Great interview, I had no idea that Homeopathy made so much sense (I should have known it was on the right path when it is so obviously ridiculed and mocked by the big dollar medical industry). Thank you both.

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I learned about homeopathy a few years ago and have been trying to diagnose and fix my and my husband's medical problems on my own. I have more than the kits, I have purchased a lot of specialty remedies like Hekla Lava (sometimes spelled Hecla Lava). I know I am flying pretty darn blind because the source of my information, though incredibly helpful and better than nothing, does not always cover the proper dosing to treat what I believe is ailing me. Having been injured by western medicine (including chiropractors and naturopaths), I have removed myself from those systems for my own damn safety. And, to be honest, I'm not sure there's a homeopath anywhere near where I live in rural SW Washington state in the US. Because of other confounding factors like EHS, it makes it hard for me to travel into more populated areas to seek treatment. I would be better off with online help or help via the phone. I'm not sure such a thing exists. And, sadly, some of the remedies I think might help aren't available in the US (only seem to be available in India) and, unless I have an international credit card, I cannot make the purchases I want to make. It's frustrating.

If I had proper brain function (something I lost when I was injured by Western medicine more than 10 years ago), I would absolutely study homeopathy properly. I paid $500 for a Dr Christopher's Herbalist course but couldn't get past the 2nd page of the first book. My brain just shut down. I was so disheartened that I gave that coursework away to a friend who wanted to learn and has a functioning brain.

If there is a good, viable, online option, I would love to hear about it. If anyone has suggestions, I'm all ears.

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I was visiting a homeopathist 60 years ago and have used the treatments over the years. I'm not a Royalist but it should mentioned that the late Queen and Charles won't go anywhere without their homeopathic kit. Great interview. Thank you both.

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There's evidence for hypnotherapy too but an NHS study on the therapy totally trashed it but the study was so ridiculous, it never could have been successful.

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Looking forward to this, my husband is seeing a homeopath for his Crohn's Disease...certainly helps when you're told if the current meds don't work, you'll be under the knife.

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