Thanks Doc. The presentation by Roman was so well researched with superb data.

It was a sad stroll through history which just highlights the more things change the more they are the same.

I am looking forward to Part II.

Might I suggest that you two spend a bit of time discussing some possible solutions and alternate strategies for those of us who want out of the matrix?

Developing a parallel society seems like the only way given the gigantic societal divide.

I am in your camp. I don’t want a bunch of loser wankers in government legislating anything for me. Stay the feck out of my business. Period.

I have loads more to add, but it can wait for another day. Cheers Doc!

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Jul 4Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

"Dissolving Illusions" is a fantastic book. If it were in my power I would make it mandatory reading for every new parent-to-be.

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Epic guest, Ahmad! I look forward to listening. Maybe you can get Suzanne Humphries on later, too?

I consider “Dissolving Illusions” the Rosetta Stone to understanding the deceptions that have characterized the vaccine industry since its inception. I listed it in the “Favorite Mind-Openers” section of my “Favorite Reads Throughout My Life” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/favorite-reads).

I think the brilliant Anne Gibbons captured the experience best in this cartoon:


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Jul 4Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

So much of this abject misery and poverty was happening at a time when the Empire was at it's peak i.e during Victoria's reign. The 'Elites' must have been terrified of the threat of being overthrown by the plebs and deliberately kept them poverty stricken and disease ridden as a strategy against any uprising. And to think that we actually pay money to marvel at the grand stately homes and obscenely large Estates of our oppressors is yet another example of how we have been brainwashed.

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Jul 4Liked by Doc Malik

James Delingpole recently flagged up a misleading comment in Dissolving Illusions; it claimed that the boy vaccinated by Edward Jenner subsequently died, but neglected to mention that he died in his 60s! It's the sort of thing that can undermine an otherwise excellent book

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Hello! The only reference I had on this was from William Job Collins, MD, Have You Been Vaccinated, and what Protection is it Against the Small Pox? 1869, London, p. 21. “On May 14th, 1796, Jenner inoculated with Cowpox, James Phipps, ... he afterwards died of consumption.” There was no indication of a date of death, only that he died of consumption. Do you have a reference that indicates he died in his 60s, and from what? Perhaps Dr. Collins was in error? Thanks!

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Jul 7Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

Hi Roman! The best source I've found is from the UK Science Museum (https://collection.sciencemuseumgroup.org.uk/people/cp166975/james-phipps), which isn't a great source, I know. There is supposedly a burial entry in the Parish Register for St. Mary’s Church, Berkeley (Gloucestershire) for "James Phipps, 25th April 1853, aged 66" which is presumed to be him and the name Phipps is scratched into the stonework at the front and tower of St. Mary’s church. Nobody knows where the grave is, but he's alleged to be buried there. There's also a biography of Edward Jenner (Life of Edward Jenner, John Baron, Volume II, 1838) that claims that when when visited in 1818, Jenner said Phipps was employed as his gardener, had been sickly with tuberculosis but had recovered and Jenner was then building him a cottage.

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Oh, that's quite interesting and compelling. It seems Collins was perhaps making an error or an assumption on his part. I’m amazed at how these doctors of old were able to write such complex books without the modern tools we have access to. Thanks to you for this information!

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I have a copy of Dissolving Illusions and cannot find any comment within it claiming that the 8 year old James Phipps died after being vaccinated by Jenner so perhaps there is some misunderstanding?

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Look for the sentence, "However James Phipps later came down with consumption and died." It suggests he died shortly after the jab, but he actually died in his sixties

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My copy of Dissolving Illusions was published in 2015 and the only references that I can find in it about James Phipps are on pages 63 and 64 and there is no mention of his death. Perhaps I am looking at a different edition - could you give me the page number where the reference to Phipps dying after vaccination appears? Thanks for any help you can give in tracking this down!

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You must have a later edition. I'm guessing that Delingpole had the 2013 edition. If it's been amended, all good 👍

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Aug 3Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

Great Stuff - Looking forward to part 2....and when is the new colour version of Dissolving Illusions coming out??

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Thanks! It’s available through the website through a company called GHP. We had to have a local printer do the color version. Just go to DissolvingIllusions.com and scroll to the bottom. Pick the book you want and where you want to get it from. In the case of color it’s only through GHP. Thanks!

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Absolutely fascinating podcast. Thank you both. Can’t wait for part 2.

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