Jun 15Liked by Doc Malik

Anna is a true warrior and I saw videos of her on the streets back in the times of madness and she was a beacon of hope from the legal world then I came across you - a beacon of hope in the medical world. What a great chat - hearing the two of you gives us all hope. The background to our laws that Anna gave is fantastic - we all need to learn more and make sure the frackers don't get away with anything. I sincerely hope Anna beats her cancer - and also the A holes responsible for what's going on.

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Jun 13Liked by Doc Malik

Amazing lady and a great interview, thank you.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by Doc Malik

Hey Doc, why did you feel "patriotic" to join the military after 9/11? As an American, I can't understand why a guy from the UK would feel patriotic... I'm really curious as to how that feeling was instilled in you. For us, we were lighting candles and listening to that country western song about boots up asses... We (the still retarded and brainwashed), were horrified by what the "terrorists" did. Most of us didn't see the lies right off. That included me.

My neighbor in his 80's wants to join the military to kill Putin. What made him think this way? His generation was really conditioned to hate Russia & China. My Dad used to call them, "Pinko Commies". I think he got this from the TV Show "All In The Family" and I'm sure similar and layered rhetoric hidden in all of our everyday "entertainment"

This is the kind of thing we need to look deeply at. We were sold lie upon lie in multiple layers so that we couldn't see reality. As we wade our way out of that swamp, we need to be careful we don't fall into the quicksand of the next propaganda narrative that's been deluding us all along.

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So most of my family is in the US, I would say 90% and of those 70% are in NY.

For a couple of months, I actually believed it was a bunch of crazy fundamentalist Muslims who hated the West who were behind 9/11. Being a Muslim at the time I was ashamed and embarrassed. I have never identified as anything but British, and I had more affinity culturally with the US than any Muslim country. I wanted to demonstrate that the so-called terrorists didn't represent the vast majority of Muslims like me. And that my loyalties were always to Britain. It was later that I discovered that 9/11 was a crock of shit, that the Muslim terrorists were creations of Western intelligence agencies and that it was our so-called leaders and intelligence agencies that were behind most wars, dictators and crises in the middle east. it was the start of my awakening, and it was painful.

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Jun 16Liked by Doc Malik

Thanks for the reply. I, having dated a Muslim Lebanese guy in college, know full well Muslims are good people. I immediately worried about Mazen and his friends we used to hang out with. There was an adorable Palestinian guy I liked quite a bit too. I'll always wonder what happened to him in life. He had the biggest grin and was just as warm and funny as the day is long. Why I didn't see the lies right off is beyond me. I guess I, like you, thought it was just crazy extremists.

All of this awakening is made more painful by having so many around you still sleep. Thanks for the great interview! <3

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Jun 13Liked by Doc Malik

That chicken I spied through the curtains.... AWESOME! lol And I too had a couple of mallards at my last house that would visit seasonally. They knew we had cracked corn and they'd knock on our sliding glass door telling us it was time to feed them. We named them Fred and Ethel.

Wildlife is AWESOME! ALL OF IT! What a world we live in!

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hee hee!

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by Doc Malik

Hey Doc, it took me a minute to find the link to her fundraiser which then didn't work for me from the US. :-( Is there a link to another way to fund her other than Give Send Go?

This was a great interview and a topic I've been trying to wrap my head around myself. Still have a lot to learn here in the US. It seems there are far too few attorneys like her and far too many who are afraid of the "Bar Association" in the US. I know of one attorney in my state I might trust and he's fairly busy with his activist friend going after our WEF governor and his attorney general stooge (not capitalized for a reason). She's a rare gem (kind of like you)! I was so glad to hear she's seeking "alternative care". I'd help her in a heartbeat. I don't have a whole lot left to draw from but we must support those fighting in the areas that need more soldiers. This is certainly one of those!

Love to you and to Anna!

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Jun 13Liked by Doc Malik

It's on Anna's Twitter profile. https://ko-fi.com/annadebuisseret

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Jun 13Liked by Doc Malik

Thank you! I don't do Twitter but was able to use your link to make a donation!!! SWEEEET!

Blessings, friend!

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Jun 13Liked by Doc Malik

I’ve loved and admired Anna from the very beginning when she went into battle against the ridiculous mask mandates. Her template letters helped many, I’m sure. Our paths crossed on a London demo - such a lovely human being.

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Jun 13Liked by Doc Malik

Excellent, especially the chicken rave 😄😄🤩🤩

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Anna's dog got them properly excited, poor chickens!

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Jun 13·edited Jun 14Liked by Doc Malik

Fabulous chat, Ahmad. You're knocking them out of the park with some of your guests.

Magna Carta 1215 (and/or 1216,1217 and 1225 amendments) vs Magna Carta 1297 will be a bone of contention. Was King John forced at knife or sword-point? What are the sources for that? He was certainly threatened by the barons with a war if he did not accede. Perhaps you should have Will Keyte on to discuss it. See the website he curates https://www.commonlawconstitution.org

Or, better still, invite them both together to have a three-way discussion once they've got ducks in a row.

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Anna would be up for that!

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Jun 12Liked by Doc Malik

Anna is such an amazing woman - beautiful, kind, clever... have loved listening to her for several years now... and wish her well for the future. This was an incredible podcast, thank you both!

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Jun 12Liked by Doc Malik

That was totally awesome! I never knew about Anna before. (I chucked her some money - not entirely sure yet that it got through - and I suggest that others might do the same.)

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Jun 12Liked by Doc Malik

Who is the lady in the interview?

There is nothing in the podcast title, introduction or text to say who she is.

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About this episode -

Anna de Buisserat is a lawyer, activist and freedom fighter. Anna is a senior employment lawyer specialising in discrimination law, disability discrimination, mental health discrimination, and human rights.

Anna has devoted the past four years of her life to the people for the people, as many others have too. A veteran, senior lawyer, and most of all a woman of heart, courage, moral integrity, grit, and determination, she has defended people's rights and stood up for freedom.

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Yes, thank you, I have seen her before in the lockdown freedom marches, but couldn't remember her name. Very much appreciate her activism and hope she recovers from her illness.

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Jun 13Liked by Doc Malik

There is a small introduction beneath the video above. This is from her Twitter - "I am a senior Employment lawyer specialising in discrimination law, disability discrimination inc. mental health discrimination and human rights"

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Riveting interview! Thanks a lot! xx

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thank you x

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Anna, I cant Give Send Go perhaps due to my locality, I was able to pray though - I’d like to send a bank transfer - I also looked to see if I could find you on Sandhurst Sisterhood.

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It's the Solicitors Regulatory Authority receiving funding from the WEF. https://twitter.com/EthicalApproach/status/1749216348754817493

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About to settle down to listen...I see Magna Carta will be mentioned, a Constitution Lawyer has written this interesting article on whether it is still valid and who it applied to - https://davidallengreen.com/2020/11/the-truth-about-article-61-of-magna-carta/

Another article on the validity of the Covid Regulations, which arguably should not have been made under the Public Health Act and therefore any fine could have been defended on that basis and brought down the whole lot. https://davidallengreen.com/2020/04/ultra-virus-the-constitutionality-and-legality-of-the-coronavirus-regulations/ and also the case law on the subject https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld199798/ldjudgmt/jd980402/bodd01.htm

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