#205 - The Indoctrinated Brain - How To Successfully Fend Off The Attack On Your Mental Freedom (wee bonus at the end)

Spotify, Apple podcast and Rumble links at the bottom of the post.



Doc Malik Honest Health is a reader-listener supported publication. To support my work, and help fight back against the evil bastards, upgrade to Paid and join the clan of freedom loving dissidents! (please)

Thank you to the new subscribers, your lovely messages and the reviews!

Dear Doc Malik, 

Don't reply! I don't want to add to your overwhelmed state! I just really want to tell you that you have quickly climbed to the top of my long list of favourite podcasters. I do love you and your work, and I am absolutely delighted to discover the treasure trove of back podcasts I haven't heard yet. Thank you for this wonderful gift to the world. 

From a new paid subscriber, Joan

Hi Ahmad,

Love your work man 🙏 

Just started to listen to you after your Delingpole Pod a few months ago - your enthusiasm, humanity, empathy and fracking passion for casting light over the last four years is truly inspiring.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for drawing a line in the sand buddy. 

When so many medical professionals have hidden their truth, opting to cognitively turn a blind eye and keep paying the mortgage, keep the pension pot rolling and the private school fees going, along with so many other employees within the deep state, school headmasters,  (Mike Fairclough could be a good chat), police, lawyers, Judges. I unfortunately know so many morally bankrupt people that still choose to keep their phat fingers in their ears. Fracking frustrating!

Keep the faith brother, thank you for all of your hard work, stay strong and thank you for being a brilliant inspiration to all of humanity.

All the best,

David & Donna 

About this episode -

Dr Michael Nehls MD PhD

Michael graduated from medicine in 1986 in Germany but never practised clinical medicine. Instead, he went into research and now has published several books mainly in German. Michael’s article titled "Unified Theory of Alzheimer's Disease (UTAD): implications for prevention and curative therapy" was internationally published in the Journal of Molecular Psychiatry. For his breakthrough discovery regarding the development, prevention and therapy of Alzheimer's disease, he received the 2015 Hanse Award for Psychiatry from the University of Rostock, Germany.

“The Indoctrinated Brain - How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom” is his latest and arguably greatest work. In it, Michael talks about the effects of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines on human cognition and autonomy. Nehls suggests that these vaccines, among other modern pressures, and propaganda methods are part of a global assault manipulating the human mind, aiming to facilitate increased governmental control over individuals, A global war on the human mind.

About this conversation

Have you noticed how difficult it is these days to have a deep meaningful conversation with anyone? Not just random strangers, but even close family members and friends. It was a problem in the making prior to 2020 but Covid seems to have accelerated the problem. Conversations are shut down and people get triggered over the slightest remark. Stating the bloody obvious gets you a zombie stare. No, you aren’t imagining it. People are different, they are unthinking and heavily programmed.

In his book and as you will hear in this podcast with Michael Nehls it is not imaginary, and worse still it is not by accident. It is by nefarious design.

I am convinced more than ever that we are in the midst of World War 3.

WW1 was fought mainly in Europe, in fields and trenches, with rifles and artillery. Civilians were relatively spared. WW2 was fought with tanks, naval ships, and bombers and while many millions of soldiers died, so too for the first time in history did millions of innocent civilians. WW3 is a global war against every human being, the battleground is in our minds, and the weapons are psychological operations (Psyops) with full penetration skull-busting propaganda.

The main beneficiaries of wars are bankers; some even argue that all wars are banker wars. But wars are more than about making money, they are also about gaining power and control. The latter over us the masses, the serfs and so-called “useless eaters”.

While I believe it is important to understand who the enemy is, for simplicity's sake one can think of “they” as the predator class who have already got unimaginable money and power and exercise control over our media, banks, military-industrial complex, big tech and our governments to name but a few. What is more important is how they influence us and how we can protect ourselves and our loved ones, and ensure their plans are unsuccessful.

The predator class uses narratives that they indoctrinate us with to control the way we think and shape our worldview. These indoctrinations are so powerful and plentiful that they have reduced much of the global population to NPCs (Non-player characters). For those of you who don’t know what NPCs are, they are characters found in computer games that are programmed to do certain tasks and repeat the same standard lines. For example, it might be an innkeeper in a game who is always behind the bar and offers you the choice to eat or drink. That computer character does not exist outside the Inn. He has no wife or kids. In the game you are the player, the innkeeper however is a non-player character within the game. Today, the vast majority of humans are NPCs, they have no mind outside their programming, repeating only what has been programmed in their script. And as soon as you mention certain terms they have a knee-jerk speech that they give. Have you noticed how people are either in a zombie state, unthinking and unfeeling, or the complete opposite getting triggered at the slightest remark (think computer glitch)?

Some of the narratives that have been indoctrinated to the masses include the following -

  • The World Trade Centre Bombings and subsequent War On Terror

  • The Great Climate Scam and Hoax (The Earth is dying, Global warming is an existential threat, Carbon Dioxide is bad and needs to be reduced etc)

  • Covid Plandemic (Lockdowns, social distancing and masks were necessary and effective)

  • Vaccines are safe and effective including experimental gene interventions

  • Governments care about you

  • You can change your sex

  • Anytime the media tells you to hate a group of people or another country

  • The world is overpopulated

  • Polar bears are dying

  • Electric cars are good for the environment

  • And many many more (why don’t tell me some more in the comments below)

From Michael’s book -


The word comes from the Latin word doctrina, meaning “instruction.”

The purpose of indoctrination is to implant an ideological narrative into people’s brains - a new belief that allows no discussion and no contradiction.

The goal is obedient, unthinking conformity. The means to this end is a controlled selection of information, intensive propaganda, and psychological manipulation, up to coercive measures and threats of punishment.

The more skilful the mental manipulation, the more immune the implanted ideological thought system becomes to critical arguments and inner doubts.

Indoctrination is to be understood as a vicious attack on our humanity, on our personality, and ultimately on the most precious thing of all: our freedom of thought.

Resisting indoctrination is a lifelong endeavour. it is a matter of preserving one’s freedom of thought and search for meaning.

Stream HCF Cambridge | Listen to Winning the War of the Mind playlist  online for free on SoundCloud

The Indoctrinated Brain outlines how to safeguard and protect your mind from indoctrination (from the introduction) -

  1. Each individual will be rewarded with a significant increase in psychological resilience by incorporating these principles into his or her own life.

  2. With increased resilience comes increased natural curiosity, which allows us to think outside the box.

  3. We have more mental energy. This allows us to process new information and make better, more creative decisions.

  4. We need this energy when we want to break new ground. it is the basis of our perseverance against external and internal resistance.

  5. The energy enables us to have rational compassion, a prerequisite for each of us to be able to think and act globally.

“We are creating a new world, based on a much-needed correction of the image of man that corresponds to his natural characteristics, already embodied in every child: man is basically good. With this mindset, we will undergo a true mental reset that will allow us to regain our full mental potential!”

“Our destiny and our values are in our own hands. If we follow the principle of human autonomy and implement it in our lives, we will become stronger, and we can venture into a new culture of cooperative, altogether considerate coexistence that respects the realities of our natural needs and the environment. Therefore, there is still a chance that all will end well.”

Michael Nehls

I hope you enjoy the episode.

Much love as always.

Ahmad x

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and of course, The Indoctrinated Brain:


Doc Malik Honest Health is a reader-listener supported publication. To support my work, and help fight back against the evil bastards, upgrade to Paid and join the clan of freedom loving dissidents! (please)

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To all the new subscribers welcome to the Clan!

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And oh yeah thank you for the coffee folks x

I hope you enjoy this episode.


Much love Ahmad


I Ahmad Malik: am a private civilian, protected by the Geneva Convention.

My substack, social media posts and podcasts are my personal experiences, observations and opinions. This information is for educational purposes only. Although I am a doctor, I am not your doctor, and I am not providing medical or legal advice to you or to the wider public. I am not licensed or registered with the GMC or any other licensing board.

The responsibility for the interpretation, due diligence and use of the information from my substack and my podcast lies with you, the viewer and/or listener. Please do your research, and use your discernment.

It is not my intention to harass, intimidate, offend, defame, conspire, blackmail, coerce or cause anxiety, alarm or distress to any man or woman, and the information presented here is done so with peaceful and honourable intentions.