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#153 - Climate: The Movie (Bonus - Full Movie At The End Of The Podcast)




About this episode -

Tom Nelson has an MS degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. He was involved in tech and software for many years.

In 2005, as an avid bird-watcher, he became heavily involved in debunking a high-profile, but bogus “Ivory-billed Woodpecker” rediscovery that opened his eyes to the problems with blindly trusting “peer-reviewed science”.

Then a meteorologist pointed out lots of parallels between that woodpecker debate and the climate change debate, and Tom has been debunking climate change claims online almost daily since then.

Tom is the producer of “Climate: The Movie”. Tom had flown in from the US last week for the UK premiere and he swung by my studio to talk about the film.

This film exposes the climate alarm as an invented scare without any basis in science. It shows that mainstream studies and official data do not support the claim that we are witnessing an increase in extreme weather events – hurricanes, droughts, heatwaves, wildfires and all the rest. It emphatically counters the claim that current temperatures and levels of atmospheric CO2 are unusually and worryingly high. On the contrary, it is very clearly the case, as can be seen in all mainstream studies, that, compared to the last half billion years of earth’s history, both current temperatures and CO2 levels are extremely and unusually low. We are currently in an ice age. It also shows that there is no evidence that changing levels of CO2 (it has changed many times) has ever ‘driven’ climate change in the past.

Why then, are we told, again and again, that ‘catastrophic man-made climate-change’ is an irrefutable fact? Why are we told that there is no evidence that contradicts it? Why are we told that anyone who questions ‘climate chaos’ is a ‘flat-earther’ and a ‘science-denier’?

The film explores the nature of the consensus behind climate change. It describes the origins of the climate funding bandwagon, and the rise of the trillion-dollar climate industry. It describes the hundreds of thousands of jobs that depend on the climate crisis. It explains the enormous pressure on scientists and others not to question the climate alarm: the withdrawal of funds, rejection by science journals, social ostracism.

But the climate alarm is much more than a funding and jobs bandwagon. The film explores the politics of climate. From the beginning, the climate scare was political. The culprit was free-market industrial capitalism. The solution was higher taxes and more regulation. From the start, the climate alarm appealed to, and has been adopted and promoted by, those groups who favour bigger government.

This is the unspoken political divide behind the climate alarm. The climate scare appeals especially to all those in the sprawling publicly-funded establishment. This includes the largely publicly-funded Western intelligentsia, for whom climate has become a moral cause. In these circles, to criticise or question the climate alarm has become a breach of social etiquette.

The film was shot on location in the U.S., Israel, Kenya and UK.

The film includes interviews with a number of very prominent scientists, including Professor Steven Koonin (author of ‘Unsettled’, a former provost and vice-president of Caltech), Professor Dick Lindzen (formerly professor of meteorology at Harvard and MIT), Professor Will Happer (professor of physics at Princeton), Dr John Clauser (winner of the Nobel prize in Physics in 2022), Professor Nir Shaviv (Racah Institute of Physics) and others.


Tom Nelson Twitter


I hope you enjoy this episode.

Much love Ahmad

Important information

The War On Health II conference is on 30 and 31st March. I’ll be joining 7 other speakers to talk about health. Come and join us and give me hug!

You can find details of the event, location and prices here -

Remember to use the DOCMALIK code and get £50 off.


As the number of paid subscribers grows slowly and gradually, I’ve had to find other ways to augment my income. I am only recommending products that I and my family already use.

I’ll do separate substacks on each of them later.

Hunter & Gather

The first is Hunter & Gather foods. If you want to pursue a keto or carnivore diet and avoid seed oils then I can’t recommend their products enough. Check out there website to see what they offer.

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I started using Roots about 3 months ago. They have numerous products, my favourites being Clean Slate which is a natural way to detox. I also use Restore and Relive Greens. I’ll write a substack on the products soon, but I encourage you to do your own research and read testimonials etc

Use the following referral link if you want to try any of them.

Health - Liberty - Happiness

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Much Love Ahmad x

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And oh yeah thank you for the coffee folks x

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