
Thank you so much, dear Ahmad, for this inspiring conversation; your courageous pursuit of truth and defense of the innocent; your unflagging integrity; and your beautiful friendship. I am grateful to Mike Yeadon for introducing us and feel like I have gained a brother 🤗

As I told you privately, you are an extraordinarily gifted interviewer. I know how much you miss being a surgeon, but you clearly have found your calling as a podcaster, and you are helping far more people than is physically possible to do on a one-to-one basis. Different type of help but perhaps more important at this particular moment in history.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 16Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Dr. Malik-

I am a new paid subscriber, a red pilled Nana, 62 years old, now in school to become a Traditional Naturopath.

What am I thinking? lol.

I was a dietetics major in college. Finished a degree in communication but ran out of $$ to finish the dietetics degree. Regrets, I only had one year left. But, considering the state of healthcare, I should be happy I avoided the vaccine vortex!

You might love meeting Dr. Michael Gaeta. A nutritionist from the USA. He has a mind blowing interview with Dr. McCullough (on his Substack) regarding treating hypertension with food and herbs. He successfully treats the people that no one else can/will help….almost always without drugs! His motto- Nature First Drugs Last.

This is our future. A reason to hope.

Thank you for all you do to encourage people like me!

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Jun 14Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

What a treat to hear a conversation between two of my favorite happy warriors. Thank you both for your consistent integrity in explaining the truth.

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Thank you so much for warm words and enthusiastic support, which make me Super Happy!

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Jun 15Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Listening to this interview I am reminded of truly brave people like Sophie Scholl and others who made the ultimate sacrifice.

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Wow, Gary. That means a tremendous amount to me considering how deeply I respect Sophie and Hans Scholl as well as the White Rose, who/which have made repeated appearances in my work:




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Jun 15Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Yes, I totally agree about having the utmost respect for these brave souls. I mean how could you not unless you were not of sound mind or possessed. I forgot to mention the tragic deaths of Otto and Elise Hampel after reading Alone in Berlin by Hans Fallada.

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Thank you for highlighting the Hampels and alerting me to that book, Gary, which I discovered Audible offers members for free. I've added it to my library of 2,686 titles—yet more for my todo list 😆

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Jun 16Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I too have a growing collection of unread books but I'm not in your league. Your library sounds very impressive. It seems inconceivable that there was a time when ordinary folk had hardly any access to books. How on earth did they stimulate their minds and yet we're led to believe the modern day human brain is relatively smaller. I definitely think things like calculators, predictive text and satnav are making us dumber. Our throw away society is not helping either. Whereas we used to fix things and 'mend-and-make-do' we now just replace them. Sometimes I feel like Elsa the lioness from Born Free. If I was released into the wild from captivity I wouldn't last five minutes.

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That’s just my Audible library—I couldn’t possibly calculate the number of physical books, Kindle books, Everand/Scrib’d books, archive.org books, and PDF books I’ve collected over the years. I would need at least a hundred thousand lifetimes to get through them all.

I fear your assessment of the DEVO of the human mind is spot on, and it will only get exponentially worse with the growing dependency on AI. Michael Nehls discusses this in “The Indoctrinated Brain,” which I’m listening to right now—fascinating yet disturbing analysis.

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Jun 15Liked by Margaret Anna Alice, Doc Malik

What a fantastic chat. I'd heard Tess Lawrie read "Mistakes ..." and you read "Kapos" but hadn't come across Margaret before - thank goodness for people like her who are so diligent in their research and can distil the info and pass it on in such a great way - and for you to pass it on in such an entertaining way. And I thought I had a lot of tabs open!

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So glad you enjoyed it, Sharon. Thank you for your thoughtful response, and I am delighted to welcome you as a new reader!

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Jun 15Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

About to listen. I am very happy to see you wearing the blue blocking glasses. Very important for a podcaster looking at screens. I hope that you can open your studio windows and enjoy loads of outside time now that it is summer. :)

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Jun 15Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

That was a super fun listen. Thanks, Doc and MAA!

I wrote a piece a couple of years ago (The Jeopardy of Indifference), and I will dust it up after listening to you two. I got thinking about indifference again and how it makes me nuts. I have a lot more to add/say!

You two are good eggs, so keep doing what you do!!

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Aww, thank you so much, KatWarrior, and I look forward to seeing that piece!

BTW, I referenced you and your son in the part where I was talking about Mistakes Were NOT Made shirts ICYMI :-)

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Jun 20Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Loved the interview of two beautiful souls and it was so nice to see you again!

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Aww, thank you so much, Meredith—you were there with us in spirit, as you likely noticed! 💗

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Jun 20Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I did hear that! ❤️

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Jun 17Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Truly an “emboldening” discussion from two rare truthers. Thank you for helping to empower us 😎

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Jun 17Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

What a lovely conversation - flowed so naturally. And thank you Margaret for reading out your poems ❤️ When you mentioned about the gorilla and ball video it took me back to a speed awareness course I attended 20 years ago! I was one of a couple in a class of about 20 that saw the gorilla - I was in disbelief then that the majority didn’t see it - I understand it now 😉

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Happy to hear you enjoyed it as much as Ahmad and I did!

How fascinating to hear your experience of the gorilla test—you possess unusually sharp observational skills, Briony! No wonder you saw through the COVID lies :-)

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Jun 16Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I loved this conversation , Margaret’s writings are absolutely amazing ❤️relationships of the heart are happening with you Ahmad.

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Thank you so much for this heartfelt note, Bobbie! 💓 I am so grateful to have you as a reader 🤗

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Jun 16Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thank you for taking the time to respond. I was going to get to you after reading a few more things you’ve written, next on my list of things to do today. I think I gained a pretty good courageous muscle during my rock climbing years in my early 20’s (nearly 50 years ago). During the Obama years, I wanted to avoid getting on their radar screen and took a low profile. During this latest coup, I became very outspoken, recognized Covid as a Totalitarian tool, watched in disgust the videos during J6 on J6 but at the same time watched police escorting tourists into the building, saw the shooting of Ashly live wondering why this officer was shooting into a crowd where other officers had been moments earlier. I’ve been hard hitting and outspoken since and waiting for the gestapo to come pounding on my door. Also telling my friends if I suddenly die of a heart attack to please look for puncture wounds. What is going on today is disgusting but because of talented brave people like you we are gaining momentum the world over.

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Rock-climbing was good training for the daunting challenges we face today, and thank you for speaking out!

That is so gracious of you to take the time to read my work, MissLadyK. Since courage is the theme of the day, here are some pieces reflecting on that topic:

• “Hard Lessons (Video) + What Is the Alchemy of Moral Courage?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/hard-lessons-video-what-is-the-alchemy)

• “Against Defeatism: The Apocaloptimist Manifesto” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/against-defeatism-the-apocaloptimist)

• “Letter to a Mainstream Straddler” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-mainstream-straddler)

• “Ode to a Whistleblower” [poem + video] (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/ode-to-a-whistleblower-video-tribute)

• “You Cannot Break Us” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/you-cannot-break-us)

• “Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling)

• “Memes by Themes #10: Courage” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/memes-by-themes-10-courage)

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Jun 16Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

I’m a subscriber and will be reading as much as possible written by such a talent as you. Thank you for the list. I will be reading these first. You’re a joy to read; witty, poetic, original and succinct.

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Thank you for your buoying words, MissLadyK, and to courage! 💪

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Jun 16Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Just spent my Sunday morning listening to this amazing conversation. I feel a kindred spirit with you guys. I was a coward during the Obama years. My friends and business associates were getting audited by the IRS. It was so difficult, at that time, to get the word out and my thoughts and actions were looked upon as a bit crazy and out there. My warnings sounding bizarre my writings filed away in safes! Today, those thoughts and written words were mild compared to what’s needed to be said and actions taken today and yet still people are filing what they are beginning to see as true away for future whatevers while others have taken on the characteristics of a hammer and see everything as a nail. Courage is important and it is a muscle that needs exercising every day. While others need to take a breath and stop hammering at every nail. Love to you and your family. Your little girl has an amazing voice. I could listen to her read children’s books for hours. Maybe a podcast is in her future. Happy Father’s Day.

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What a moving note, MissLadyK, and I wholly agree that courage is a muscle in need of daily exercise!

Please don’t think of yourself as having been a coward. At least you didn’t vote for Obama like I did 😂 (let’s just say I’ve done a lot of waking up since then, as I describe in this piece: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/my-two-year-stackiversary-lattice) The fact that you sensed what was underway as far back as that is a testament to your intuition. You’re way ahead of most people and can help light the way.

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Jun 16Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Thanks for that. I've just checked out Michael Nehls' book and am tempted. £15 on ebay. Should I?, shouldn't I?.

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It's packed with illuminating explorations of neuroscience, psychological studies, and audacious hypotheses, so it's definitely worth the read. You may be able to find it at a more affordable price elsewhere, but I think you will find it worth your investment.

I am thinking about starting a new series for paid subscribers where I share relevant excerpts from books I'm reading and may start with this one. I will also be interviewing Michael for Dissident Dialogues, but you may not want to wait for me given how behind I am on all my todos :-)

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Jun 16Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

If it's as good a listen as your discussion with Ahmad was then it'll be well worth the wait. And I think your book excerpts idea is definitely worth pursuing. I like anything that cuts-to-the chase so bring it on!.

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Thank you, Gary! I wish I had started the book excerpts idea ages ago because I could have been referencing them for articles all along! I kind of did that with “They Thought They Were Free” in my first Recommendations Roundup (which I discontinued after the Down Under edition nearly killed me: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/recommendations-roundup-2-down-under-41b) and have drawn quotes from that numerous times since:


My Dissident Dialogues are actually in written format. I am preparing to publish the conclusion of Meredith Miller’s riveting, perception-shifting interview, which starts here:


Hers is unusually long—we basically wound up co-writing a book together 😆 For some shorter (but not short!) examples, see my Dissident Dialogues with CJ Hopkins and Naomi Wolf:



I have been considering starting a podcast version, but that’s quite a ways away given my current commitments. I do like written form, though, because it enables me to include my characteristic hyperlinks and embedded media to give readers a multilayered experience and evergreen source they can return to as desired.

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Jun 15Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Dear Ahmad and Margaret Anna, Gratitude and love to you both, for putting your hearts, minds, and spirits into this necessary work during these tragic and interesting times - and for sharing it with us all. In my limited time for research, considering just how much there is to read, listen to, and research these days, I prioritize the essential writings and podcasts that both of you create. I resonate with you two so much, so this interview was such a joy to listen to. I have much appreciation for you and for the integrity, honesty, wisdom, and courage that you both embody... You two certainly help make the optimist part of being an apocaloptimist possible. Thanks to Mike Yeadon, also, for also embodying these qualities, and for introducing Ahmad and MAA to each other, for the benefit of so many.

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Thank you for your exquisitely tender heart, coruscating mind, brave soul, and treasured friendship, Zen 💓

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Jun 15Liked by Margaret Anna Alice

Geez! I forgot to thank you! I hate when I forget important stuff!

I, too wear provocative shirts and hats just to see what sort of reaction I get. Likely because I notice little details like clothing, colours, patterns, etc.

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Haha, not to worry KatWarrior—and I love how brave you are about starting conversations with strangers!

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