You've uncovered another brave Christian type person there, Doc!

(What is it with Australia, though? I grew up in the 70s, where Aussies were always telling us Pommies that they were the tough guys and the rebels, and yet - notable exceptions aside, and with respect - it seems they succumbed to this totalitarian take-over as least as abjectly.)

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Another great interview Doc Malik, thank you for providing a platform for Dr Hobart to share his story. I remember watching the raid on his practice play out on Facebook. It’s a disgrace what the Australian government, through its agencies put these doctors through. Clive James said “the problem with Australians is not that so many of them are descended from convicts, but so many are descended from prison guards”. It would be a fascinating study, to determine what percentage of citizens bought into all this Covid nonsense across countries.

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Fantastic, thank-you so much for this interview. You made not just my day, but my whole year.

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In this podcast, Mark Hobart says he disagrees with me, and that giving medical exemptions "is the only ethical way for a doctor to practice medicine".

Mark Hobart is wrong.The only ethical way for a doctor to practice medicine is to ensure he has obtained valid voluntary informed consent for any medical intervention, including vaccination, and ensure that a patient is free to refuse a medical intervention if they so wish 

It is not within a practitioner's personal gift to grant an 'exemption' for vaccination.

Practitioners are morally, ethically and legally obligated to obtain valid voluntary informed consent for vaccination, so how can there be an 'exemption' to NOT have a vaccination?

If practitioners had simply done their duty in the first place, and openly challenged the coercion and vaccination mandates, we wouldn't be in this mess.

But the practitioners were apparently captured by their regulator's, AHPRA, Position Statement 9 March 2021, which effectively conscripted the practitioners to support the then Morrison Government's COVID-19 vaccine rollout, without question, see: Reckless disregard for voluntary informed consent - the AHPRA Position Statement 9 March 2021: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/reckless-disregard-for-voluntary

The practitioners themselves were coerced to support the rollout via the AHPRA Position Statement, which threatened regulatory action against practitioners for "Any promotion of anti-vaccination statements...".

I acknowledge that Mark Hobart was trying to do the right thing for his patients, and protect them from unwanted vaccination.

But providing 'exemptions' actually reinforces this corrupted system where valid voluntary informed consent has been destroyed.

I'm still researching this situation, which appears to have originated in the US, where the idea of 'exemptions' for vaccination is rife.

I suspect it's something which has arisen from the Jacobson v. Massachusetts judgement in 1905, see: Jacobson v. Massachusetts...and the obligation for valid consent for vaccination... https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/jacobson-v-massachusettsand-the-obligation

I'm pursuing this matter further.

For more background, see:

- Doctor Mark Hobart suspended for issuing Covid-19 vaccination exemptions...but vaccination exemptions should not exist! https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/doctor-mark-hobart-suspended-for

- Section V. 'Exemptions' for COVID-19 Vaccination - An Oxymoron? In my article: Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination, June 2024: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

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Further to my previous comment, and Mark Hobart's insistence he was right to give 'exemptions'...

It's my understanding that Mark Hobart has been suspended by AHPRA since 18 November 2021, so obviously he has not been in a position to 'give exemptions' since that date.

AHPRA only had to threaten and suspend a handful of doctors to ensure the rest toed the line.

What should have happened from the beginning is that the medical profession as a whole should have rejected coercion and COVID-19 vaccine mandates, but they did not do this.

In fact, the rot set in years ago, when the coercive/incentivising vaccination laws for children - No Jab, No Pay and No Jab, No Play - were enacted. The medical profession should have railed against the trashing of valid consent then but they didn't.

Also, medical practitioners themselves are subject to vaccination mandates - if they accept mandatory vaccination for themselves, how can they even understand the obligation for valid voluntary informed consent for the general public? They are clueless about valid consent for vaccination...

It really is an absolute dire shambles in Australia...and this has been going on for years.

Here's an example of correspondence I sent to the medical fraternity in June 2021: Coercive covid-19 injections in Australia - email to the Medical Board of Australia,

AHPRA, RACGP, RACP, AMA: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/coercive-covid-19-injections-in-australia-medical-board-of-australia-ahpra-racgp-racp-ama.pdf

Lots more correspondence here: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/vax-australia/

And a summary of much of the situation is provided in my detailed paper: Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination, June 2024: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

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I'm not an expert, but Doc Malik may have sorted out the problem (at for outsiders like myself): Dr Hobart did the best he could at the time by issueing vaccine exemptions, but in a properly functioning healthcare system he wouldn't have needed to as all medical treatment should be voluntary (and refusing them shouldn't strip one of all one's rights).

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The principle is the principle, and must be adhered to.

There should not be vaccine ‘exemptions’, full stop.

Practitioners should be properly informing patients about disease risk and vaccine products, and the patient makes their own voluntary decision whether to have the vaccine/medical intervention or not.

They should not have to plead for an ‘exemption’ from the practitioner, what a deplorable situation.

Until people understand this, the problem continues.

With RFK Jr now confirmed as HHS Secretary in the US, I will be doubling down on my efforts to shine a spotlight on Jacobson v. Massachusetts (1905), and the history of vaccine ‘exemptions’.

And there must also be an investigation into the ever-increasing taxpayer-funded vaccination schedules, which are mired in conflicts of interest.

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I disagree Elizabeth .My husband and I were granted vaccine exemptions (renewable every 3 months if the doctors' licence had not been confiscated or "suspended").

Dr Mark Hobart issued those exemptions (willingly and knowingly putting his licence in jeopardy) so that my husband and I and many others would not be forced out of employment due to the no jabs no job policy.

Dr Hobart is my hero. He put his patients' welfare before his self -interest.

It was the only honourable, honest and ethical course of action a doctor could take in those circumstances.

I will buy you a double chocolate malted milkshake if you can find another 10 doctors in Australia, willing to do the same. I guarantee you can't.

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Shelagh, I understand Mark's intentions were noble...but the fact is, he was wrong.

The entire situation was wrong.

There shouldn't have been coercion, there shouldn't have been vaccine mandates.

This is the fundamental issue we have to address - who is responsible for the coercion and mandates?

And this isn't just about 'Covid', this goes back to the No Jab, No Pay and No Jab, No Play laws for children.

For more background, see my email to then prime minister Scott Morrison, sent in February 2021: No Jab, No Pay/No Play - coercive coronavirus vaccination in Australia - PM Scott Morrison and the Murdoch Media: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/no-jab-no-pay-no-play-coercive-vaccination-in-australia.pdf

It's a long email... I need people to read this information, and take it in and understand it. There is a very big scandal brewing here...

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No you are wrong. We had people living on their own, locked down, losing their jobs because they did not want to take the injections, committing suicide because their doctors would not grant them medical exemptions.

The doctor’s job is to save the life of the patient in front of him no matter what hurdles the establishment /powers that be, put in his way.

My parents were both doctors, they died before COVID 19 hit.

But they used to argue medical ethics around the dinner table, when I was growing up. And they argued medical ethics with me when I grew up.

I know what they would have to say in any situation and how they would act. And I know that had my parents, lived and practiced, through the COVID19 debacle, they would have written medical exemptions, to save their patients’ lives. And they would have felt that any doctor who didn’t, was a disgrace to the profession

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So you and your husband got exemptions from Mark Hobart Shelagh...until he was suspended in November 2021.

Good for you.

Have you no thought for all the other millions of Australians who were coerced and mandated to submit to the COVID-19 injections, under threat of losing their livelihood and participation in society?

Vaccination 'exemptions' are wrong, and supporting them entrenches the current corrupted system.

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If every doctor had granted his patients, medical exemptions

, in accordance with his conscience and with medical ethics, the entire corrupt edifice of vaccine mandates would have collapsed.

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Thank you Dr Hobart for your courage, ethics & standing firm for what is right & at huge personal cost. God gave us a wonderful immune system & no one that refused the jab regrets that decision! God bless you. Thanks too Doc Malik for having the conversation with Dr Hobart 👏😊

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Coincidentally, one of my readers from Australia sent me the following today. I think that Australia was Ground Zero for the experiment in how far they could go, to answer Frankie's question. The totalitarian take-over was more intense there than anywhere I've seen, and that's definitely not making light of how bad it was elsewhere. Here's her attachment:

Please watch the evidence presented before more than 120 Grand Juror's in person and 1000's online, inside Our Parliament House, they voted 100% that the indictment is to be issued on THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT and Officialdom, as per the particulars form.

The link below is the live and unedited version that is currently going into post production to balance the audio and do basic editing

Please take part in the Grand Jury Indictment by watching the riveting video link, download and complete the Participation form and help your country and loved ones.

Also view, print and sign The Community Orders. Please initial every page if you believe it to be true and mail to CWB PO Box 577 Goulburn NSW 2580 and email your electronic version to info@coruptionwhistleblower.com

see The Grand Jury Indictment Video at https://www.ibroadcast.au

Thank you, Peter and Donna CWB Team

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Further to my comments about Mark Hobart and vaccine ‘exemptions’…

Think about this…

Mark Hobart gave the vaccine ‘exemptions’ because this was his way of trying to protect his patients’ autonomy and freedom to give or decline consent for vaccination.

But as I have argued, ‘exemptions’ should not exist! Because practitioners are morally, ethically and legally obligated to obtain valid voluntary informed consent for vaccination, and protect the freedom of people to refuse vaccination.

So…Mark Hobart has been suspended for something that shouldn’t exist…’exemptions’…

Think about this… How can a practitioner be suspended for something that shouldn’t exist?

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Ahmad, in one of your responses to Mark Hobart on the 'exemptions' issue, you say:

QUOTE (Starting from 17:58.)

I agree that you had to do that. If that was the only thing available to you, absolutely. I think when I'm saying I don't believe in medical exemptions, it's at a higher level. I'm saying, I would say to the government and authorities that this is not something that they should mandate and that I should seek exemption from. I simply have the right to say no. I'm talking about at a broader, higher level of there shouldn't be any mandates or exemptions. They shouldn't exist. At a lower level where you were, the only thing that was available to you to save your patients was exemptions.

And I agree that you should have done that because there's nothing else available to you. So we actually are in agreement. If I was in your shoes, I would have offered the exemptions. But I'm talking on a higher principled level of They shouldn't be doing mandates and you shouldn't be seeking exemptions, because as soon as you seek exemptions, guess what? They can turn around to say no. Or they can send the goons around and get you suspended. So what I'm trying to say is on a higher level, that's part of their game, their system. On a lower level, you really had no choice. You had to do this.


Ahmad, you say: "And I agree that you should have done that because there's nothing else available to you. So we actually are in agreement. If I was in your shoes, I would have offered the exemptions."Really?

Well that is the wrong response, because it is not within your personal gift to grant an 'exemption' to anyone. The doctor, or other practitioner, is morally, ethically and legally obligated to obtain valid voluntary informed consent for vaccination/the medical intervention, to ensure the patient makes a voluntary decision on this matter, including refusing the intervention if they so wish.

The minute a practitioner collaborates with 'exemptions'...it is wrong...What Mark Hobart should have done, when he knew he had someone who was in the surgery under duress to have the vaccination, he should have said "I cannot vaccinate you, because I know you are under duress, and cannot make a valid voluntary informed decision on this matter. This situation is wrong. I am writing to AHPRA, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, the Australian Medical Association, and my local and federal MPs on this matter. Because medical practitioners cannot collaborate with coercion and mandates, this violates valid voluntary informed consent".That's what Mark Hobart...and every other vaccinating practitioner...should have done. But, unfortunately, it seems they didn't, because they were too terrified of AHPRA.

But this should never have even gotten to the surgery level... When the Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly and the AHPPC started imposing vaccine mandates in 2021 - for the aged care workers in the first instance, at the behest of then Prime Minister Scott Morrison and National Cabinet - the medical profession as a whole, including their regulator AHPRA, should have jumped up immediately and said "no, we can't do this, we can't vaccinate under coercion and mandates, this would violate valid voluntary informed consent".

But they did not do that...they played along with it. Just as they have always done, going back to No Jab, No Pay and No Jab, No Play, the coercive/incentivising vaccination laws for children.

The medical 'profession' is clueless about the obligation for valid consent for vaccination.

And now here we, with NO VALID CONSENT for vaccination. And I'm not just talking about the COVID-19 injections, I'm talking about ALL vaccination, because people are never properly informed about the disease threat or the vaccine products, and they are often coerced to submit to these interventions.

The practitioners administering these medical interventions have no clue what they are doing, they are not qualified to do this.

I've written this up in my 'misfeasance' paper, see: Section IV. Mass Population Vaccination and Rogers v Whitaker: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdfAlso see my 'misfeasance' paper for more background on the imposition of coercion and mandates etc.

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