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#195 - What Have They Got In Store For Us Next? (June Livestream With Debi Evans)

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About this episode -

Debi is a former nurse with 35 years of experience and a journalist working with the UK Column. In this conversation, Debi talks about what might be over the horizon.

In her blog, Debi states -

"If you think you have seen it all over the last four years, you haven’t seen anything yet. ‘Convid’, as I have said many times, was a warm-up act. The ‘plandemic’ was a real-life experiment to see how we would react to lockups, masks, surveillance, orders, rules, and jabs. The pseudoscientists have been collecting, analysing, and manipulating data to suit their purpose, and to prepare for what’s to come. But what is to come? Many people insist that the public has woken up and that they will never fall for a stunt like ‘Convid’ again. I beg to differ. Whilst I do believe that most people won’t be taken in by a ‘vaccine’ or a ‘virus’ again, will they be taken in by something else?"

In this chat, we discuss antimicrobial resistance, emerging new and old diseases, and more.

The following has been taken directly from Debi’s blog on the UK Column site -

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

What if… instead of people getting sick from a ‘virus’, they got sick from a bacterial infection? What if… there was a ‘superbug’ for which there was no effective antibiotic? What if… all they had available was a new, experimental, ‘superantibiotic’ injection? What if… we the public were to be blamed for overuse of antibiotics? What if… GPs were told to not prescribe antibiotics?  What if… antibiotics as we know them disappear? I know there are a lot of ‘what ifs’, but I hope they have stirred your interest.

Most of our audience will know I am against most allopathic medicines, and I prefer a more natural, holistic approach. There have been times, however, when I probably would have been dead had it not been for antibiotics. My son certainly would have died without them. So, I am going to ask you to put yourself in my shoes back in 1995 just for a minute. A true story. My story. My son’s story.

It was the day after Boxing Day. It was so cold that my car lock had iced up. Overnight, very rapidly and with no warning, my precious 3-week-old son suddenly became extremely unwell. He was floppy, pale, and unresponsive. He resembled a washed-out rag doll.  An emergency ambulance arrived in a couple of minutes. I sat in the ambulance with my heart racing as I watched a paramedic trying to take vital signs on a baby who looked dead. On arrival, my baby was thrown from the ambulance to a paediatrician who ran into the resuscitation department, whilst a paramedic helped me out of the ambulance. I was stunned, terrified, and in shock. The reality of the seriousness and gravity of the emergency was starting to set in. I watched helplessly as a team worked on my baby, clueless as to what was wrong. My worst fears: will he die? Is he even still alive? The urgency and concern were palpable. The room spun, but life appeared to stand still. I stood at the back of the room watching, feeling powerless and invisible. I had never felt so alone in my life. I would have given anything to make him better and for the nightmare to stop.  Anything.  

By the grace of God, a young doctor thought to give my son emergency intravenous antibiotics as a prophylactic measure. In that moment, although he didn’t know it, he saved my son’s life. I never found out who he was so I could thank him, but he will never be forgotten. A month later, and after what seemed like hundreds of tests, my son was discharged with a diagnosis of meningococcal septicaemia. Thankfully, he still had all his limbs, and he was still alive. We were told he had suffered a serious brain injury, and that we wouldn’t know the effects until he was older. Whilst the path has been far from smooth since, he is now a proud dad of one son with another baby on the way. The NHS saved his life. 

Once upon a time, the NHS did work, it did care, and it did save lives.

In 2024, it has changed beyond recognition. Today’s youngsters don’t know what us oldies know, but what if a new parent now were in the same position as I was in 1995? What if doctors told the parent that the only option to save the baby’s life was to give him or her a novel experimental antimicrobial injection, because traditional antibiotics won’t work? Most parents would consent, of course. Even if you didn’t want to consent, you would never be allowed to take your baby home to try alternatives. How do young parents know what is being given to their babies, no matter how dangerous it may be, or what the short- and long-term effects may be? They don’t. And the situation could be so grave, they may never have time to find out. 

Not only do we believe AMR to be the next big psychological operation, but we also believe that there would appear to be far more to this story than meets the eye. The public have been made to believe that we will shortly be living in times where we will be told the familiar belt and braces approach to antibiotics won’t work. We the public are being blamed for wanting too many of them, and it seems more people are being told they are allergic to them when they have never been allergic to them. We have seen evidence of patients experiencing anaphylaxis episodes after antibiotic administration during surgery, whilst still under anaesthetic. They are told that for the rest of their lives, they should consider themselves allergic to antibiotics. We have also seen evidence of consultant anaesthetists conducting investigations into antibiotic allergies whilst ignoring serious adverse reactions to mRNA. It makes no sense.

What if… other medicines were contraindicated when used with mRNA? What if… anaesthetics and mRNA are contraindicated? What if… antibiotics are being produced that are less effective to ram home the message to the public that they don’t work?

There are a few things we do know for certain:

  1. AMR is amongst the 10 top emerging global threats as declared by the World Health Organization.

  2. Citizens will be asked to pledge their support and become Antibiotic Guardians. Guardians will be appointed to encourage others to make antibiotic pledges to the UKHSA.

  3. GPs will be discouraged/banned from prescribing ‘old school’ antibiotics and will use Artificial Intelligence to reduce usage.

  4. It appears antibiotics may be blamed for anaphylaxis episodes (we have seen evidence from a member of the public to suggest this is happening in hospitals in the South West) and vaccine injuries will be ignored.

  5. The United Nations are holding a special summit on AMR in September. At this time, CHAIN will be launched, which will ‘drive the behaviour changes needed to tackle the spread of drug-resistant microbes known as antimicrobial resistance’.

  6. WHO have announced new tools to be used in behavioural insights for AMR: Tailoring Antimicrobial Resistance Programmes (TAP).

  7. Yes, of course, Bill Gates is involved. He’s been funding it, too.

The AMR narrative is starting to ramp up. AMR lapel pins will soon be worn with pride by those keen to virtue signal that they are compliant. Those of us without badges will be deemed deviants. Does that sound familiar? Are you going to become an Antibiotic Guardian?

I hope you enjoy the episode.

Much love

Ahmad x

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And oh yeah thank you for the coffee folks x

I hope you enjoy this episode.


Much love Ahmad

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