Excellent thanks. I'm a huge fan of Ivor since all this blew up; also via the low carbs movement/education. Ed Dowd too; obviously on the global financial aspects, and insurance corporations realising what's going on with excess mortality. Incidentally the auto subtitles on this video are misspelling 'Dowd'. YES Ivor! OPTIMISM and POSITIVITY!!!! Consciousness and subconscious energies; neuroplasticity and manifesting (Joe Dispenza, etc).

If we project fear then that's what we get. If the deranged are as powerful as they claim, they'd have implemented their plans ages ago. They can't, and they're finished, and they know it.

So Doc Malik please project optimism, because the evidence is that the idiocy is already imploding.

See Prof Richard Werner and Catherine Austin Fitts (Solari) for more on the global financial history. If you look back in history you'll see the human beings' loss of 'energy awareness and powers' can be traced to very ancient times. GrahamHancock.com is a transcendent researcher - his 2019 book 'America Before - The Key to Earth's Lost Civilization' is beautiful work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAccZ8eWhXo

Robert Temple is wonderful for anyone wanting to go deeper into what life, death and soul really are all about. Robert-Temple.com - his 2022 book A New Science Of Heaven. It's mind-blowing, in all sorts of wonderful ways. See his Youtube video with the NZ Theosophical Society, but read the book if you want to really understand at depth.

Living Magically and the work of Gill Edwards is a lovely perspective of energies more from the standpoint of being alive (rather than both alive, and a dead or pre-conception soul, at the same time). http://www.livingmagically.co.uk/gill-edwards/

Anyway, each of us is on our own path, and IMHO 'one' in a deeply spiritual sense of what human constructs attempt to explain about time, space, metaphysics, consciousness, etc.

Infinite love (because it is), Alan Chapman

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I love this Alan! You are right they will fail!!! More positivity coming!

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Excellent Doc thanks. We've already won :)

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Looking forward to listening to this one Ahmed. Ivor was probably the first to open my eyes in 2020 - the perfect voice to reveal the truth but not sound like a tinfoil hat wearer (TIC: I have much respect now for people who wear them!). Ahmed, thanks for doing this - you bring out the best in people and really connect with them. Impressed by the calibre of the guests you have on, especially after doing this for less than a year!

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I really loved this conversation - not an interview, definately a conversation! Having spent many happy holidays in Ireland, Ivor is typical of the Irish stoicism and their family values. He always puts a smile on my face and warmth in my heart. Thank you Ahmad for sharing this conversation with us because it gives us the strength to carry on the good fight!

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A brilliant conversation, thank you. Also, don't be so quick to write off the flat earth, give it time, when you're ready you'll look into it and realise our true power on this realm.

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I have followed Ivor for years and his immediate awakening triggered mine and my sisters - and resulted in me managing to prevent my teenagers taking the ‘treatment’.

Ivor is a celtic firebrand.. uncompromising..with just enough ego to carry him through!

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Great expansive expressive open conversation, yet I again hesitate to freely comment for fear of treading on some friendly toes. Maybe I should just click 'like' and not comment? To self-censor or not, that is the question, or to what extent?

'Question everything' except the basic existence of viruses, 'Flat Earth' or anything that's not carefully and safely documented and fact-checked? What!? 'Stay Safe' conformity? Questioning everything is surely part of the freedom of free speech? Are we not a freedom and truth tribe?

Whilst I totally understand the tactical reasoning for not covering certain tricky topics and acknowledge that everyone has their own personal perceived boundaries, this feels like you're both already self-censoring in order to appease aspects of the controlling 'cancel culture' mindset and other constraints of acceptable mainstream normalcy. There's a real danger of being softly 'nudged' and herded into 'controlled conversations' with walled constraints.

The truth is not afraid of anything. The truth openly defends itself. The truth is the 'fracking' truth!

The 'no virus' arguments are credible raw logical criticism of massive mainstream medical indoctrination, lies and entrenched propaganda. No 'virus' has been proven to exist ever - anywhere on Earth. It's masterful trickery and quackery - a 'Spell' so powerful that few dare to challenge it. This is ultimate 'truth bomb' territory. Virology is the 'mother' of all scams. Pop that balloon! Or steer to the 'safety' of controlled acceptable consensus conversation. A dilemma.

Whilst I'm not currently persuaded by any Flat Earth arguments, I embrace the open-hearted challenge of simply daring to query the subject, to boldly question ANYTHING, especially in the wake of the Contrived CONvid-1984 Political Plandemic. Afterall, one globalist perceptual scam is linked to another. We're trapped in a Web of Contrived Globalist Scams and propaganda enriched control illusions. "They" control us through obedience to false narratives, deep indoctrination and polluted perceptions.

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Brilliant discussion, Ahmed!!! On behalf of the 1% that supports you and also those who don’t (but should), well done! I had never heard of Ivor Cummins. I’ll be passing this one along to my family and beyond. Wake up, world!!! Thanks again for the work you are doing!

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What a great podcast with Ivor Cummins, when you break it all down the truth is so simple, let’s all live by the truth.

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On criticism of other’s podcasts, some podcasts may be more about uplifting people and exploring non Covid or non health related topics, in light of the new epoch we find ourselves in, where past beliefs are shattered, and the criminality that happened still exists, and sometimes becomes too dark to contemplate.

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18

Ivor is the genuine article. I've been listening to his podcasts since about 2017, and have been making the dietary shifts ever since. Though I remember back in 2019, he was terribly dismissive of Global Warming sceptics (like me). It's funny how we all had our blind spots before TPTB revealed their hand and we started to question everything. The fact that once Ivor started to delve into the sham scientism of AGW (never call it climate change ALWAYS call it global warming, TPTB hate that), he realised that it was all bullshit proves he is a genuine truth seeker.

Yeah and flat earth is an obvious psyop, as is no-virus.

And finally, yes Ahmad you are right about JD sadly.

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Great pod ... big fan of Ivor and listened to his voice of common sense from the start of the plandemic.

Keep going with your fab guests 😊🙏😊

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Ahmad, I was really happy to see you reached out (and were successful) to Ivor. I have been following him since I saw him on Diet Doctor, a low carb/keto website. It's a great resource, some of my favorite recipes come from there. I digress...

Ivor has the whole picture. And he is right, what is happening is 'self-evident', at least to those who are really paying attention and are capable of independent thought. The global takeover has been in the works for years. I am shocked at the number of people who have no idea what I am talking about when I mention the WEF.

Thanks for this excellent and really important interview. I want to find the 40 minute talk Ivor did recently where he explains the real agenda behind climate change, the 'pandemic', open borders (hell, I live in Texas!). I imagine it is not in the news most of you all see that over 9 million illegal migrants have come across the Texas border in the last 3 years. It is totally insane. If anyone has easy access to the link please post it here.

I always look forward to your interviews, Ahmad, and thanks to you and Ivor for talking candidly about how much time and effort you all put into your podcasts and YouTubes and how little money you actually make. Those of us who are the beneficiaries of your hard work need to support you! So subscribe, folks! And buy Ahmad a coffee!

Many blessing to you both, Hillary

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Wow! Just caught up. Been listening to your podcasts in order from the beginning since mid September and now I am up to date! Love this talk with Ivor. He is a superstar. I remember listening to him talk at a round table in Ireland in late 2020/early 2021 and his intelligent and calm delivery of information lit a spark in me. I’ve been listening to him and many others ever since. I was fortunate enough in 2020 to be alerted to what was going on my Dr Sarah Myhill and another naturopath I was working with, so never took any of the shots. But I never imagined that my learnings would bring so many things together from climate change, to Ukraine, to wokeism and the rest of the talony!! Thanks for everything you do Ahmad and for putting your life on the line for humanity. You are a beautiful, courageous soul. Thanks God for your warrior gene - where would be without it?!

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Such an amazing conversation, thank you both so much. Ivor you became my port in the storm in 2020, when family & friends saw my beliefs as mad. The calmly presented, sensible, factual information & easy to follow charts kept my head above the water. Ahmad with your easy manner & fantastic variety of interesting guests have added enormously to my Podcast listening pleasure. Who would have thought you would get two for one on the same Podcast, amazing!

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HOLY FRACK.... I have learnt something new again today with Ivor. In Australia Woolworth's a large supermarket chain in Australia has elected to NOT sell Australia day merchandise. Immigration is out of control here and this comes right back to the dilution of our national identity that you two were talking about in this podcast. We really are in a pot of boiling water aren't we.

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Thank you so much for this interview with Ivor Cummings. He is one of the fabulous people I followed before covid who kept me sane during the debacle. I must say some other commentators had me afraid for about 4 weeks but Ivor's sensible take bought me back into sanity. I will be forever grateful that I was plugged into alternative health media before the so-called pandemic. Because of people like the two of you, I was never going to believe anything about that hideous injection they rolled out to the world. We dodged a bullet there, thanks to so many wonderful people who spoke out.

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