Jun 5Liked by Doc Malik

As a pensioner in my 70s I'm part way through listening in horrified fascination and am full of admiration for Jacqui Devoy and her investigative journalism. I've just got to the bit about opting out of organ donation. I've tried to do this online several times hoping for some sort of acknowledgement, but NOTHING. So, have I opted out? Or not? Surely I should get some sort of response if only by email?

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Jun 5Liked by Doc Malik

OMG I cried listening to Jacqui talking about what happened to her dad ..... so sad. I've admired what she's been doing and for making the 2 films but have even more admiration for her having heard her talk about her journey. I sincerely hope the people who think they are above God have to answer to Him at some point and that the bereaved also get justice in this world. So much evil.

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It's very easy to be judgmental about 'dumping' elderly in care homes if you've not found yourself in that position. When my dad got vascular dementia at just 67 years old, my mother looked after him herself (with help from her family, but SHE lived with him) for 3 years whilst he went spectacularly downhill. He was bigger and stronger than her and she had to lock the front door to stop him.going out in the street every hour of the day. He was like a huge toddler, which is impossible for a person to deal with, even with so-called home help, and help from family. Eventually, he went into a home because it was literally impossible. It was the hardest time of our lives. But my dad was visibly happy in the home! He couldn't speak but he smiled and laughed, and loved the carers, whom.we knew by name. They were lovely. My mum coped way beyond what was good for her. I agree it's not ideal at all but I don't think people such as my mum, who tried so hard, to the detriment of their own wellbeing, and without complaint (!) should be judged as having just dumped their relative in a home.

Having said that, Jacqui's story is utterly shocking and I have every sympathy for her and her family. There are definitely issues within the system, and I absolutely believe shocking things go on.

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Oops, I should also have said, it wasn't even my mum who put him in a home. He had an accident out walking with her, ended up in hospital for 6 weeks during which time Social Services decided he couldn't go home (which is another issue! Luckily in this case it made sense). My mum was so traumatised by the whole thing. It was truly hideous.

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My husband is 65 and is going downhill fast as well. We no longer "do" doctors so we have no diagnosis but we know... His mother had it. My mother had it. His sister was diagnosed at 60 with early onset dementia and was given a 4 year prognosis. I see what's coming and I know I don't have it in me to take care of everything for him as much as I want to. I will not willingly put him in a home but may be forced to because I literally will have zero help from family/friends. There's no one here. It's just the two of us.

I'm so sorry for your Mom and Dad and you having gone through this nightmare. This is not normal!!!

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I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine what it would be like if it were my partner

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Get him on Dr Exley’s Silica water protocol!

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I watched that interview and was excited about the silica water. Our spring water actually HAS silica in it. Unfortunately it also has aluminium. There isn't a good source for us to pick up Fiji water where we live. That would be our brand of choice but bottled water in plastic doesn't seem to be the best option from where I sit. We've done better maintaining his brain by using good, healthy fats and trying to keep his sugar to a minimum. We're definitely doing better than his sister who is taking experimental drugs from the "system".

I'm surprised Dr Exley said you can't make silica water. I keep thinking if you boil horsetail (high in silica), why doesn't it make the silicic acid?

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Jun 5Liked by Doc Malik

Great interview! (Should we be putting Harold Shipman and Lucy Letby in the same bracket? I'm not an expert, but it seemed to me that there were debatable aspects in the case of the latter. Any chance of an interview with Kate Shemirani?)

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check out episode 60 x

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Sorry, I'm having trouble finding that... maybe your earlier episodes are not numbered where I am looking.

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Oh, OK, thanks, I will look at that later! (I'm not sure how one reaches that from Doc's substack... I couldn't find it there.. ).

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

It pains me to say that I was too ill to help my parents when they needed me the most. I'd been destroyed mentally and physically by the medical system and was seriously non-functional. So they had my sister take care of details. This sister they always referred to as a liar. She took all the money from their accounts after Dad died. She paid for the care home but made sure I couldn't visit unless I had permission. My mother was my favorite person in the entire world. I loved her more than ANYONE! And I often couldn't even find her and was treated as a criminal when I did. It was insane and devastating. I'd ask the care home workers if anyone else visited my Mom. Nope! Just me! I watched that woman develop severe dementia and saw her struggling early on with the clear effects of medication induced akathisia (ask me how I knew that was what she was suffering from). She lost her ability to speak in the end. The last time I was ALLOWED to see her was before Christmas in 2019. She was miserable. I wanted to take her home with me. My husband wanted to get her out as well. She couldn't talk but she could point and smile. I wasn't allowed to see her again because I questioned her care. She died at the end of 2019. And, honestly, I'm glad she didn't have to suffer further with the COVID bullshit. She died with her soul intact (no jabs)..

There is no justice in our systems. Ever notice that every company now has a terms and conditions agreement that you must accept to be able to use their services and it often includes an arbitration clause (meaning you can't even sue)? I have no faith in our systems. I have contempt and a burning desire to see vigil ante justice as they've left us with no other choice..

I'm now watching my own husband disappear with early onset dementia. He just turned 65 and has been struggling for a number of years. I made him retire at 62 because I knew his job was dangerous and I didn't want him having to mask and be exposed to low oxygen levels that might further damage his declining mental capacity. I'm glad I did have him retire but he retired on the heels of a full knee replacement which I would take back in a heart beat. He's always in pain with that fracking knee. And the doctor who performed that surgery talked him into it all while I was trying to talk him out. I hear those replacements have parts that cause cancer. I no longer want to look into it because I can't saw off his damn leg. So I watch him and worry and we live in constant fear and stress. ALL OF THIS DUE TO OUR MEDICAL SYSTEM. I have no words.

They give dementia patients antipsychotics to keep them controllable. Those drugs damage brains!!!

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I'm listening to this podcast. I live in the US. We have an opt-in system for organ donation, but once one opts in it is a multi-step process to get off the organ donation list. I'm going through it right now. Brain death is a lie. I've recommended this video to you before; recommending it again. Warning, it is quite disturbing. I couldn't watch it in one sitting. Dr. Heidi Klessig would be a great interview.

"The Dark Side of Organ Harvesting" https://youtu.be/TuOoRSAxo94?si=dTkc7bSUJQ2dL7Kp

"The Brain Death Fallacy" https://a.co/d/eRpYwYT

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TRULY disturbing! I just had another conversation with my husband. Neither one of us, under any circumstance, want to go to a doctor or hospital at this point. I would rather die a painful death at home with my loved ones than have someone whack me up for profit while I'm terrified and in pain and have no ability to fight back. When, as a human race, are we going to find the balls to stand up and fight for the lives of our fellow man? WHEN?! I can't understand the families that didn't storm the hospitals when they knew their family members were being killed inside. When did it become OK to stand by and allow these systems violating the very basics of human rights because the murders were wearing white coats and were protected by BS laws and BS definitions of death?

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Doc, it is stories like this that really show the true face of the state. The carefully crafted propaganda they feed us from birth that the government looks out for us and helps the little guy against the big bad corporations or scary people from other countries or prejudice at home or whatever are shown for what they are. The truth is the big bad corporations run the state. If you haven’t read Murray Rothbard’s Anatomy of The State, you should.

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I'm a big fan of "Root Cause Analysis"... So in that light my question is this: "Why does it cost money to obtain justice?"

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Question - Is Hospice Care nothing more than euthanasia? I keep hearing from friends about their parents being given a H.A.M. sandwich.

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Another great interview.

I agree with you COMPLETELY about how our elders are treated. I believe this is more of a deep rooted problem among rich, western societies than the poorer ones mainly in the south/east. My father was Chinese and he always emphasized the importance of Family, particularly “blood”. You shall always take care and never betray your “blood”. Unfortunately this was lost on my brother but it has stayed strong with me. My mother was very sick for years but she stayed at home and we(my father and I) took care of her u til she died here at home. Then my father got sick and he and died at home as well. I can not imagine any other way. I am extremely close with my children and they live with me as well (my son now lives in my fathers downstairs apartment with his girlfriend and my daughter up here with me). The day will come when I need help and I know they won’t abandon me...we are “blood” I hope we can carry on with this sacred tradition regardless where these elite fuckers take us. Maybe, if we all had a modicum of responsibility towards each other we wouldn’t be in this fracking mess. With love to my fellow humans, Sirka❤️

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