It’s all very well to point to single parent families being an aspect of failing parenthood but why do people not remember that thousands of children, some not yet born, were left without a father after the war, leaving the mother to be the only parent. I was a single parent who brought up 2 children alone but I monitored them and always knew where they were. Many trafficked kids do actually have 2 parents!

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Thanks for another enjoyable chat which made some very important points. Just to add... Two-party politics is a Punch and Judy Show for disempowered adults who are slaves to the system.

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great quote - I'm stealing it "Two-party politics is a Punch and Judy Show for disempowered adults who are slaves to the system"

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Please do steal it... One of the tricks of the ruling class is the infantilization of voters, a legal term for "wards of the state". THEY consider voters to be like mental patients in the (constituency) wards, who have handed over their Power of Attorney to their representatives.

I'm no longer playing their game so I've written twice to the local borough council to remove my name from the Electoral Register. On both occasions they have totally ignored my letters, sent by recorded delivery. THEY don't want us to walk away from their theatrics in Parliament...

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Good podcast. Some very good points made. He’s right about Christianity; it’s the only way out of this.

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Hmm, interesting guy. He seems optimistic but, given everything he said, I can't quite understand why.

So the answer is - yet again, it seems - Christianity but without actually having to believe in it?

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On India, this is from Arundhati Roy's The Doctor & the Saint: the debate between BR Ambedkar and MK Gandhi:

" After the fall of the Soviet Union, India ... repositioned itself as a 'natural ally' of the US and Israel. In the 1990's the Indian government embarked on a process of dramatic economic reforms, opening up a previously protected market to global capital, with natural resources, essential services and national infrastructure that had been developed over fifty years with public money now turned over to private corporations.

"Twenty years later, despite a spectacular GDP growth rate, the new economic policies have led to the concentration of wealth in fewer and fewer hands. Today, India's one hundred richest people own assets equivalent to one-fourth of its celebrated GDP. In a nation of 1.2B, more than 800M people live on less that Rs 20 a day."

Operation Green Hunt is authorized terrorism to herd 85% of India's population off the land, where they're in the way of mining MoU's, and into cities. They state this goal.

Gandhi was certainly credited with the victory of non-violent resistance AFTER the armed resistance had made the British defeat inevitable. He thought the caste system was the 'genius' of India. Arundhati writes about the 'Gandhification' of NGOs, where we give neither funding nor verbal support to armed resistance movements like Hamas, Hezbollah, the Zapatistas and the Maoists/ Naxalites.

Was the Theosophical Society pretending to be for Indian Home Rule but really for a more surreptitious form of economic power and proxy governance? That seems entirely possible. But no propaganda is successful without mixing truth and lies. In Gandhi's autobiography he writes, "I used to think that God was Truth. Now I see that Truth is God. You'll understand immediately the difference."

Ideas should be judged on their own merit.

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There is a contradiction, I think, between Alex's statistic that the vast majority of sexual child abuse is by a member of the immediate family and his belief that raising children without a husband or other man is the problem.

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A 60 Minutes special investigation into so-called V I P paedos, interviews two survivors of child trafficking and sexual abuse. It also gives a member of the PIE = Paedo Information Exchange a chance to try to explain himself. It's difficult to watch but necessary to expose this institutionalized crime:


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Amad , you constantly make the mistake of saying these people are slick and good at what they do. They are not, they’re just cunts and people do not expect that of others.

I’ve met many of these people during my life and i would wager my life that I am correct.

You do not need to be good to be a cunt, you just need to be a cunt.

Enjoyed the podcast, disagreed with his take on India , buts that’s ok :)

Excellent point about the Milgram experiment and David Kurtin was the only leader on all the lockdown marches.

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So much clarification on the globalists of different nation's agendas makes a lot of sense. Just a question on the police officer you interviewed. So helpful to hear the inner workings of it all. Wonder if he ever was asked about higher levels of one car crashes or other events that were medical issues if enough investigation was done that is. Has he seen this? Has he seen more fires with homes that may have started by the smart meter? Has he seen delays in emergency response since they corporatised the national call centre which is what they did I believe? Calling your local number for those services may mean a better time response? Maybe he has someone he knows in accident reconstruction field that absolutely would see what has changed since 2021.

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