Dam that was mucking hilarious. Informative little serious at times but bloody entertaining. Really enjoyable didn’t even notice the duckings the chatter between you both was hugely entertaining.

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Matt reminds me a tiny bit of Aubrey Marcus (lives in the U.S.) who has a stellar podcast. They both are cool as cucumbers (as we say in the Not-United States of America) and radiate a palpable warmth and intellect. Hats off to you, Matt, and Dr. Malik for such a thought-provoking, worth-my-time interview here.

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So very funny set me up for the day.

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Matt made a good mention that might have been missed...just because you see the NHS logo, it doesn't mean it's the NHS. There has been massive, behind the scenes privatisation. People complain about certain things unaware that it may be a private company getting paid a fortune and bleeding us and the NHS to provide a crap service.

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OMG, Doc! Love Matt 😍 & your banter is marvellous 🤩 Matt is 'coal face raw' in his honesty. I totally respect that 🙏🏻 Offence is not given, it can only be taken! Please don't censor your guests! You gave at least 3 clear warnings regarding vocabulary! For all the reasons that a certain misguided individual 🙄 has left this ship of truth/discovery... It has only encouraged me to hear more! Keep rocking Doc & Matt, much respect 💪💪💪

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Thank you both. With youngsters like you full of passion and a desire for truth, I think a brighter future is on the horizon 💪🏾💪🏾

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Ive sent this to my brother that is starting to ask the better questions, joining the dots and finding himself at Watership Down… he’s also ex military but is a current ambulance driver!

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Great chat! So interesting that Matt used the word "glue"...that is how I describe the catarrh I had with covid. I have sinus/ear problems so I know catarrh very well but at the end of my covid illness I struggled to blow out the catarrh, sorry if this is TMI but I managed to blow it enough for it to reach the nostrils but no further, I had to pinch it and pull it out! It was like a thick, long piece of glue...never had catarrh like it, it was very unnatural.

My family were all ill in October 2021, unvaxxed, first symptoms were loss of smell and change in taste...that is not like any cold/flu I've had before. I believe it was some kind of poisoning. We had all been out in town and also a shopping mall. I believe the test & trace was about seeing how their experiment on us was working.

I also have experience of my local hospital being empty, A nurse there told me in the empty corridor that masks were bollocks and just for show.

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What a great conversation and great guest. Really upbeat and entertaining! ;0)

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My understanding is that the Drosten 'test' for 'Rona' is at best based solely on modelling and yet even now, four years on, it is still referred to being diagnostic by those who should be clued up to this by now. I don't recall any such test being available during outbreaks of seasonal flu prior to 2020.

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I just have to say this was one of the best podcasts you have done. Three hours went by like 5 minutes. You’re stories about the people who dies, especially children brought me to tears and I was just a listener. I don’t know how you and Matt do it, I would be destroyed. Thank you for this beautiful (swearing included) show. Another reason to support you❤️🙏

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Ok, you love me the most: your rules Doc, not mine😂

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My friend who’s a paramedic gets very offended when called an ‘ambulance driver’ - just a heads up! Look forward to listening to other though! 😅

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it was deliberate and for that very reason hee hee

Matt talks about it on the show

When Matt saw the title he said to me "You fucker" Hahaha

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Ah haha! Just listened - awesome podcast! Nice way to get ambulance drivers to click on it and listen too 😄 I shall send it to my pal 😅

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Jonathan Pie v Matt , I reckon Matt would take him!

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What a great hilarious cheering laugh! Nothing so fun or funny as the truth!

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I’m a new subscriber. Nursing a newborn, my first, he’s a month old and I am overjoyed with the hours of content available 24/7!! for those antisocial feeding hours! TBH I was looking into childhood vaccinations so came across you through that. I obvs didn’t have reason to delve into that specifically until now. I always questioned the COVID vax shots and was called crazy by so many. I managed a restaurant and my life was made pretty difficult as a non vaxxed person, but no way was I giving up my own choices and intuition. So many friends, prior to their appointments literally said they felt uneasy about it all and then walked into their appointments and got the vaccinations!! I was like, what are you actually doing?! Anyway, there’s a bunch of common sense, back-to-simple life folk living here on Isle of Skye, Scotland. Slightly off topics but we are getting inundated with corporate wind farm applications here which will change the face of our beautiful island destroy nature in the name of profit and greed. I’ve been campaigning and it’s a hell of a slog as Joe Public so brainwashed that wind turbines are so ‘green’. It’s so similar to pharmaceutical industry. The world is pretty fracked. Anyway, you are amazing. I appreciate all your work 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

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