Canada does have a carbon tax! And it’s going up by 23% April 1st!!!

Thank you for this movie! Great podcast, and great movie!

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How will things change? Why are the masses still not convinced not to trust the media, polititians, medical and scientific authorities?

Have we reached a peak and that's it?

Why do they not just snap out of it like we did?

I now think it's not down to what the message is that we're trying to get across, it's down to HOW we tell it.

Have you heard of Tessa Lena (Tessa Fights Robots)? She's a beautiful woman who's fighting the fight with her slant being on the spiritual side. Anyway, she happens to have conducted an interview with a Feargus Greenwood on one of her substack podcasts in which they discuss the topic of how we should be talking our message.

If we try to imagine the situation from the point of view of those-we-want-to-convince, their default starting point is that we're a bunch of nutheads who are trying to convince them that just about everything they've believed in since... is all wrong, from 9/11 through climate change and the covid thing. They're simply not going to even start listening to us. We are wrong. There cannot possibly be so much wrong. Therefore everything we say must be suspect and not trustworthy. The messenger is wrong- shoot him before he says any more.

You might find it interesting, I certainly did.


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