I’m half an hour in and loving it. Johnny is one of my favourites (you too Doc): Great perspective from JV. I recommend everyone looks at his website and Newspaste articles. The one on Gates is particularly interesting and his read through makes it even better. Why oh why did good Queen Bess (Elizabeth I) not keep his family close after they were pall bearers at her father’s funeral? Why did they appear to escape to the ‘New World’ of America?

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Nice, that covered a lot of interesting subjects! Yeah, I also feel that the Weinbergs are too self-regarding and not for real, though I am not yet willing to drop Dougie Murray and Jordie Peterson - have you tried getting the former on your show?

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Can my FemBot be Sharon Stone from Total Recall ?

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if I had time to waste (which I don't), I wonder if I could go back 20 odd years and find something out-of-date that nobody really agrees with anymore, that Johnny said or wrote. would it be okay if I called him 'stupid' then? heck, I believed stuff 5-6 yrs ago that I now know to have been slanted or untrue, so I guess I'm stupid too. oh dear, I wouldn't pass Johnny's 'purity of beliefs test'.

but wait... I knew that the vaccine narrative was total BS, a good 18+ years ago so I guess then I can call all those who didn't yet know, 'stupid'. but I wouldn't because I don't/won't judge people who are not in the same place in their 'awakening' journey as me or who may have some different opinions or perspectives. I simply cannot respect the 'holier than thou' cuz I'm more 'awake' than thou, regardless of whatever other worthwhile things may have been said.

so thumbs down on Mr. Vedmore. criticism of specific points is absolutely fine, but I found his glee at putting down & name-calling others in the wider 'dissident space', a turn-off.

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