RE: Niacin/niacinamide. Back in the 1980's there were no statins. A medical journalist with familial hypercholesterolaemia wrote a book outlining ways to lower your cholesterol. Oat bran flew off the shelves of the supermarkets. And people started taking high dose niacin. Do you really want to lower your cholesterol? If you would like a nice vasodilatory flush, just get more sun. Hypertension and cholesterol profiles improve with more sun. Raynaud's is increasingly considered to be autoimmune. That is another light story. Please let Daniel Price know that he is most likely blue light toxic and needs more natural light and less artificial light. He would benefit from learning more from Jack Kruse.
A topic which was potentially boring - turned out to be a very interesting, made all the more enjoyable by the relaxed disposition of Daniel, combined with the Malik humour I’ve come to know and love
Please can you share which book you mean from the 5 love languages collection - is it the secret to love that lasts?? Enjoyed the podcast as always 😁 if it doesn’t interest me I just stop listening, magic that 😂🙈
I bought some B3, the one that does flushing. On an empty stomach, the effects lasted almost 1h, and started inside an hour of ingesting l. Quite strong, red skin, hot flashes. Loved it!
Very many years ago I read a lot about niacin. That B3 was being used for people with schizophrenia to replace what they said was the lack of an enzyme in the brain that dealt with protein. Cannot remember the researcher/doctor’s name but think he wrote a book about it. I have always been interested in natural health and vitamins versus going to a doctor!
RE: Niacin/niacinamide. Back in the 1980's there were no statins. A medical journalist with familial hypercholesterolaemia wrote a book outlining ways to lower your cholesterol. Oat bran flew off the shelves of the supermarkets. And people started taking high dose niacin. Do you really want to lower your cholesterol? If you would like a nice vasodilatory flush, just get more sun. Hypertension and cholesterol profiles improve with more sun. Raynaud's is increasingly considered to be autoimmune. That is another light story. Please let Daniel Price know that he is most likely blue light toxic and needs more natural light and less artificial light. He would benefit from learning more from Jack Kruse.
A topic which was potentially boring - turned out to be a very interesting, made all the more enjoyable by the relaxed disposition of Daniel, combined with the Malik humour I’ve come to know and love
Please can you share which book you mean from the 5 love languages collection - is it the secret to love that lasts?? Enjoyed the podcast as always 😁 if it doesn’t interest me I just stop listening, magic that 😂🙈
I bought some B3, the one that does flushing. On an empty stomach, the effects lasted almost 1h, and started inside an hour of ingesting l. Quite strong, red skin, hot flashes. Loved it!
On a full stomach, almost no effect.
Unsure of the benefits.
Really enjoyed this one. More relaxed.
Hi everyone, I'm trying to find Daniel podcast about vitamin D3. Can you help?
Alright, I found the podcast :
Hello, did he mention which brand of d3 he takes? Thanks
Could not listen to him for long rambling on. What an awful speaker!
I'm quite good at listening, but this dude is all over the place. After 1.5 hours, I'm not even sure what to take and how much or why!
I'm interested in this because Daniel Prince said he resolved the Raynaud disease with Niacine. I have close people to me suffering from this.
Abram Hoffer wrote the book “Niacin the Real Story” in 2015, can be bought on Amazon.
Very many years ago I read a lot about niacin. That B3 was being used for people with schizophrenia to replace what they said was the lack of an enzyme in the brain that dealt with protein. Cannot remember the researcher/doctor’s name but think he wrote a book about it. I have always been interested in natural health and vitamins versus going to a doctor!